Sat 20 Dec 2014 2:57PM
Assessing new constitutional settlement proposals
Up to now, I've not wanted to engage in the EVEL debate because it seems far to complicated, and far too tactical. I've wanted a framework against which to evaluate things. I've now come up with these three headings - and would like to offer them (suitably improved) as a basis for our future discussions:
different models
* structures
* division of powers
* election method
* voting method
perspectives for evaluation
* justice
* subsidiarity
* cost
* public appeal
* likely impact on the parties
* likely impact on society
starting points
* asymmetry of original Scots devolution
* asymmetry of currently proposed devo-max
* emasculation of local authorities in all four countries (both revenue raising, and delivery powers)
I propose we should start from this last point, as I strongly believe that democracy needs to begin at the local level.
Colin Miller · Mon 29 Dec 2014 10:17AM
Hi Bob and everyone. Fist of all i do hope you had a good Christmas. This is a reasonable summary of the issues re EVEL. And, with Neal's permissions I share my paper/literature and opinion review when I have completed it. Hopefully by end of this week.
And i could not agree more re the suggestion that we begin our work by exploring the local level and work our way 'up'.