Wed 24 Jul 2013 8:42AM

Community anniversary

F Flaburgan Public Seen by 77

In one month (the 27th of August to be exact), the project will be run by the community for one year. I think it could be great to use this date to relaunch communication. At the moment, most articles in the web say bad news about diaspora: project dead, nothing new for years, abandoned by founders... Vice did a big and really complete article one year ago, it would be cool to re-contact them to update it to have a happier end.

If we could have the diasporafoundation.org website finished and polished, and a big new feature like "diaspora federation is available as a ruby gem, talk with diaspora directly with your application" by the end of August, it would be awesome.

We could make an announcement on the blog with a nice image, I'm sure this will be token by the whole media.

So, we need to:

  • Polish and complete the diasporafoundation website
  • Finish, package and test the federation gem (it doesn't need to be integrated to diaspora at the moment)
  • Prepare an announcement
  • Make nice images to do the buzz
  • Make a list of media we should contact

I think we should involved the diaspora* community: there is a lot of artists and web dev on diaspora we can contact to help us, at least with the images and maybe with the website.

We could post a message with diasporaHQ: "In one month, it's the first anniversary of the community run diaspora, we want to do the buzz, so every artist here, express yourself about it, make images, gifs, movies, everything you want, and prepare yourself to spread the word the 27th of August! We especially need a "banner" like to go with the official announcement. Post your proposition here and we will pick one!"

What do you think guys, are you ready to make this happens before the 27th of August?


See email and list of media here: http://piratepad.net/IOOTIYz2vi

German version here: http://pad.spored.de/p/Community_Geburtstag_-_Presse


Jason Robinson Sat 3 Aug 2013 8:51PM

English language media;

Some larger sites... Even one of these writing about the current situation would be good.

For those who have writers that can be "tipped" off a story or sent a request to write about Diaspora* we should send a message explaining the situation and proposing a look on the current situation. Of course those that are powered by guest writers we would need someone to actually write an article that we can submit.

I think we should at least formulate an email to send to any prospect sites asap and then we start with that - anyone just send to any sites they find, requesting some coverage of the situation.

Will try to help with this tomorrow.


goob Sun 4 Aug 2013 6:52PM

One thing which would be great to do is to set up dedicated development groups to work on certain key and major aspects of the software. I can think of:

  • Federation
  • Communication protocol (Tent etc)
  • Account migration
  • Installation packaging
  • and I'm sure there are others.

If we can establish this before the anniversary, we can put out a call for developers to help with one of these areas. We'd ask developers to commit to devoting a few hours per week to this task, which would really help to get these key things moving.

(I realise there has been a lot of work done on certain elements, for example Debian packaging, but there's a lot more to do on others.)

Actually, the Debian packaging group can be a model for how this can be done.

What we'd need to do now, I think, is:

  1. Establish which areas we need to set up dedicated groups for.
  2. Appoint a project co-ordinator for each one - someone who understands the issue fairly well and can co-ordinate the work of everyone in that group.

Once this is done, we can advertise for developers both in Diaspora itself and in any publicity we do for the anniversary.


Flaburgan Wed 7 Aug 2013 11:44AM

@goob this topic is more about communication, to choose this group, I think organize ourselves is a better place to discuss. It's a good idea to use the anniversary to find volunteers, but we don't need to explain precisely which group they can join in the main message.

At the moment, we need to prepare the buzz itself, so a blogpost, and graphic stuff to make people to be able to easily spread the word.


goob Wed 7 Aug 2013 2:11PM

@flaburgan I agree - I'm not suggesting to do all the organisation on this thread - but it's useful to come up with ideas what we can do for the community anniversary (which is what this topic is) so that we can then organise (on other threads, perhaps) and communicate these ideas!


goob Wed 7 Aug 2013 6:36PM

I've created a draft press release.

I know there's a lot wrong with it, but I've never tried to write a press release before. At least it can be a launching point for your ideas to create something good.

Please dive in and attack it viciously with your editing scissors. Let's get something really great together that we can send out to loads of media in advance of the anniversary!

