How WE agree to use Loomio
These norms would be formally documented in our Handbook.
Some thoughts on norms:
We try to develop proposals with input from our team whenever possible. Start a thread here when an idea for a proposal emerges, then make sure to solicit inputs/feedback from your peers before initializing a decision-making process.
Everyone commit to check and respond/comment/vote on all active Loomio threads at least TWICE per week: once on Thursday BEFORE the 3:30pm meeting, and once more at a mid-point in the week before the next meeting.
Meetings are best used for discussions and bigger strategic decisions. Procedural and time-sensitive decisions can go into Loomio.
If a discussion is getting too heated, we move it to an in-person meeting.
If a decision is getting stuck, more discussion and deliberation is probably needed in an in-person meeting.
Use the subgroups to discern where your thread belongs (per Loomio video by Drew)
Drew Hornbein · Wed 7 Sep 2022 1:02PM
I'm thinking about community input and the main channel. Currently, we have something like this:
Shared Ground Loomio Channel (everyone)
Steering Committee (visible to everyone, but only members can discuss)
Members (discussion space for members)
I imagine the main channel should be only for discussions that EVERYONE should be a part of (very few) while the other subgroups are for more focused discussions that people can opt into.
I think that we should want to have as many people in our main channel and public sub-groups as possible while maintaining private and read-only spaces where necessary.
Some things to consider here:
Threads can be open to all users while polls and proposals could be closed to only certain members. ex: this thread could be open for anyone to comment on but when a proposal arises we only allow the steering committee to vote on it
Threads can be created in subgroups and then moved into the main channel. So we could start a conversation in a subgroup and then decide that I needs to be moved into a more broad group