Sun 27 Aug 2017 7:29PM

Pirate Labs

VD Valerie D. Public Seen by 63

Pirate labs are monthly work meetings: at the same time a project incubator and a way of staying in contact with pirates from other crews.

On this topic page, we discuss ideas for making them better! :rocket:

You're not familiar with labs? Check their main page on the wiki. They take place each month on a Saturday afternoon in Mechelen or Gembloux. They are currently organised according to the "internal democracy guidelines". Different topics are worked on by subgroups. These topics are defined this way: first they are proposed before the meeting on the event wiki page ; then they are finalised at the start of the meeting, on the first round table.
You have an idea for something to be done, and you need help? Labs are the place to be.


HgO Tue 7 Nov 2017 1:42PM

We could use this event to launch the GA process :) As we did in 2014 ;)

We should start looking for a room and choosing a date now if we want to do this in December, though. Maybe in Brussels ?


Josse Sun 5 Nov 2017 10:49PM

Nothing has been decided yet when that should take place, but I like the idea as previous years we did not do much in December either.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Fri 24 Nov 2017 5:25PM

Reminder : this month's Lab is tomorrow, 2PM, Mechelen!


HgO Tue 28 Nov 2017 10:44AM

Reporting for last lab is available on the wiki ! For those who were there, could check the reporting for the website subgroup ? Thanks !

Next lab will be on 27th January 2018 in Gembloux ;)

Le compte-rendu du dernier lab est sur le wiki ! Pour celles et ceux qui étaient présents, pourriez-vous vérifier le compte-rendu du sous-groupe concernant le website ? Merci !

Le prochain lab aura lieu le 27 janvier 2018 à Gembloux ;)


HgO Fri 26 Jan 2018 6:33PM

Oy !

Tomorrow, it's Saturday AND it's Pirate Lab in Gembloux !
Two great news for the same day !! :D

Don't forget to put your suggestions for the agenda on the pad : https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/Piratelab2018-January ;)


HgO Sat 27 Jan 2018 6:57PM

Here is the report from the lab : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/27_01_2018#Reporting

Topics discussed : Brunch feedback, Next GA, Newsletter, Website. We didn't discuss the GDPR, but there are some ressources for next lab.

Those who were there : don't hesitate to improve it, by adding missing things, etc. Thanks!

Next lab will be in Mechelen, on 24th February, 2pm as usual.


HgO Wed 28 Feb 2018 3:29PM

The (small) last lab's report is on the wiki : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/24_02_2018#Reporting

There is a discussion ongoing regarding the change made on the website's menu : https://www.loomio.org/d/xLeNXk9Q/tools-dropdown-on-current-site

Next lab be in Gembloux, on 31th March, 2pm ;)


HgO Fri 30 Mar 2018 6:24PM

Ahoy ! This is a kind reminder for the lab of tomorrow in Gembloux :) Hope to see you there ! ;)

Don't forget to add your suggestions for the agenda on the pad if you plan to come !


HgO Wed 4 Apr 2018 12:50PM

Report of the Pirate Lab of March is available here : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/31_03_2018#Reporting :)


HgO Sat 5 May 2018 12:34PM

Ahoy ! The report of the Pirate Lab of April can be found there : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/28_04_2018#Reporting

As I wasn't in the subgroup Website, please check that everything is correct.

Next lab will be on 26th May 2018, in Gembloux. A part of this lab should be dedicated to the feedback / follow up of the GA (19th May).


HgO Fri 25 May 2018 3:29PM

Reminder : tomorrow is the Pirate Lab in Gembloux ! Don't forget to indicate on the pad below if you plan to come, and don't hesitate to add your suggestions for the agenda ;)



Rappel : demain, c'est le Pirate Lab à Gembloux ! N'oubliez pas d'indiquer sur le pad ci-dessus si vous comptez venir, et n'hésitez pas à ajouter vos suggestions pour l'agenda ;)


HgO Fri 22 Jun 2018 3:24PM

Le prochain Pirate Lab aura lieu le samedi 30 juin à 14h, au Café Expression à Malines. Toutes les infos se trouvent sur la page wiki de l'évènement [0].

@josse (ou quelqu'un d'autres) : tu t'occupes de réserver la salle ? :)

Comme d'habitude, voici le pad avec vos suggestions pour l'ordre du jour [1].

The next Pirate Lab will be on Saturday 30th June, at 2pm, Café Expression, Mechelen. You'll find all the practical details on the wiki page of the event [0].

@josse (or someone else) : could you book the room ? :)

As usual, here is the pad where you can make your suggestions to the agenda [1].

[0] https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/30_06_2018
[1] https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/Piratelab2018-June


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 22 Jul 2018 10:59AM

Hello, the next Pirate Lab was supposed to happen next saturday 28th July, but many of the people who come usually already confirmed their absence. In order to avoid making people move to Gembloux for no reason, the Lab is cancelled unless a handful of Pirates really want to go.