@seantilleycommunit @jonnehass @florianstaudacher just to let you know I've mentioned you by name as you've been the three co-ordinators of the project and I think you deserve mention - please delete your name if you're not happy with this. Also if I've missed anyone out whose been equally central to the project over the past year, please add them.


Flaburgan Thu 8 Aug 2013 8:02AM

@goob (or maybe @seantilleycommunit ?) I saw the post from Dhq calling for art work. I created a wiki page about Branding (see the corresponding Loomio discussion), could you please include a link to it for the next message like that? (we need to improve it first, and precise a license for the images)


Sean Tilley Thu 8 Aug 2013 6:07PM

So, random idea: Making the most of a community anniversary, can we refer to August 27th as Diaspora Day?

We could make a bit of a push for some of our friends and colleagues to try out Diaspora on that day, and facilitate hooking up physical groups of people that all know each other in the acts of:
* making new friends
* finding new tags to follow
* things to post about
* how to use your privacy settings

We could also point out to more technical people how to set up pods of their own. There's been a lot of work put into the Installation Guides. Judging on how Debian packaging is coming along, we could also officially update Debian-specific instructions, which for a lot of people might make installing and deploying D* pretty easy.

We could also have people hit up the #DiasporaDay hashtag on different socnets. New users could talk about taking part in it, and anyone could hit up the tag if they had a question or needed help.


Flaburgan Thu 8 Aug 2013 9:00PM

Do you guys think we could do a thunderclap like for FirefoxOS or it'll be ridiculous?

Btw, I do not really like Diaspora Day, I'd prefer put the community forward this famous day.


Jason Robinson Fri 9 Aug 2013 7:25AM

I don't think we have enough weight for a thunderclap to actually be meaningful :P But I guess it doesn't hurt if someone wants to organize it.


goob Fri 9 Aug 2013 9:40AM

I don't actually know what a thunderclap is in this context, but I think it's best to stick to 'slowly growing, slowly developing, quietly publicising'.

As has been said before, what diaspora doesn't need is a huge influx of new users. It needs if anything new developers, and it's been wonderful over the past few months to see the team of developers growing and the number of pull requests and fixes increasing.

Making a really big noise to get some publicity risks overselling ourselves. As we don't have to achieve certain numbers of users by certain dates to satisfy shareholders, let's dare to be different and just say plainly what's been happening: slow building with rock-solid testing to achieve the end goal of a fantastic, privacy-aware decentralised social web. We can put out a call for new developers to join the team as well, as this would be a big help to everyone, I'm sure.

Have a look at the draft press release I've linked below. It's really rough, and needs a lot of work from you guys to make it ready for release. Look forward to seeing what you do with it.

I'm thinking to do an announcement about the upcoming anniversary via the dHQ account. Asking for artwork was part of this, but I forgot to mention the anniversary! Is there anything particular you think I should say in this post?


Flaburgan Fri 9 Aug 2013 12:46PM

@goob I agree we don't want nor need to suddenly increase the number of users. What we need is developers (and podmins). But the advertising, the buzz, is not about having directly more people involved. It's about changing the reputation of the project. For those who don't use it like for those who do, diaspora is a dead project. Because many hopes appeared and were deceived, because founders quit, because nobody communicated, because code didn't change during almost one year (april 2012 to april 2013). We need to show that now, there is people working on it, there is believers, there is, more than never before, a need of a privacy respectful social network. This is what I want to say the 27th of August. This is what I want every free software people to know. Being involved is another step. Using it is another step. But just to know that diaspora* is alive and become better everyday is the step we have to do right now.


Flaburgan Fri 9 Aug 2013 1:09PM

@goob about your draft, I don't think this is what we need: media wants to write their own article, it's their job to summarize the history of the project and make beautiful sentences. What we need to send to them is raw information they'll be able to use: key points, key features, key people, and key numbers.

