Fri 17 May 2024 3:56PM

e-NABLE internship to update NIH3D content

IR Ian Roy Public Seen by 145

Description of Proposed Project: e-NABLE internship to update NIH3D content

The goal of this internship is to hire 2 university students to update NIH3D with the currently recommended e-NABLE models. These 2 interns would be managed by Ian Roy at Brandeis University (https://scholarworks.brandeis.edu/esploro/profile/ian_roy/overview)

Update this section of the NIH 3D Site: https://3d.nih.gov/collections/prosthetics?tab=search

With a section to highlight the top e-NABLE designs: https://hub.e-nable.org/p/devices 

And a repository with metadata to search and sort through the rest of the device catalog: https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/overview/list-categories 

Expected results/impact:

This 3D model repository will act as the tip of the spear for focusing on the e-NABLE community’s best practices.

For both newcomers to the community, as well as established groups, having a presence on NIH3D that is updated with the top designs will help sort through the design complexity of the e-NABLE hub. It will also act as a place to gather many different types of resources related to individual models together. 

Estimate of work effort involved:

10 hours a week for 10 weeks for 2 people (Summer 2024): 

approximately 200 hours total work at $15 per hour = $3000 total

  • $780 for ongoing upkeep (1 hour per week for 1 year = 52 weeks at $15 per hour)

Estimated timeline for completion:

A summer internship for 2 people: Summer 2024

(60 hours) 1st Task: Work with NIH3D to build out custom sections to cluster the top e-NABLE designs, and the rest of the collection by type

  • Link all resources across the e-NABLE hub and across the internet into 1 place, where the best designs are highlighted at the top

  • Information Design: Suggest sub-collection categories, input, and group by metadata

(40 hours) 2nd Task: Standardize the information design

  • Standardize the information design across the whole collection. 

  • Suggest Metadata improvements to NIH’s website

  • Suggest ways for NIH to improve their website, such as search or sorting functionality based on metadata

(40 hours) 3rd task: Import all e-NABLE models from other 3D model repositories, including the e-NABLE hub device catalog

  • Upload all the 3D files from their model repositories (like Thingiverse) to the NIH3D Platform, to allow for 3D file manipulation and file conversion.

  • Put all documentation on the NIH 3D Website

  • Link to other resources as appropriate

(60 hours) 4th task: Fix missing data

  • Find links, resources, instructions, design files from across the internet to fill in missing information and resources related to these top / most useful open source projects.

(~1 hours per week on going) 5th task: Ongoing upkeep

  • Attend the e-NABLE town hall meetings to keep up to date with new designs.

  • As new designs are added to the e-NABLE hub, or other 3D model repositories - import them into the NIH 3D Print Exchange.

  • Some weeks may be busier than others - expect 0-3 hours per week varying throughout the year.

Amount of funding being requested:

$3780 for initial build out in Summer 2024 and 1 year of upkeep


Johannes Wed 29 May 2024 7:27PM

An opportunity knocking on the door is for keeps


Jeremy Simon Fri 19 Jul 2024 6:08PM

Apologies for prematurely declaring approval back on June 9th! I hadn't noticed that the total number of votes was below the minimum requirement of 20. So we've reopened the proposal for additional voting.