OSGeo Oceania 2022 Board Officer Nominations
Please nominate yourself or another board member for one of the Board Offices by leaving one (1) comment for each nomination:
Deputy Chair
Here is a loose set of definitions for the positions:
The Chair leads and is the public face of the organisation. Where necessary the Chair should represent the Organisation at public events and use her networks to influence on behalf of the organisation.The Chair of the Board is considered the “lead" Director - using their experience, skills and leadership abilities to facilitate the governance processes. The Chair’s primary function is to ensure that the Board accomplishes its role in accordance with the Organisation’s goals.
The Deputy Chair is the Chair's assistant or second. The Deputy Chair steps in when the Chair isn't able to attend.
The Secretary position is a formal requirement and generally includes administering the affairs of the company and managing the business of the board. This includes interfacing with the government regulator (ASIC), and ensuring the constitutional requirements are met. In larger and more formal organisations the Secretary may have a big administrative burden in supporting the business of the board, but in OSGeo Oceania the burden is minimal.
The Treasurer requires a specialised set of skills as they oversee the financial administration of the organisation, review procedures and financial reporting, advise the board on financial strategy, and advise on fundraising. This includes accessing and maintaining bank accounts and financial services, and drafting the annual financial report. The treasurer has to do the banking, paying the bills and tracking income and expenditure throughout the year.

Tisham Dhar Sat 18 Dec 2021 2:58AM
Elisa Puccioni Sat 18 Dec 2021 9:01PM
Jonah Sullivan for Chair
I’d love to see @Jonah Sullivan as our new chair. Jonah has a lot of experience and even more passion for the OO community and he has done a great job in the organization of the past the online and in person conference. I’m sure his work as Chair would be great.
Edoardo Neerhut Sun 19 Dec 2021 1:34AM
I nominate Ewen Hill for the role of Secretary. He vastly improved the membership sign up process this year and he would be a reliable choice to manage the administration of our organisation.
Jonah Sullivan · Sat 18 Dec 2021 1:51AM
Alex Leith for Treasurer
Alex has done a great job as Treasurer in 2021 and we would be lucky to have this high quality fiscal oversight into 2022.