We need to prove that the project is living, and nothing is better than numbers to prove. We can talk about the number of line of code modified / added, the number of people who contributed, an estimation of the number of users, and each time, we can make the comparison with "last year" and "last three months" to see that the project is growing NOW. The graph and the pulse section of github are a gold mine.


goob Fri 9 Aug 2013 1:35PM

But the advertising, the buzz, is not about having directly more people involved. It's about changing the reputation of the project. For those who don't use it like for those who do, diaspora is a dead project. Because many hopes appeared and were deceived, because founders quit, because nobody communicated, because code didn't change during almost one year (april 2012 to april 2013). We need to show that now, there is people working on it, there is believers, there is, more than never before, a need of a privacy respectful social network. This is what I want to say the 27th of August. This is what I want every free software people to know.

@flaburgan this is very well said. I think things have been going so well over the past year that I'd more or less forgotten just how bad things were for so long before that. You're right, we need to say 'Look where we were a year ago. Now look where we are today!'

Thanks for that paragraph, that conveys the passion we should convey to the outside world.

About the press release, I look forward to your edits! :)


Flaburgan Fri 9 Aug 2013 2:37PM

About the press release, I look forward to your edits! :)

I created a draft for an email.


Jason Robinson Sun 11 Aug 2013 4:57PM

I just made edits to the draft email. IMHO we should finalize it within a max few days and then start sending out emails. What do you think?

The press release maybe needs a few details, but for that there is a bit more time. Otherwise the language in it is good imho.

Awesome work @flaburgan and @goob :)


Flaburgan Sun 11 Aug 2013 4:59PM

Currently working on the code and english is not my native language, so if someone wants to polish and send emails, he's welcome ;)


goob Sun 11 Aug 2013 5:48PM

Have just added my edits to the email. The press release I drafted will still need a lot of work later on.


Flaburgan Mon 12 Aug 2013 12:28PM

I posted a first message about artwork, is it okay to reshare it with diasporaHQ?


goob Mon 12 Aug 2013 2:47PM

I hope so, because I've just done it!


Jason Robinson Tue 13 Aug 2013 6:34PM

I think the email (first part of http://piratepad.net/IOOTIYz2vi) is pretty much ready. Added 12 month commits/contribs from https://www.ohloh.net/p/diaspora/commits/summary.

What email address could we send it out from? Any possibility of creating an [email protected] address for this kind of use? Who would monitor it?

Maybe we could also add addresses to send to in format "Blog - Address - email" to the doc under the email - and then someone sends them out once we decide to go ahead?


goob Tue 13 Aug 2013 6:58PM

Yes, I think so. It would be great if we had a diasporadfoundation.org email address, but otherwise if Sean and Fla are happy to use one of their own email addresses, that would be fine - we are after all a decentralised project, with no central hub other than a virtual one.

Would either @jonnehass or @florianstaudacher be happy to field press enquiries in German? No pressure, I'm just wondering if we can add that language to our press coverage, as there is a large German-speaking community on diaspora.

I'm not sure whether the separate 'press release' doc I drafted is even necessary. This email sort of covers it all. We could send the email again as a press release on 26 Aug, I guess.


Flaburgan Tue 13 Aug 2013 8:35PM

I'm not sure whether the separate 'press release' doc I drafted is even necessary

Call it how you want, but we definitely need to make a blogpost :D


Jonne Haß Wed 14 Aug 2013 8:19PM

We have some people listening to [email protected]. If you people want to form a team for something like [email protected] I'm sure we can get you hooked up there (I'll talk with Dennis about it).


Sean Tilley Wed 14 Aug 2013 11:53PM

@flaburgan We also need to get the blog up and running, as the Diaspora Foundation blog will be part of the site's application, rather than hosted separately on a Wordpress instance. Last I checked, @dennisschubert and @jonnehass had been getting some development work done on the project site here and there. Is it possible that we could get the blog set up before the 27th? :)


Jason Robinson Thu 15 Aug 2013 9:21AM

@jonnehass [email protected] would be cool. I don't mind being part of the "press team" to monitor that address, can also do the sending.


goob Fri 16 Aug 2013 5:22PM

I'd really like to acknowledge the roles of Sean, Jonne and Florian somehow, as I don't think the project would be anywhere near as healthy today as it is had they not been doing the work they have as a sort of ad hoc project hub. And without the open way they've worked, I'm not sure we'd currently have so many contributors, a number which seems to be growing all the time.

