hashtagalicious What hashtag for the rideshares and the caravans?
I was thinking the autonomous ride sharing can be hash tagged as #OccupyCaravan for a bunch of vehicles riding together #OccuRide for individual arrangements for rides in cars and such and #OccuBus for those who are organize to come in buses?
Sally G
Tue 29 Apr 2014 3:52PM
I can start with some sort of graphic/chart of stops (I grabbed Chas’ post from Facebook); I will likely not be attending.
Daniel Hong
Wed 30 Apr 2014 9:08PM
Leading transportation efforts is the very reason for the West Coast is why I joined this group!!
Daniel Hong
Wed 30 Apr 2014 9:08PM
Leading transportation efforts for the West Coast is the very reason why I joined this group!!
Justin Tue 29 Apr 2014 2:25AM
Sally I am giving transparency to the great work already done & proposing we give them free reign as a group.
This will not only let people know about the effort, the stakeholders & work it will also allow others to step up to support.
I've spent 2 weeks trying to get engage- I am hoping by empowering the current folks fully they will multiply.
We cannot all weigh in on all issues- We need to share the work as much as possible in ways that are inclusive & easy to become apart of.
Tricia Wed 30 Apr 2014 12:23AM
The Sharetribe link is up!
(The thumbnail still has Kalamazoo stuff on it tho)
Jackie Wed 30 Apr 2014 5:48PM
I saw that when I posted - you need to use the arrow under the thumbnail and it gives several of the current images.
I'll write the sharetribe folks and see why the old pic comes up instead of this year's phoenix.
Jackie Thu 1 May 2014 7:09AM
Started a Caravan & Rideshares subgroup
Sally G · Tue 29 Apr 2014 1:49AM
Chas has done this on Facebook; Justin, it seems that you are reproposing things that exist, which does not seem helpful to me. Maybe what we need is a way of letting new folks know what is happening where?