Loomio is a better way to organize d@w groups than Facebook
FB is this highly commercialized and non-specific/generic platform that to me is good for new information gathering/dissemination and news but not for what to do with that information after we have it. Posting tends to be more about idle curiosity than serious discussion that actually leads somewhere. I would like to put this forth as a discussion topic because I support migrating away from FB groups except for keeping up external appearances, disseminating information and recruiting. Loomio can be an adjunct to FB perhaps. I know I am going to move to get Phoenix group here for meeting administration. From what I see here with Loomio, a more serious and meaningful space is available which is obviously more geared for focused decision making and consensus. I think Loomio fits what d@w groups do internally more than FB. Nonetheless, information dissemination on FB is very valuable.

Betsy Avila Fri 14 Oct 2016 3:29PM
Thanks, @johnrhoads! This is really great feedback. One of our d@w-Groups has a subgroup here, I'll get one made for Phoenix right away so you can start inviting people and using the platform!
John Rhoads Sat 15 Oct 2016 7:42AM
Thank you! I want to make this work.
Poll Created Sat 15 Oct 2016 7:19AM
Let's use Loomio and Slack instead of FB for setting and implementing d@w group motions. Closed Sun 23 Oct 2016 7:01AM
I set this proposal to close after 10 days. Of the 26 total members, 69% of us were unable to vote on this. Of those that voted 87.5% agreed. I think the participation level needs to ramp-up in order to get a truer picture of things. Nonetheless, the system does work and is why I made the proposal to begin with. We just need to find some really important things to talk about and vote on which will motivate people to use this tool to help set agenda.
I propose we continue to use FB groups for information gathering and triage but start using Loomio for official agenda discussions and decisions. I'm not sure if it's too early to propose this since many members are not yet hooked into Loomio yet but will throw it out there anyway to give this system a chance function.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 87.5% | 7 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abstain | 12.5% | 1 |
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 78 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
8 of 86 people have participated (9%)
John Rhoads
Sat 15 Oct 2016 7:21AM
I want to go all in with this but still want to see how well it works for what d@w is meant to do.
Sean B Higgins
Sat 15 Oct 2016 8:01AM
I hAve never used FB .

Sat 15 Oct 2016 11:54AM
I'm mostly here to disrupt minds and offer alternative paths forward from models that look very different than what currently exists in the world today. Abstaining to see how others respond. Keep moving forward as you 'feel' is best. #LEARNthruTEST

David Brinovec
Sat 15 Oct 2016 12:06PM
I feel a little awkward voting on this as I have yet to really start participating. But I do like the idea of avoiding Facebook. Considering Loomio is developed by a co-op it seems to be a good fit.
Maria Mania
Sat 15 Oct 2016 6:20PM
I like this idea! This will help make us proficient and comfortable using Loomio
Nikhil Kulkarni
Sun 16 Oct 2016 12:01PM
Yes, to organize n take decisions - Loomio. To spread the word FB.
Joe · Fri 14 Oct 2016 1:07PM
Agree that FB is NOT the best platform for groups to co-create within. Loomio is a step forward in the right direction, but it too does not have all the necessary features to guarantee all groups will find success.
Allow me to intro my muxive tool and how it can improve any collaboration platform/tool like Loomio.
Muxive asks its participants to focus on creating prioritized importance lists. Any group will have any number of lists that tackle various issues important to the groups work. One of the lists is a to do list for the whole team. It's very fluid and dynamic in time - able to change at any moment in time. Everyone looks to this one list to learn what's happening right now.
What muxive does is combines the unique personal lists of each member into a single reference list.
What this means is every member has equal power to impact what the one reference list is - true equality within the group - no one leader.
The trick is assuring list items, we call muxits, are very simple, not duplicated and are interpreted as the same thing with all group members.
We feel this is the biggest problem in our world today - how complicated communication has become. That so much skew and misinfo and trickery is the go to these days. Instead of focusing on the truth and the real world facts - our world is instead focused on competition for perceived limited resources. But not just resources - also attention - as most everyone believes their understanding and beliefs are right.
Muxive allows every unique individual to be true to themselves - creating inner happiness. Having equal power within the list group also yields more inner happiness. But as its main objective, muxive automatically creates the single list that defines what the group is as a whole one entity. "This is who we are as one!"
The implications of this muxive solution are huge for democratic based governance. No longer do we need elected representatives or leaders of the group. Each member can now rep themselves.
But this does not alone solve the problem. There remains the engagement issue. The solution only works best if everyone participates. So how can participation be made easier and simpler? My solution here I call the gov-a which is short for governance avatar. Where every citizen of the world has their own virtual rep within digital collaboration systems and tools like muxive.
Your gov-a does 99.99% of all needed work for you with minimal "real-you" effort. You can think of your gov-a almost exactly the same way as you view your elected rep in today's model. When gov work is needed your gov-a automatically takes care of it when you are unavailable or too busy doing other activities your life demands.
Net result is you can have 100% engagement within all your important collaboration groups and all important lists without actually doing any additional work. But anytime you have the time you can personally engage and override an presets you have instructed your gov-a to deliver on your behalf. With 100% engagement you also find more inner happiness.
So the next challenge was minimizing the work it takes to give your gov-a instruction. Without getting into the details now, I figured out a solution that literally requires no effort - meaning anyone can put to work their gov-a with intuitive and logical default settings that almost anyone can accept as a starting place and be happy with these initial default settings.
A lot of new concepts here to chew on. Happy to answer any follow-up questions.
My goal here is only to demo how digital tools/systems, like FB and Loomio are key to bringing about positive improvement in our future world. New models built up from new tech should be where we are focusing our time in effort. We can smoothly transition into a better future world this way. I believe a key is to always build-in the happiness factor for all the unique individuals of our world.