Le prochain Lab était prévu ce samedi 28 juillet, mais comme beaucoup de pirates qui viennent d'habitude ont déjà confirmé leur absence, il est annulé sauf si plusieurs pirates tiennent vraiment à y aller. Ca évitera de faire le déplacement pour rien pour les autres.


HgO Tue 21 Aug 2018 2:07PM

Does anybody plan to come at the next Pirate Lab, which should be on saturday 25th August ? Please let me know :) so I can create the wiki page. However, I won't be able to come to this Lab, as I have already something that day... :/

Y a-t-il des gens qui comptent venir au prochain Pirate Lab, lequel devrait avoir lieu ce samedi 25 août ? Merci de me le dire, que je puisse créer la page wiki :) Je ne pourrai pas venir au lab malheureusement : j'ai déjà quelque chose de prévu le même jour... :/


Josse Tue 21 Aug 2018 4:19PM

Idem. I am trying to continue the work on the website though.


Ilja Wed 26 Sep 2018 5:50PM

Will there be a lab in October? It's already end of September and there's no lab :astonished:
Time :clap: to :clap: get :clap: clapping :clap:


HgO Wed 26 Sep 2018 9:53PM

Well there could be a lab in September, but with the citizen list in LLN it's impossible for me this Saturday.

So I'm okay for 27th October :clap:


Poll Created Mon 8 Oct 2018 10:05AM

Where will we hold the next Pirate Lab ? Closed Mon 15 Oct 2018 10:03AM

by Jan Van Opstal Fri 19 Oct 2018 11:31AM

A new place somewhere in between?

Ahoy !

Next Pirate Lab will be on 27th October, but we need to decide the location for this lab.

Last time was in Mechelen, but it was in June… For Gembloux, we would need to check with @vincent15 if D'autres mondes is still available for us.

Please vote only if you plan to come to the lab


Results Option % of points Voters
Gembloux (D'autres Mondes) 50.0% 2 RVE DU
Mechelen (Expression) 50.0% 2 KDV JVO

4 of 66 people have participated (6%)


Ilja Mon 15 Oct 2018 4:20PM

So what will it be then? :laughing: I'm counting two for Mechelen and two for Gembloux lmao :laughing:
Maybe next time we should ask for motivation or something? Like '"I choose A, 'cause B is impossible for me" or "I choose B, but I wouldn't mind A" or ...
Maybe that's a bit easier to find consensus :slight_smile:


HgO Mon 15 Oct 2018 4:48PM

Well, since I didn't vote : it'll be in Gembloux this time :p Main argument : last time it was in Mechelen. I hope there isn't any objection for this solution ?

I like your proposition Ilja, but loomio didn't offer this kind of poll.. (of course we can hack the system )


Ilja Mon 15 Oct 2018 5:20PM

With OpenSondage (aka framadate) we could do something like pic. Not perfect, but a little more granular. It'll take people of Loomio then ofc. Not sure if that's a good UX?


Christophe Cop Fri 19 Oct 2018 12:17PM

If there is a decision on date and time: I really like to join.
I'd like to discuss the next elections + approach & prep of next GA.


HgO Fri 19 Oct 2018 12:25PM

We will do this lab in Gembloux (see the discussion above). I'm currently checking with Vincent if the venue is available. We will have more information tomorrow.

Also, see the wiki page for details : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/27_10_2018 I suggest you to add topics you'd like to discuss on the pad


HgO Fri 26 Oct 2018 1:28PM

The venue for the Pirate Lab of tomorrow is confirmed. Please note that it's not a the same address as usual : Rue Léopold 6, in Gembloux (it's just 100m away from the usual venue). All practical details are on the wiki : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/27_10_2018

The lab starts at 2pm ! You can add what you'd like to discuss on this pad : https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/Piratelab2018-October

See you !


Renaud Van Eeckhout Tue 30 Oct 2018 1:06PM

I added about half of the (very light) report of this month' lab is on the wiki, would it be possible if people who participated in the other subgroups (Elections Vlaanderen, Project AGORA) added their report please?

Next Lab is 24/11, in Mechelen. Find the practical information on the wiki.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 9 Jan 2019 2:21PM

Bonjour ! Comme le local habituel à Gembloux n'est pas disponible, on est à la recherche d'un local pour accueillir le lab de ce 26 janvier. Je pense que @patrickinstalle regarde aussi de son côté ? On en a parlé hier à notre réunion de Liège et on a quelques pistes potentielles, avec confirmation rapide à la clé. Une de ces pistes a un inconvénient : la salle doit être libérée à 16h. Serait-ce un problème pour vous de commencer le lab plus tôt, genre 12h, si on sélectionne cet endroit ?

Aussi, on a très envie que vous soyiez présents, on a besoin de votre feedback sur notre travail concernant l'écologie qui en cours durant tout ce mois, ça nous aiderait énormément.