Well, other people might have stepped in to steer the project had they not been around, of course, but those three have been at the helm during the past year, and it would be good to acknowledge this at the anniversary. (Apologies if I've missed anyone central.)


Sean Tilley Fri 16 Aug 2013 7:13PM

@goob To be fair though, we'd have to give credit where credit is due. The project really wouldn't be where it is without all of the community developers. We've had a lot of really great developments and features come in from people that just wanted to scratch an itch. :)


Jason Robinson Fri 16 Aug 2013 7:54PM

Also never forget nothing would have happened without the Founders :)

Ps. Any opinions when to send out the emails? Nearer to 27th or asap? Mailbox would be nice - I guess we could use team@ if that exists.


Dennis Schubert Fri 16 Aug 2013 9:41PM

I just created the [email protected], all team@-members and @jasonrobinson will receive the mails. If somebody wants to join, just ping. :)


Jason Robinson Sat 17 Aug 2013 6:03PM

Awesome :) Maybe start sending the mails out on monday, I can do it and keep a log of who sent to on piratepad. Any objections?


goob Sat 17 Aug 2013 7:26PM

No objections from me, as long as everyone's happy with the draft email. Thanks for your work, Jason.


Jason Robinson Mon 19 Aug 2013 8:20PM

Will send some out today and see if some instant feedback comes which we can use to clarify the email. Let's see if we get a few blog posts on some tech blogs :)

Plz if you know any good sites to email - let me know here or put them in piratepad: http://piratepad.net/IOOTIYz2vi


Flaburgan Tue 20 Aug 2013 5:07PM

@dennisschubert ping =P


Jason Robinson Tue 20 Aug 2013 6:53PM

OK, first question from the recipients (from TechWeekEurope);

How many users are there?

Ouch, difficult question to answer :) Any suggestions for a nice answer? Something we can put on the wiki FAQ too.

I'd say something like this:

"Since diaspora* is decentralized and anyone can install and run the software, calculating the user amount of the whole network is simply impossible. Diaspora pods can be loosely compared to email providers - and no one in the world can tell how many email addresses there are in the world.

However, there have been guestimates made about the amount of users on the whole Diaspora network by looking at the largest pods we know of. One such estimate is maintained by one of the largest pods diasp.eu (https://diasp.eu/stats). It puts the total amount of users on the whole Diaspora network at just over 400K.

In the future it is possible we will add code to allow pod maintainers (=podmins) to opt-in and automatically send user counts to a central Diaspora Foundation owned service, to gather more reliable statistics on the network."


Jason Robinson Tue 20 Aug 2013 7:07PM

Oh btw, if anyone who has access to the press@ group please always if you reply to someone make sure to also include press@ in CC so everybody else knows the email has been "done" :)

I was thinking anyone with good communication skills can reply to single questions - larger interviews maybe Sean? ;)


Jonne Haß Tue 20 Aug 2013 7:22PM

I'd vote for setting the sender to press@ and putting it into the BCC too btw.


goob Tue 20 Aug 2013 7:22PM

It's a good answer.

I think I'd just change slightly the bit about guesstimates. My impression is that the stats site estimates numbers of users by the numbers of connections a pod has with users on its pod. (I think this tends to over-estimate the size of larger pods and under-estimate the size of smaller pods, but that's another matter.)

I'd also leave out the bit about maybe gathering stats in the future. It's something we'd need to discuss in Loomio, and it's not necessary to give an indication of this possibility in your response, I don't think. I'd just leave that out.

How about something like:

The short answer is that no one knows! Since diaspora* is decentralized and anyone can install and run the software, calculating the number of users on the whole network is simply impossible. Diaspora pods can be loosely compared to email providers - and no one in the world can tell how many email addresses there are in the world.

However, there have been guestimates made about the numbers of users on the whole Diaspora network by the numbers of connections each pod has with some of the largest pods we know of. One such estimate is maintained by one of the largest pods diasp.eu (https://diasp.eu/stats). It puts the total amount of users on the whole Diaspora network at just over 400K.

Any good?


goob Tue 20 Aug 2013 7:24PM

Oops, that second para should have read:

... guestimates made about the numbers of users on the whole Diaspora network based on the numbers of connections each pod has ...


