Sat 28 Nov 2020 12:04AM
Covering Resonant Real-Time Events Not Covered Elsewhere

A space to identify world and UK events that are (i) deeply linked with the cooperative movement (ii) on which MIM writers can contribute to or (iii) that members can more broadly offer up contacts involved that can then be interviewed or asked to write pieces
Avi (Dr KBH) · Sat 28 Nov 2020 12:10AM
For example I do research in and have contacts in the landworker and land rights movement in the UK. Over the past few days a landmark mega strike of landworkers has taken hold in India with no coverage in UK media as of yet. I will be drafting an article about the worldwide peasant movement, the current expression of it in India right now, its relationship with the cooperativist movement in kerala, and what it means in the UK and the movement here. If any other members want to pitch in to writing/editing or offer more contacts please do :) I will then also use that article to then appeal to the NFU to make some show of solidarity with their fellow farmer unions in india