Wed 1 Jul 2015 3:49AM

Australian of the day

JL Jen Lowe Public Seen by 355

Hi All,

I have been asked to be photgraphed for Commbank Australian of the day. I would be photographed in the Naval Stores and as the enkel co-founder.
What do people think of this? Should I do this or not? It might be a little bit of good publicity for enkel (which we need at this critical point in time) but is it against peoples ideals?


Poll Created Wed 1 Jul 2015 3:52AM

Should Jen be photographed as an enkel co-founder for Commonwealth bank Australian of the day? Closed Thu 2 Jul 2015 9:07AM

by Jen Lowe Tue 25 Apr 2017 5:22AM

Cool, thanks guys. Getting my best banker smile on.

Hi all, sorry it is a short turn around on this one. James Whineray is hoping to shoot on Friday.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 85.7% 6 CG PVS AT F EO RC
Abstain 14.3% 1 AJ
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 12 DU JS BA AT BM MV JQZ MG KK TR GD

7 of 19 people have participated (36%)


Chid Gilovitz Wed 1 Jul 2015 5:35AM

Sounds good Jen.


Adam Jorlen Wed 1 Jul 2015 7:00AM

I sincerely hate the big banks and don't think they have a role to play in our society, considering they are the foundation of the current global financial system, which kills so many people each day (happy to a systems thinking workshop to explore that statement some day). But I'll agree that it's a good photo opportunity.


Deleted account Wed 1 Jul 2015 12:25PM

Agreed with this proposal! Great job Jen!
Just tell the banks how much they suck in the interview and thanks for the press xoxo


Deleted account Fri 3 Jul 2015 5:17AM

Missed it. Commbank are bastards but do it anyway. We'll get them later. "Previous Australian of the Day demands Commbank divest from fossil fuels" ;)


Jen Lowe Fri 3 Jul 2015 5:36AM

Love it. When i post about it i'll def say that Im proud to bank with bendigo!

Jennifer Lowe
Director, Jen Lowe Design

Co-founder, Enkel

Interior Architecture | Furniture Design | Social Innovation

jenlowe.me ( http://jenlowe.me )

enkel.co ( http://enkel.co )

20A Moss Street, East Fremantle
Western Australia 6158

*I am currently in the office 2 days a week. Please sms any urgent matters.


Deleted account Fri 3 Jul 2015 6:55AM

Haha. That is awesome.