Wed 17 Feb 2021 12:09PM

Aerial Photography GB

BP Brian Prangle Public Seen by 65


This makes highres aerial photography available to local government PMSA members as part of the geospatial comission's mission. The licence as it stands probably makes it unavailable to us via local gov bodies, although local gov can sublicence it to third parties such as contractors, emergency services and educational institutions and derived data can be published under an open licence. Has OSMUK got any omgoing discussions with the Geospatial Commission about this facility?


RobJN Wed 17 Feb 2021 7:39PM

Hi Brian. I believe that this is the BlueSky and GetMapping imagery. We already have a quote from GetMapping to purchase their 12.5 cm imagery. Unfortunately our potential corporate partner fell through and as such we cannot afford it.

The sublicence idea is interesting, however if you read the contractor sublicence you will see that it it allows the contractor to "use the [imagery] for the Licensor's (and not the Contractor's) Licenced Use and solely for the purpose of providing the Works". So unless we can find a public sector organisation whose Licenced Use could include updating OpenStreetMap, we cannot use this.

Our written response to the Geospatial Commission included a request that aerial imagery be made available. I don't recall hearing anything on this. So we could follow up on that.


Christian Ledermann Thu 18 Feb 2021 8:43PM

There is quite a lot of open imagery available on https://environment.data.gov.uk/DefraDataDownload/?Mode=survey


Christian Ledermann Thu 18 Feb 2021 9:20PM

Also a lot of point cloud data


RobJN Sat 20 Feb 2021 5:35PM

A few years ago, Mappa Mercia (West Midlands OSM User Group) hosted Lidar DSM/DTM tiles for Ironbridge. I seem to recall that it wasn't too much trouble to do a small sample area. Doing the whole country would be more work and is more than I could do.... Hold on, it looks like Defra already provide a tile layer that can be used: https://environment.data.gov.uk/dataset/76363295-69d5-406b-90bf-d7b9e8bebfd9

Let me know if you need help setting this up in your OSM editor. It is a WMS layer so will work in JOSM. Not sure about iD but I think WMS layers work there too.


Christian Ledermann Mon 10 May 2021 9:44AM