Thu 9 May 2013 3:58AM

Save Poddery.com campaign

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 56

When we heard poddery.com was going to shut down, some of us wanted to continue running it. We have been working on a fund raising campaign and we are close to launching it. I would like all of you to join this campaign.

  1. Can you help us make this text better https://etherpad.mozilla.org/UMG0qXDnmI
  2. Feedback on http://savepoddery.com/
  3. Feedback on promo video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Db3M9XeLbDc

Also looking forward to everyone's support for this campaign.


Pirate Praveen Wed 15 May 2013 5:45AM

@rasmusfuhse thanks! At this moment we would like help with the content of the campaign, the campaign text, video, website etc. I have given links to the drafts in the description. Once we launch fund raising campaign on indiegogo.com, any kind of publicity would help, posting on blogs, social network shares, hosting events etc.


Rasmus Fuhse Wed 15 May 2013 7:45AM

Alright, I started editing some things. I tried to underline that diversity is important to the idea behind diaspora.


goob Sat 1 Jun 2013 10:27PM

@praveenarimbrathod It looks as though you got poddery going again, which is great news.


Pirate Praveen Sat 1 Jun 2013 10:49PM

@goob we got poddery.com running on latest code and we fixed a major issue of no photo uploads.

But as scheduled Joe Bivins would stop maintaining this pod after June 30. We'll need to raise funds to buy a good hosting from July 1st.

I'm optimistic of raising enough funds to keep it running for next 3 years. This campaign has already energized the community in India. We already have 28 people in the campaign team. Hoping to take diaspora further though this campaign as every one asks us about diaspora when we talk about saving poddery.com. Come to #fosscommunity.in on freenode sometime and chat with us. Many people have been asking us even before the campaign launch about what we are trying to do and understanding how diaspora works. Many have promised to take the campaign to their friends and campuses. Looking forward to a festive month of celebrations for the diaspora community all over the world.

Checkout http://savepoddery.com/ and suggest any improvements.


Pirate Praveen Sun 9 Jun 2013 7:19PM

Campaign is live now, help spread the word!