Jason Robinson Tue 20 Aug 2013 7:26PM

Jonne, yeah sender should always be press@ IMHO - and BCC works fine too.

Goob, ok fair enough, can leave out the "maybe in the future". I don't like the diasp.eu stats since guesses are always bad - but until we have opt-in statistics we don't know :)


goob Tue 20 Aug 2013 8:46PM

You could make it more vague, and leave out the link to the stats. In fact, I would recommend not linking to that page, because it's been stuck at just over 400K for well over a year, in spite of loads of people signing up all the time. Loads of the pods listed as single-user are multi-user pods. It doesn't seem that responsive.

Perhaps: 'Estimates based on connections between pods put the figure at at least 400,000, although it could be in the millions! However, diaspora* isn't really about numbers; it's about giving any individual the freedom to use the social web without sacrificing their privacy or personal data.'


jonsger Tue 20 Aug 2013 9:09PM

I have start an appeal for the german diaspora community: https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/1487445


goob Tue 20 Aug 2013 10:14PM

Do we have some artwork yet?

Here are links to the ones people have posted so far. Not many, but you can see what you think.

For some reason I'm getting 404s for some of these at the moment, even though they were all genuine posts over the past week and were fine then, Hopefully just a temporary glitch, I'm sure they haven't all been deleted so soon…


Flaburgan Tue 20 Aug 2013 10:50PM

404 => it's because the message is not public.


goob Tue 20 Aug 2013 10:55PM

Except each message was made to the DHQ account, and it's from that account that I was trying to view them...


jonsger Tue 20 Aug 2013 11:15PM

@dennisschubert ping ;)


Dennis Schubert Tue 20 Aug 2013 11:20PM

I see. Just randomly adding people to the press@ address is maybe not a good solution as that persons are kinda able to make "official" statements.

Any ideas for something like a quick election process?


Sean Tilley Tue 20 Aug 2013 11:37PM

@dennisschubert I like this idea, any suggestions as to how to best carry this out? :)


goob Tue 20 Aug 2013 11:38PM

@jasonrobinson , in fact, on second thoughts, I'd be inclined to just not attempt to answer their 'how many people' question, and just say stuff like 'decentralised nature ... impossible to tell ... diaspora not really about numbers but freedom ...' etc. Probably too late now to suggest that, in any case!


Dennis Schubert Wed 21 Aug 2013 12:31AM

@seantilleycommunit no real ideas, that's why I posted it here... ;D


Jason Robinson Wed 21 Aug 2013 6:21AM

@dennisschubert I'm confused as to what you mean by that? AFAIK from reading this I've been the only one doing any mailings out of there and those mailings have been fully discussed here publicly.

And yes we should have a voting process for all our teams, accounts etc. We just don't have the processes in place yet, except for the github organization, even though that only covers additions to the original team.


Flaburgan Wed 21 Aug 2013 8:18AM

@goob we need numbers because otherwise we could be considered as a dead project with nobody on it.


jonsger Thu 22 Aug 2013 10:07PM

We finished the translation of the "infomail" and the press release. @dennisschubert send it in a mail to a few german medias. You can look here: German Infomail for medias and the press release


Jonne Haß Sun 25 Aug 2013 9:16PM


Jonne Haß Mon 26 Aug 2013 2:35PM

Alright, the codebase is prepared for the release, I'm not going to do any changes anymore unless something really urgent comes up. So it's up to you guys when you want the release.


goob Mon 26 Aug 2013 2:56PM

If you're satisfied it's all ready, I'd say release it today - with notification to podmins, if there's any means of doing that - and then announce it to the general public tomorrow, which would give podmins a bit of time to update.


Jonne Haß Mon 26 Aug 2013 3:03PM

I lost track what you want to mention in the release announcement, so that one is the missing piece on my side ;)


goob Mon 26 Aug 2013 3:16PM

I've created a blank announcement on the spored pad you linked to. It needs someone with a better understanding of the code to fill in the number of contributors, commits, weeks since last release and the major updates and features of this release. Besides, I need to go and lie down!

