Organizing Circle Meeting: 2024 9 April (Tuesday) 1200 UTC

The Organizing Circle for will meet 2024 9 April (Tuesday) 1200 - 1330 UTC. We will meet here: (the meeting may or may not be recorded). A tentative agenda is to be consented to at the start of the call:
1200 [5 min] ADMIN
Who is here?
Does anyone need to leave early?
Confirm our next call on 23 April 1200 UTC
Review recap from last call
Who is note taking?
Who is facilitating? Kathe
1205 [15 min] Check in:
How are you showing up today? What are you bringing into the space? []
What is something that everyone seems to enjoy but you don't? How do you feel about that?
1220 [5 min] Updates: What is the status of your to-do items? Can someone help you?
Call a round to check in with people
1225 [5 min] Updates from working circles
Legal - defunct
1230 [5 min] Update: What was said by the group in active Loomio threads. Do we need to respond to anything or integrate something into our discussion?
1235 [20 min] Review: Evaluating the process documenting the last two decisions from our 26 March meeting. What went well? What can be improved?
1255 [15 min] Formulation/Decision:
How do we want to formalize note taking, recaps, facilitation, cross-links from other groups, and agenda creation as roles? Are there other roles that we want to formalize?
Reviewing/adding to the backlog items: What should we talk about in the next 2-4 calls?
1310 [10 min] Tasks: What are you taking out of this call as a task or todo item?
1320 [10 min] Feedback: What worked well with this call and what could be improved? Where would you like more flexibility in this circle? Where would you like more structure? Explain why.
Backlog items: The items below are not on the active agenda but should be addressed at some point in the future
How do we deal with liability as an organization? Do we need to consider some kind of incorporation or legal entity? If so where?
Strategically, how do we provide a framework for the Finance circle to help manage surplus?
Ask for training on 'what it means to be an admin' to orientate new admins.
Kathe TB · Tue 9 Apr 2024 1:58PM
Today I suspect we had some timezone crosses with the EU switch. We still had a good showing with over half of Organizing Circle attending. Our next call is going to be in two weeks (April 23) at 1200UTC. We do have a recording of this call [[past in recording when posted here]]
We had some check-in on personal to-do items and other working group activities in We heard back from @MarieVC ( and @Kathe TB about their experimentation with Loomio decisions and wikipedia documentation; expect a decision thread on this shortly. We started talking through operational roles and how to support redundancy in this group (see backlog for additional items).
Operational roles: Defining, evaluating, and rotating
How do we support our maintainers and moderators? How are we revising and improving that support?
Training requests: 1) What does it mean to be an admin on Mastodon/Loomio/...? 2) Facilitation and discussion moderation 3) sociocracy and governance
Generative conflict: How do we deal with conflict in the group? Do we need a code of conduct practice?
Paying members of organizing circle for their work.
How do we deal with liability as an organization? Do we need to consider some kind of incorporation or legal entity? If so where?
Strategically, how do we provide a framework for the Finance circle to help manage surplus?