Follow-up and lessons learned

Starting a new thread for some follow-up discussion.
How did you think the sprints went? What went well / less well? What did you make?
Thanks everyone for your input!

Elizabeth Heritage Mon 23 May 2016 3:13AM
Thanks Whetu, this is useful feedback - and it was lovely to meet you! Please keep us updated with your te reo Minecraft project, that sounds awesome!

William Mckee Fri 1 Jul 2016 1:13PM
Two days would be better than one. I was only warming up. More people would also be helpful. Instead of focusing on lots of locations might be better to have one or two main centers - there seems to be lots of focus on other areas that never happened (Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga etc).

Kay Wed 6 Jul 2016 10:30AM
Kia ora Whetu Paitai. I enjoyed the te reo Minecraft project too, and wanted to share but didn't have contact details. Providing some way to link with people or their ideas would be useful for next OER sprint. :-)
Whetu Paitai · Tue 10 May 2016 3:26AM
Kia ora koutou!
That was an awesome event. I was as helpful as a wet paper bag, but regardless, I learnt so much and met many wonderful people.
The only bit of feedback I could possibly offer would be to perhaps create a forum or platform where people can table their ideas before hand, so others can jump onto the idea and prepare themselves before arrival? Perhaps like a week or two out? To take it a step further, you could poll the best idea and commit a portion (2 hours or maybe 20% of the day) of everyone's time to working towards that particular project. The OER Sprint team could then bring resources that helped accelerate that particular idea on the day.
In saying this, I thoroughly enjoyed the open, hack environment we had as we stumbled forward from one idea to the next.
Awesome. When is the next one?
Ngā mihi koutou
Na Whetu