Transferring power
Hi there,
I prepare to use Loomio for a consultation in a liquid-democratic style. I miss a functionality that would permit to transfer the possibility of choice to other people (transitivity).
Do you think it could be interesting to develop something in this way?
Thanx !
Rodney Herold Fri 21 Dec 2018 10:30PM
I am not sure what "liquid feedback" means.
The Black and Tan Hall has 40 some partners operating in an attempt to be "egalitarian." My only complaint about Loomio is how the two possible actions for a Proposal are labeled. The first input is clear: being one's "Choice" (Agree, Abstain, Disagree or Block). The second input is labeled "VOTE" -- consisting of a 250 character field. I feel strongly we are NOT voting -- rather we are expressing our "VOICE' about our Choice, providing our meaning as to why we have made our choice plus any pertinent feelings, and possibly even using emoji's in the process!). :nerd: I find the 250 character limit to be a positive factor -- it hopefully promotes succinctness and clarity and is brief enough to encourage serious digestion by everyone interested.
How Power is held and transferred is definitely a challenge :astonished:
Rodney Herold Wed 22 May 2019 4:49AM
How do you change the administrator of a Loomio group?
I will be moving out of the administrator position at B&TH and would like to transfer the administrator role/authority to another person --and change the payment for Loomio access directly to the Black and Tan Hall Credit Union account. What needs to be done?? Can all of our decisions, threads and comments be carried forward?
Michael Wed 22 May 2019 5:33AM
Hi Rodney, you can make anyone in your group an admin/coordinator:
Click on the three dots next to the person you want to make a coordinator, and then choose ‘Make Coordinator’. You will now see that the person’s avatar has an orange ring around it. Everyone with an orange ring is a coordinator.
See Coordinators in Help
You can change the payment person and update card details in the Loomio billing portal. There's a link called 'Account management' at the bottom of your last Loomio statement. Here's more info on Help about Subscription management.
There's no change to your group's information :ok_hand:
If you have further questions specific to your group, please send me a message using [email protected] or Contact
Midi Berry · Thu 20 Dec 2018 4:00PM
Our Gene Keys Society would be very interested to see a liquid democracy mechanism built into Loomio. We are about to undertake a review of our whole communication systems and it could be a big plus for us to retain Loomio if delegated voting is introduced. So sorry we are not in a financial position to help fund this, dear Loomio developers, but you have our heartfelt support, for whatever that may be valued by you. :clap: :laughing: :heart: