Tue 10 Mar 2020 7:30AM
Covid 19
Seen by 60
In light of the fact the French Burn, Creme Brûlée ( held at similar time of year ) has been cancelled due to Covid 19, should the Nest community open a discussion on this issue also ?
Keegan Tue 10 Mar 2020 7:00PM
There is conversation happening around this and should be an announcement in a few days
Daniel Hurley · Tue 10 Mar 2020 10:59AM
Depends on the government measures.
If they cancel events of over X attendees NEST may get through, though whether it should may become a moral/ethical question. I would argue 500 attendees at fest/burn/event for multiple days is a higher risk than a football match of 2,000 attendees who are only there for 2 hours.
Or they could go full Italy and put the whole country into lock down, which they could announce tomorrow or the day before Nest.