Sat 8 Feb 2020 7:45PM

1st Floor Trash Management System

MJ michelle jackson Public Seen by 11

This Loomio is specific to the 1st floor.

After we work through the first floor, let's start a different thread for the 2nd and 3rd floor as they are used differently and there will be learnings from this 1st floor discussion.

We've been batting around and trying out different ideas on how to manage our trash on the 1st floor for a few years now. Let's try something new. Let's buy new bins that are color coded and labeled so that people begin to understand the sorting of our garbage.

I'm suggesting a five bin system Alongside compost pick up and moving the larger black Ikea bins into the bathrooms on the first floor

Landfill - Gray 55 gallon trash can with a lid and wheels https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/H-3689GR/Trash-Cans/Uline-Trash-Can-55-Gallon-Gray?pricode=WA9597&gadtype=pla&id=H-3689GR&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3MDc9trC5wIVCK_ICh3HcAMaEAQYASABEgJE-PD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Uline thin garbage cans in 4 colors: Green-Plastics/cans, Blue-paper, gray- single use bags, black - laundry https://www.uline.com/BL_1145/Uline-Thin-Trash-Cans?keywords=xyzulinejanitorial

Compost Pick Up https://vokashi.com/ This group is a long standing composting group in NYC. They process the compost. They'll pick up 3 buckets of compost and drop off three buckets of compost/ 1x month on a Friday for $60. It would be a month to month contract, so easy to try out to see how it would work and decide from there.


Amelia Sun 9 Feb 2020 4:21PM

I love this idea -- itll be more recognizable and user friendly for our guests.


Alex Qin Sun 9 Feb 2020 5:03PM

Yes love this


Yuko Mon 10 Feb 2020 2:05PM

I love this!.


michelle jackson Mon 10 Feb 2020 5:15PM

@marcos added this suggestion:

Thanks for driving this forward. I Ike the 55 gallon grey for landfill and what about a distinct recycling one like this - https://www.uline.com/BL_8817/Square-Recycling-Containers?

Recognizability is the biggest issue we have at events. We have a big sign, but I think we need something super recognizable. Other wise people don’t pay attention.


michelle jackson Mon 24 Feb 2020 3:52PM

@Marcos Salazar I'll put together a suggestion to share out at our meeting based on your feedback.


michelle jackson Mon 24 Feb 2020 4:06PM


Blue Square 55 gallon recycling: https://www.uline.com/BL_8817/Square-Recycling-Containers?

Square Trash Can with lid 50 gallon: https://www.uline.com/BL_6770/Hands-Free-Trash-Cans


or a system like this... skinner and smaller: https://www.uline.com/BL_8792/Slim-Jim-Accessories


Marcos Salazar Wed 26 Feb 2020 3:48PM

@michelle jackson I think we go with this one: https://www.uline.com/BL_8792/Slim-Jim-Accessories - and get multiple ones (at least 2 landfill and two blue recycling) to place in different areas for larger event.

The others unfortunately can end up getting really dirty with the swinging tops and have to be cleaned regularly


michelle jackson Mon 16 Mar 2020 5:40PM

We agreed to: purchase 4 slim jims - 2 blue and 2 gray.