Community anniversary

In one month (the 27th of August to be exact), the project will be run by the community for one year. I think it could be great to use this date to relaunch communication. At the moment, most articles in the web say bad news about diaspora: project dead, nothing new for years, abandoned by founders... Vice did a big and really complete article one year ago, it would be cool to re-contact them to update it to have a happier end.
If we could have the website finished and polished, and a big new feature like "diaspora federation is available as a ruby gem, talk with diaspora directly with your application" by the end of August, it would be awesome.
We could make an announcement on the blog with a nice image, I'm sure this will be token by the whole media.
So, we need to:
- Polish and complete the diasporafoundation website
- Finish, package and test the federation gem (it doesn't need to be integrated to diaspora at the moment)
- Prepare an announcement
- Make nice images to do the buzz
- Make a list of media we should contact
I think we should involved the diaspora* community: there is a lot of artists and web dev on diaspora we can contact to help us, at least with the images and maybe with the website.
We could post a message with diasporaHQ: "In one month, it's the first anniversary of the community run diaspora, we want to do the buzz, so every artist here, express yourself about it, make images, gifs, movies, everything you want, and prepare yourself to spread the word the 27th of August! We especially need a "banner" like to go with the official announcement. Post your proposition here and we will pick one!"
What do you think guys, are you ready to make this happens before the 27th of August?
See email and list of media here:
German version here:

Flaburgan Thu 25 Jul 2013 7:45AM
@jasonrobinson the important point in the gem (for public announcement) is to allow other application to talk to diaspora*. For the user of the network, they will see no difference when the gem will be integrated.
So this idea is, for the birthday, be able to say to the other devs who will read the news: "look, we changed, we are more open, you can now easily interact with diaspora*", no matter we will already integrate the gem or not. Do you see my point?

Jason Robinson Thu 25 Jul 2013 8:06AM
@flaburgan yea I understand the point but what I am saying that from a dev perspective a month is a bit too soon to do a huge change like that. Diaspora lives and dies on federation. WHen the gem is ready - it has to be perfect.

Flaburgan Thu 25 Jul 2013 8:53AM
So we are facing a challenge :p will it be ready?

goob Thu 25 Jul 2013 9:43AM
This is a great idea, Fla, and well done for spotting the anniversary coming up.
I think it would be too much time pressure to create a properly functioning gem for federation. Florian has only just started work on this. If we push to release for a certain date, we'd be in danger of doing a Microsoft - releasing bug-filled software for marketing purposes. Far better to work within our means.
I'd focus on the website, and particularly getting some good users guides prepared. Kevin Kleinman has given us permission to use his material from Diasporial as a basis, and I'd like to help work on these.
Really, rather than release anything for the anniversary itself, it would be good to promote what has changed/happened in Diaspora in the year since it became a community-run project. We've had several major releases and lot of other fixes and improvements.
We could try to create and agree a development road-map before then, so that we can say 'this is where we hope to be by this time next year'.
We could also introduce MrZYX, Raven24 and some of the other core developers who have been steering the project over the past year, as long as they're happy to be featured in this way, of course.
We can also promote the site as the hub of the project, to start to move away from being 'Diaspora' in the public consciousness.
How does that sound?

goob Thu 25 Jul 2013 9:44AM
Of course if the gem is ready and tested by then, that's great and we can announce it. But I suspect it is too much of a stretch to try to achieve this.

Flaburgan Thu 25 Jul 2013 11:42AM
Of course if the gem is ready and tested by then, that's great and we can announce it. But I suspect it is too much of a stretch to try to achieve this.
@florianstaudacher we need your opinion here ;)
I'd focus on the website, and particularly getting some good users guides prepared.
I really want to see resources available in a maximum of languages possible, so we need to think about that: where should we put it to be translatable? If it's on, we need to put i18n there. The other option is to put it directly inside diaspora: by doing that, we do not depend to one domain name...

Sean Tilley Thu 25 Jul 2013 8:07PM
Really loving this discussion, thank you @flaburgan for bringing up this idea!
So, I think we could expand this a bit, to give ourselves a few more details to highlight:
- Packaging of D* for different distributions (Debian, for example, was awfully close to being finished last I heard)
- A community developer planet, so that technical and non-technical users alike can see what things different people in the project are working on.
As for the announcement, perhaps we could also focus on the many releases we've gone through, new features, improvements, and leave off with our future goals? :)
Finally, I do know a few media contacts that have interviewed me in the past about Diaspora, I'd be more than happy to reach out to them as well.

Flaburgan Fri 26 Jul 2013 7:35AM
Packaging of D* for different distributions (Debian, for example, was awfully close to being finished last I heard)
@praveenarimbrathod hi! Any news about that?
A community developer planet, so that technical and non-technical users alike can see what things different people in the project are working on.
@seantilleycommunit I'm afraid we don't have a big enough community to have a planet, it would probably be empty or blogposts will come to maximum 3 - 4 blogs => maybe we should simply have a blog with one account by user interested to post?
As for the announcement, perhaps we could also focus on the many releases we've gone through, new features, improvements, and leave off with our future goals? :)
Of course! I trust you about the announcement ;) Let's create a draft on a wiki page.
Finally, I do know a few media contacts that have interviewed me in the past about Diaspora, I'd be more than happy to reach out to them as well.
Let's make a list of who we want to contact. I edit the discussion context.

Florian Staudacher Tue 30 Jul 2013 4:50PM
About the gem ... we might have something usable until then, but it most probably won't be stable in that time. (I'm away in August for a few days, so I won't be able to work on it all the time).
Jason Robinson · Thu 25 Jul 2013 7:38AM
Great idea! I have doubts that the federation gem will be ready by then - it involves a lot of refactoring inside D* as well. But even if we just get the foundation website polished would be awesome - I don't think we need a big feature rollout - those happen when code is ready for release anyway.
I'd be happy to do some stuff on the website, should we have an IRC meeting relating this or could someone post the status?