NOTA (none-of-the-above)
I like the idea. It amounts to rejection of the whole pool of candidates.
In IRV, if exhausted ballots add up to the majority (and people understand this so they can choose to not rank candidates they disapprove of), the election is canceled.
In SRV, perhaps it would be that to reach the runoff, a candidate must have a majority of ballots giving them a non-zero score.
If a voter abstains from a race entirely, they wouldn't count toward what constitutes a majority, so there needs to be a way to explicitly vote NOTA in IRV (score some 0s in SRV works).
What happens if NOTA wins?
Aaron Wolf Sun 12 Mar 2017 8:48PM
NOTO bugs me because it means I have to approve of candidates to express an opinion about them relative to each other. SRV lets me differentiate even between candidates I don't like.
I agree with the concern thoroughly. That's what Sara said too, that NOTO is only okay if it still allows relative opinions.
So what do you think of my idea above? (quoted in part below)
score everyone just in terms of relative level of support, as makes sense for SRV. Then give a score for cancel-the-election. Basically: "I vote FOR canceling the election if any of the candidates I scored X or lower (such as 4 or 2 or 1 )"
Sara Wolf Wed 15 Mar 2017 1:44AM
@wolftune RE: Aaron's idea- as I understand it, to consider it NOTA if your max score given is lower than a set number.
For NOTA to work with SRV it has to be it's own separate box so that voters will still vote exactly how they would have if there was no NOTA option.
In SRV you should always give a max score to your favorite, even if they aren't that great. Its why we say BEST and WORST on the ballot as opposed to GOOD and BAD. Anything change that gave some voters an incentive to give low scores to everyone would totally ruin the accuracy of the election!
Aaron Wolf Wed 15 Mar 2017 2:39AM
Exactly. Take a regular SRV ballot, add a place to mark a number where anyone below that number counts as a vote of no-confidence to cancel the election (and candidates at or above are considered "approved". For disapproved candidates, the preferential voting would be still counted in the case that they have a majority of voters approving them. Any candidates disapproved by the majority of ballots will be rejected entirely. If all candidates are rejected that way, nobody is elected.
Sara Wolf Wed 15 Mar 2017 8:00AM
Wait, you can't "approve" some candidates and still vote None Of The Above! That makes no sense.
So.. I'm gonna try here anyways against my better judgement... Are you saying now that if a candidate that you gave a score to, but that you don't actually approve of, gets into the runoff and wins, that elections officials would go back and see if a majority of voters had actually given that candidate a failing score? But that each voters failing score might be different? I'm not sure I follow.
Why not just vote as normal but also check a box for election self-destruct. If a majority check the box we all go back to start, do not pass go and do not collect $200?
RE Mark: I get Mark's concern that NOTA would be expensive and disastrous to try and pass if you were going to stick local areas with the bill. You'd have to have a fund for it. Some sort of trust that pays for itself with the interest or something? Get one bitter billionaire to pay for the whole thing?
Aaron Wolf Wed 15 Mar 2017 5:12PM
As Alan pointed out, it's NOTO (None of the others) when you approve some.
Yes, I'm saying that the level any voter says is "approved" can vary. Some voters say they disapprove of all, some approve of all, some are mixed. Regardless, they want to relatively score every candidate.
I was suggesting that any candidate disapproved by a majority of voters is just gone, could be determined before the runoff happens. I.e. in order to get into the runoff, candidates need both majority approval and to be top scoring.
A few benefits:
- register approval/disapproval officially (even a candidate with majority approval gets shown the difference between unanimous approval versus widespread disapproval), something worth expressing
- the threat of cancelling the election potentially pushes parties to put up approvable candidates rather than lesser-evil ones
- we actually do want to cancel the election of candidates disapproved by the majority
As far as cost, it could be just that this seat is open again on the very next normal election in the locality rather than administering a new separate election. Could have a temporary seat-holder appointed or something.
Mark Frohnmayer Wed 15 Mar 2017 8:43AM
What is the upside of having this feature?
Sara Wolf Wed 15 Mar 2017 7:28PM
Every election should have a winner. If none of the candidates are acceptable the people need to have a way to keep them out of power.
The other option is to have a mechanism for the people to call a special election if needed. What if for example something really bad comes out about the candidates during the election.
I don't think you should build this feature into SRV unless there was a way to do so that didn't complicate the ballot explanation at all. I like it as an amendment that would stand regardless of which voting system's in place.
Mark Frohnmayer Wed 15 Mar 2017 7:37PM
Honestly, this seems like a distraction, and pretty much totally orthogonal to whatever voting method we push for. I would not want to ask the electorate the question "Should we have NOTO/NOTA?" at the same time we ask them, "Should we have SRV?" Seems like Seth sent you down a rabbit hole, @wolftune
Aaron Wolf Wed 15 Mar 2017 8:26PM
I like the idea of NOTA/NOTO, it does mean you can reject the whole election. This is the Wonk Talk subgroup, not the discussion area for finalizing our immediate practical reform efforts. I want to see NOTO get discussed and researched and considered.
Sara Wolf Wed 15 Mar 2017 10:29PM
On my strategic timeline None Of The Above comes in after we have a handful of SRV elections under our belts. One thing at a time. This probably comes in after an ideal system is worked out and passed for multi winner too..
I don't get why you'd need or want a None Of The Others option. Seems like the scoring already takes care of that. If some candidates are okay you just give the rejects zeros
Clay Shentrup Thu 16 Mar 2017 7:21AM
In practical terms I don't see what NOTA really gives you. If you hold another election, why would people run in it who didn't think it was worthwhile in the first place? Do you really expect that you're going to get some dramatically better options?
If you just use a good system that's inviting to a variety of candidates, then you're in a much better place than now. From that position, I don't see how the upgrade to NOTA gives much improvement.
Mark Frohnmayer · Sun 12 Mar 2017 7:39PM
NOTA and NOTO are an attempt to mix a notion of approval and ranking on one ballot. It was this same notion of approval + ranks (from Rob Richie, no less) that created SRV in the first place, and a score ballot is just a way better UI for expressing both things.
NOTO bugs me because it means I have to approve of candidates to express an opinion about them relative to each other. SRV lets me differentiate even between candidates I don't like.
Finally, it costs Lane County $250,000 to run an election. Any voting system that includes another election in the NOTA case will have a painful net fiscal impact that will materially affect the reform's ability to pass at the ballot box.
How about we just implement an election system that lets any number of qualified candidates compete?