Thanks to you and everyone who's worked so hard on this release.


goob Mon 26 Aug 2013 3:18PM

By the way, I was planning to do several announcements via the DHQ account tomorrow: one announcing the anniversary and that there will be more announcements, one for the new software release, one for changes to the project site, and then Sean will want to do his announcement about the FSSN.

So this announcement only needs to cover what is new in (and any instructions to podmins that go with it).


goob Mon 26 Aug 2013 6:05PM

OK, I've had a go.

Here is my best go at it:

Here's a short list of the most notable changes:
- At long last, we have a new single-post view! This was a great collaborative effort from several of our developers.
- There is also a new design of the interaction buttons on the profile page, along with a selection of that user's photos and contacts visible to you.
- Added OpenGraph support to enable 'previews' of links to more sites.
- Functionality of cross-posting to Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook have been improved.
- Added ability to post from diaspora* to WordPress blogs.
- There have been many improvements to the mobile version of diaspora*.
- Added support for Bitcoin donations to podmins.
- There is now a Help section, accessible from the user settings menu.

Please, anyone who knows more about the software than me, feel free to amend and change this.

There are no notes to podmins about updating to the new version, so if these are needed they will have to be added.


Jason Robinson Mon 26 Aug 2013 6:05PM

Great stuff! I stopped sending emails via the press@ address to blogs after the FSSN thingy came out - it kinda obsoleted the whole teaser email. But I'll gladly send out updated to the same list once the announcements are out.


Jonne Haß Mon 26 Aug 2013 6:23PM

Looks good to me, thank you @goob!


Jason Robinson Tue 27 Aug 2013 8:52AM

Sent out a bunch of updates to some english lang blogs as per piratepad - will do html tipboxes later


goob Tue 27 Aug 2013 10:15AM

Thanks, Jay - great work.


goob Tue 27 Aug 2013 10:18AM

By the way, I see that the press release I drafted a while ago is still in the PiratePad document. The general consensus was that that draft wasn't very good, and lots has changed since then of course, so I wouldn't send that out as is. (I don't think that's what you are doing, but I thought I'd better say it just in case.)


Jason Robinson Tue 27 Aug 2013 11:30AM

I took the blog and then linked to it at the bottom - very well written blog entry whoever it was :)


Flaburgan Wed 28 Aug 2013 8:53AM

Guys, congrats to everyone, we really nicely deal with all that stuff and that's awesome.

Nice to see @maxwell in the loop again too.


Deleted account Fri 15 Aug 2014 6:13PM

Hi everyone ! I know that a post one the blog is being prepared for this year's anniversary. I proposed on IRC to make a little video with gource to illustrate 4 years of developping D*.

You can watch my proposition here.

Fiew things about the video : I highlighted some key dates in the developpement time. The gource sections between them have a speed varying between 85% et 120% of the original speed. That speed is already pretty high (0.05 second per day of developpement). So it would be difficult to make it faster.

I managed to download the avatars of the hundred most contributive people on github thanks to a python script I wrote, but the project counts 275 unique contributors, so I coudn't get the avatar of everyone, unless I'd download them by hand...

For an obscure reason, I didn't get the avatars of all the four original founders. I only get Maxwell's. Maybe their not on github anymore ?

The other weird thing is that @jonnehass's didn't intergrate well, although I get his avatar. I suppose this is because gource, doesn't manage very well the eszett in his name... :/

The music in the video is from Perturbator. It is disctributed on Bandcamp at the customer's choosen price. Fot hose who know, it is a track from the soundtrack of tha game Hotline Miami. I found it integrated well with the shiny style of gource.

If we want to use eventually, I suggest one of the project's leaders to contact him.

One last thing : @flaburgan pointed out that the date the project passed to the community in august. I'm going to correct it quick ;)

EDIT : I've corrected the mistake and modified a bit the video editing. The new video is here


Jason Robinson Mon 18 Aug 2014 4:56PM

This is totally awesome, thanks for doing it @augier !

