Fri 13 Mar 2020 2:12PM
COVID-19 Discussion and Assemblies Archive and Chat
A place to document and record discussions and assemblies about the corona virus and XR's response to it. And of course, to continue the conversation!
A place to document and record discussions and assemblies about the corona virus and XR's response to it. And of course, to continue the conversation!
Will Franks · Fri 13 Mar 2020 2:15PM
What should Future Democracy offer in response to the corona virus outbreak? Currently in the pipeline is:
In response to the Corona Virus outbreak, Future Democracy is offering:
Online Assemblies on COVID-19 and XR's response (and change of plans to the UK May rebellion).
Support and trainings for facilitators to run the above sessions.
Daily support and sharing circles.
A chance to play with Digital democracy tools. Ideas welcome!!
Guidance for local groups to use community democracy and mutual aid in response to corona. Perhaps a resource pack (google doc?).