EXPENSE - making a stake in Web Architects to get access to git.coop

A place to discuss the conclusion to the decision about how much to invest in git.coop .
Robert Benjamin Tue 19 Jun 2018 10:09PM
So this is fantastic. I'm sure we others will have some suggestions on the specifics but what I would love to see and think would be most helpful would be get the Tech Admin Ops Team Formation proposal passed and at least the coordinators volunteering and being voted in so that they could be empowered to do a lot of the the organization's behalf. Also there would most likely be a shared Tech Admin (maybe email) handle that all this could go through so as maintain the correspondence for future coordinators to refer to if need be.
Barring @mayel or @victormatekole getting back to you on your list in the next few days is there something specific that the proposal needs to include to move forward?
For those that didn't see it there is feedback poll for the proposal to form the Interim Tech Admin Ops team live right now. https://www.loomio.org/p/Cg05DEfZ/feedback-for-the-formation-of-the-initial-interim-tech-admin-ops-team-

Nick S Tue 19 Jun 2018 10:21PM
is there something specific that the proposal needs to include to move forward?
Just to be clear, which proposal do you mean, a) the git.coop proposal, or b) the one to form the interim ops team?
If a) then all the above questions answered, no objections, and money forthcoming :)
If b) then nothing specific I can think of, although obviously I think people will be much happier to volunteer for well-defined roles with some idea of the time and skills required, rather than a "just sort everything that comes up until you burn out" kind of role. :thinking: Which is what makes sysadmins such notoriously prickly, but also hard to replace, individuals :)
Robert Benjamin Tue 19 Jun 2018 10:49PM
In was in reference to b) the draft proposal. Agreed on the well-defined roles though I would be looking at the Coordinators to (given the proposal passes) to get us there. You have already done a tremendous amount in this area with the recent proposals and my hope is that you volunteer and are voted in as one of the coordinators - with the other interim coordinator most helpfully being @victormatekole or @mayel to help the transition. If not then hopefully they would be stay on as part of the overall Tech Ops team or just make some training time available.

Nick S Fri 22 Jun 2018 12:25PM
Bump! Can anyone answer any of the questions listed?
If I don't hear I'll have to escalate to the main list, or seek out and ask people directly.
Robert Benjamin Fri 22 Jun 2018 5:42PM
@ntnsndr is the acting Treasurer who approves the final transaction part of the process. @mattnoyes is Social.Coop's IoC representative. Maybe they can weigh in on some of your questions above. cc @matthewcropp

Matt Noyes Fri 22 Jun 2018 6:00PM
My two cents (on top of the 100 pounds):
Name of applicant: Social.coop
Contact name: if there is no objection, why not Nick S for six months, subject to renewal/recall?
Address: I don't know - @ntnsndr ?
Telephone number: I don't know
Email address: we may have one -- @matthewcropp ? @ntnsndr ? [If we need a new one, let's not use gmail...]
Signature, name and date: [@ntnsndr treasurer makes sense]
Amount: £100 to purchase 100 shares (whatever this translates to in, I assume, US dollars at the time of transfer)
Membership type: "user" - I don't think we want investor shares
Rules: @thomasbeckett ? I've scanned these, and the full rules, they seem acceptable to me, but I Am Not A Lawyer, please can other people check this too and leave some feedback. Section 2.4 is where it says we need a representative.
Agree to be contacted: of course (via the official email)

Nick S Sun 24 Jun 2018 8:39PM
Thanks for this.

Nathan Schneider Fri 29 Jun 2018 5:23PM
Sorry to be MIA. So, the payment happens through Open Collective. We could have git.coop just submit an invoice directly to our OpenCollective page, and I can approve that, or else one of us can pay for it and request reimbursement.
For the email address, we can use mine, or yours. But I think it would be best to have a generic social.coop email address that one of us (at least) is checking. Is that possible? That would be better for continuity.
We don't have a physical address.

Nick S Fri 29 Jun 2018 8:18PM
Thanks. I'm not sure who can sign it on behalf of the coop - can either of us do that or does it need to be you?
I'm not sure if we can create email aliases yet or not - our domain's MX goes to some third party, I'll have to ask our admins.
Nick S · Tue 19 Jun 2018 9:22PM
The proposal to join Web Architects in order to get access to git.coop has passed, and the decision was to buy the suggested 100 shares (£100).
If anyone thinks we missed anything or has anything else to add, please speak up! Thanks :)
If anyone feels better qualified to perform the next steps, please also speak up!
Assuming there are no objections, my proposed next steps would be to email Web Architects, to announce our intent to join and clarify what "whitelisting" means in our context. (As I said elsewhere, I suspect it's a convenience rather than a requirement.)
Joining, according to the git.coop front page requires filling out this PDF and sending them a copy (by email), then they will invoice us (or, Open Collective).
Info we need to supply on the PDF form:
- select the membership type: user or investor
- agree to the rules of membership
- agree to being contacted by email
Which poses some open questions:
(Italics for emphasis of the actual questions.)
- name of applicant: Who? Is this social.coop, or IoC or something else?
- contact name: I think this needs to be a representative (representatives?) for social.coop within the Web Architects organisation. Who shall I put? (I think we should pick someone provisional initially, possibly, but not necessarily me, then revise it later according to consensus.)
- address: What should I put here?
- telephone number: I would guess either I can leave this blank, or add the contact(s) numbers if they supply them
- email address: this is the most important contact method, so do we have a long-lived official email address we can use here?
- signature, name and date: can I sign it on behalf of social.coop? I would guess not, but who can sign?
- amount: £100 to purchase 100 shares (whatever this translates to in, I assume, US dollars at the time of transfer)
- membership type: "user" - I don't think we want investor shares
- rules: I've scanned these, and the full rules, they seem acceptable to me, but I Am Not A Lawyer, please can other people check this too and leave some feedback. Section 2.4 is where it says we need a representative.
- agree to be contacted: of course (via the official email)
And in the social.coop bylaws for expenses, it seems we've done steps 1 and 2, steps 3/4/5 merge into one (right?), and then it's up to Open Collective to handle the payment, which takes up to two weeks. Phew.
I shall summarise any conclusions in the thread overview.