In this comment you said you will make some further changes still? The changes sound good to me. I think the video itself is powerful enough - no worries about removing the few texts, like about the backend :)


Deleted account Mon 18 Aug 2014 5:01PM

Ok ! I'm doing it tonight. Maybe I upload the last version tomorrow. Last change that concerns me is the text at the end "diaspora* is not dead" that i will change to "diaspora* is alive" accordingly with @goob prop. But I wonder if "diaspora* is alive and growing* wouldn't be too much with the following text "it is yours and it is waiting for you" ?

BTW : version 3 is here


goob Mon 18 Aug 2014 5:35PM

I've been thinking about those final captions.

How about 'diaspora* is a thriving community' instead of 'diaspora* is not dead'? 'Thriving' contains the sense of 'alive and growing' - so it would be a good word to use, as long as it's going to be well enough understood be people who don't speak English as their first language.

So, perhaps, for those two captions:

  • diaspora* is a thriving community
  • it's here for you - come and join us!

It would also be good to add the foundation address for people who are interested. I'd suggest adding diasporafoundation.org as a separate caption after 'it's here for you - come and join us!'.

How do those suggestions seem to you all?


Deleted account Mon 18 Aug 2014 5:43PM

So, perhaps, for those two captions:
diaspora* is a thriving community
it’s here for you - come and join us!

I like it. I'm sorry I'm not confortable with english as you might have guess ;)

It would also be good to add the foundation address for people who are interested. I’d suggest adding diasporafoundation.org as a separate caption after ‘it’s here for you - come and join us!’.

Great ! I haven't thought about that !


goob Mon 18 Aug 2014 6:49PM

I’m sorry I’m not confortable with english

Please don't apologise. We all have different skills to bring to Diaspora. Speaking English is one of mine. ;)


Deleted account Mon 18 Aug 2014 9:17PM


Deleted account Thu 21 Aug 2014 5:06PM

If everyone is OK with this version, I propose to contact Perturbator to ask the usage authorization.

I'd be glad if you let me contact him myself as I am a big fan of his work.


Flaburgan Tue 26 Aug 2014 9:42AM

Hey, just wanted to say that I'm sorry but I hadn't time to write the blogpost with all this sad isis story. We should probably write a smaller one introducing the release (which will not be ready for tomorrow if we want to keep the secure weeks of code freeze...) and with the video of @augier

What do you guys think @jasonrobinson @goob @seantilleycommunit


Jason Robinson Wed 27 Aug 2014 7:05AM

@flaburgan I'd rather just announce the community anniversary with the video and then push separately - we don't know the exact date when that will be pushed out, but the anniversary announcement could be done at any time really..

@augier video looks great! did you already ask for permission for the music? Good work :)


Flaburgan Wed 27 Aug 2014 9:29AM

So a blogpost with the video? Where do we want to host it? Is it possible to put it on the server and embed it with HTML5 @dennisschubert ?


Jason Robinson Wed 27 Aug 2014 9:41AM

Why not YouTube?


goob Wed 27 Aug 2014 10:38AM

I'm not sure we need to make a great noise about the anniversary unless we've got things to say. So I agree, a simple announcement with the video would be enough. The announcement could include a brief catch-up of what's happened over the past year.


Deleted account Wed 27 Aug 2014 7:12PM

@jasonrobinson : nope, I haven't asked the permission yet. I was waiting for a go ;)

Edit : message just sent !
Edit2 : please, do not slurp the video from my YT account, quality is shitty, I'll upload it on my ownCloud so you can dowload it freely ;)


Dennis Schubert Thu 28 Aug 2014 5:19PM

@flaburgan Yes? Although a hosted solution like Vimeo or YouTube would be better, imho. I worry about the bandwidth usage...


Flaburgan Thu 28 Aug 2014 10:15PM

YouTube tracks :P let's use vimeo. Does anyone want to create a "diaspora*" account there with an "official" address like team@diasporafoundation?


Jason Robinson Fri 29 Aug 2014 7:01AM

Everybody tracks :) But Vimeo is fine too. Let's not try to host everything ourselves..

If no one gets there first, I'll create the account later. Who wants access, the same people who have access to stuff like DHQ and press mail? Have to see if they have non-person accounts that person accounts can be linked to.


Jason Robinson Fri 29 Aug 2014 7:03AM

Though if someone knows a large, well hosted MediaGoblin instance, that would be cool - to support them


Jason Robinson Fri 29 Aug 2014 7:11AM

This one is the only register open + video uploads that I could quickly find: https://goblinrefuge.com/mediagoblin/

It would make sense to use some decentralized software to support our kind of projects.

Edit: created a personal account there - max uploads 1 megabyte :) So maybe not..


Deleted account Tue 2 Sep 2014 3:49PM

Guys, I just received the answer from Perturbator on FB. It's ok for him tu use his track as long as it is non-commercial. Don't hesitate to send him a thanks message !

I'll upload the video on my ownCloud tonight.
I thought we could make a bit of promotion for him by indicating his bandcamp site ?


Rich Tue 2 Sep 2014 3:52PM

Great news, Augier!

And if Perturbator was on D* then I would be able to thank him :)


goob Tue 2 Sep 2014 4:09PM

Assuming it's the same person, we can give him a shout-out from Twitter and Facebook: https://twitter.com/The_Perturbator and https://www.facebook.com/Perturbator

That could be done at the same time we release and promote the video - @jasonrobinson you up for it?

ps: @augier thanks for all your work on this.


Jason Robinson Tue 2 Sep 2014 4:29PM

@goob @augier sure I can do a shout out via our official Facebook and Twitter accounts :)

Awesome! Anyone had time to write a short post for the blog? It would be nice to embed the video into the blog. I was supposed to look into Vimeo - weekend was hell and huge amount of work so not done that yet, will try tonight.


Deleted account Tue 2 Sep 2014 5:09PM

@rich1 : Yeah, I hezitated to ask him to join us. I finally gave up. I thought it would be too much :D


goob Tue 2 Sep 2014 5:33PM

Awesome! Anyone had time to write a short post for the blog?

Good idea. I've just drafted one. Will post it to the pad for editing.


Deleted account Wed 3 Sep 2014 9:08AM

@goob : Can you post the link to your draft here ? Because I don't know where the pad is. Just curiosity ;)


goob Wed 3 Sep 2014 10:38AM

Hi augier, I think it's best to keep that just between the editors for now. We'll post it soon. The pad is just one that Fla set up to help us collaborate on writing blog posts.

By the way, when you were pulling the data to make your video, did it tell you how many different people had made commits to Diaspora? That might be a nice figure to include in the post.


Flaburgan Wed 3 Sep 2014 10:42AM

@augier the pad is linked in the topic about the blog here on loomio.


Jason Robinson Wed 3 Sep 2014 11:02AM

We now have a Vimeo account: https://vimeo.com/diasporahq

Couldn't find anything better.. Anyway, ping me for passwords those who need it.

Will add some info there in a bit and upload the video in non-public mode.


Flaburgan Wed 3 Sep 2014 10:01PM is ready to be release, we should transform the blog post to be both the anniversary celebration and the announcement of the release.


Jason Robinson Thu 4 Sep 2014 5:31AM

@flaburgan why do you want to combine them? I think it's better to keep them separate.

Less comms < More comms. More comms == more audience.

Let's just celebrate the community milestone and celebrate the release separately?


goob Thu 4 Sep 2014 10:38AM

I agree with Jason, if we've got two different things worth saying, we should make two separate blog posts.

Jason, doesn't the video need to be uploaded in public mode? (Don't really understand how Vimeo works so might be talking nonsense - as long as anyone can watch it, that's fine).


Jason Robinson Thu 4 Sep 2014 10:50AM

@goob yes, but I set it to private until things are ready. It needs description etc things set + blog post should be ready to post.

I have time later in the evening to collect some git stats if we want some, and to set the video details.


Jason Robinson Fri 5 Sep 2014 7:13PM

So yeah, blog is out - https://blog.diasporafoundation.org/6-we-re-celebrating-at-diaspora

Thanks everyone! Posting now to other medias, will post afterwards a thanks for the music and then repost with just the video - or something like that ;)

Share the blog on d* from your accounts plz - the DHQ account post will prob fail to federate again to many pods... Hopefully we can get those cleanup rake jobs done at some point to help that situation.