Hello ! As the usual venue in Gembloux is not available, we are looking for a space to host the lab on January 26th. I think @patrickinstalle also looks from his side? We discussed this yesterday at our meeting in Liège and we have some potential leads, with quick confirmation. One of these venues has a disadvantage: the room must be vacated at 4pm. Would it be a problem for you if the lab started earlier, like 12:00, if we select this place?

Also, we'd love if you were present, as we need your feedback on our work on environment, which we're working on this whole month. It would be very helpful to us.


Patrick Installé Thu 10 Jan 2019 12:28PM

Ahoy, Il est possible d'occuper une salle à Tubize (Taverne de la gare en face de la gare de Tubize) l'après-midi de ce samedi 26 janvier 2019. La salle est gratuite mais il faut prendre les consommations dans le café. Je confirme (ou pas) ce dimanche.

Ahoy, it's possible to occupy a room at Tubize (Tubeke) (Taverne de la gare in front of the train station). The room is free but the drink should be taken at the tavern. I will confirm (or not) this Sunday.


Valerie D. Thu 10 Jan 2019 6:23PM

in LLN, nothing available for free :-( as far as I can think


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 12 Jan 2019 8:01PM

Tubize should be ok for pirates from Liège too, as we didn't have the information on our side either. So if you can confirm it @patrickinstalle it would be perfect, and thank you for your search!


Deleted account Sat 12 Jan 2019 8:24PM

We still have the Nulle Part Ailleurs. As long as people are drinking a little bit, the owner will open for us.


Josse Wed 16 Jan 2019 6:54PM

Can we have a decision on this, so we can publish it on the wiki e.g.. We can still do Mechelen if null part ailleurs does not work.


Patrick Installé Wed 16 Jan 2019 10:56PM

The room is reserved for the saturday 26 January 2019 from 14 to 17 o'clock n Tubize. The address is "Taverne de la gare" Plateau de la Gare 33, 1480 Tubize. It's just in front of the station (at the opposite of the bus station). For the pirates who leave near brussels and comes by train, the keycard could be used (list of the station could be found in http://www.belgianrail.be/fr/gares/recherche-gares/20/tubize.aspx). Be careful for the car parking they are generaly limited to 2h (blue area).
The room is free but we must take our drink in the cafe.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Thu 17 Jan 2019 5:09PM

Merci @patrickinstalle :)

Wiki page : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/26_01_2019


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 26 Jan 2019 9:34PM

Today's Lab's report is online on the wiki. Other participants are welcome to check/edit/improve the meeting report - @hgo @josse @patrickinstalle @assiakara

Next Lab is 23/02 in Mechelen


HgO Sat 30 Mar 2019 5:18PM

Today's Lab's report is online on the wiki : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/30_03_2019
Other participants are welcome to check / improve the meeting report (hey @patrickinstalle @iljabaert :grin:)

Next Lab is on 27 April in Mechelen.


HgO Thu 25 Apr 2019 2:41PM

Ahoy ! Is there anybody who plan to come to the Pirate Lab of this 27 April ? I can come, but I wouldn't want to go to Mechelen for nothing :sweat_smile:


Ilja Thu 25 Apr 2019 3:54PM

Me: one-person subgroup
@hgo : one-person lab


Ilja Thu 25 Apr 2019 3:56PM

One potential problem I see if no one goes is that it's always possible that people that we don't know will be there. We had that last time in Mechelen, what if this happens again and no one is there?


HgO Thu 25 Apr 2019 8:49PM

That's why I'd like to know if pirates will be there, otherwise we could cancel the event on the wiki, hoping that they will see it on time ^


Ilja Thu 25 Apr 2019 8:51PM

The on time is what I worry about if it's this saterday already :/


HgO Thu 25 Apr 2019 8:54PM

I know… But I'm sure of one thing : I don't want to come if I'm not sure there will be at least one attendee…


Ilja Thu 25 Apr 2019 8:59PM

Yeah, I can understand that. Prob best to just cancel it asap then (remove from calendar if possible or make it very clear that it's cancelled + explanation why it's cancelled).

But it does show a problem to me if we can't guarantee continuity


Ilja Thu 25 Apr 2019 9:01PM

Let me rephrase that. It's a problem if we can't guarantee continuity while people expect it (and currently it's expected)


HgO Fri 26 Apr 2019 9:35PM

Jean-François told me that he would maybe be there tomorrow, so that means we wouldn''t have to cancel the Lab :) He'll confirm his presence tomorrow in the morning.


HgO Sat 27 Apr 2019 10:14AM

I confirm that the Pirate Lab is… confirmed ^


HgO Sat 25 May 2019 5:38PM

The venue for the Pirate Lab of May is confirmed. Keep in mind that we changed both the date and the location. It will be on 1st June (or 32nd May) and in Braine-l'Alleud, at the Taverne Georges (Rue de l'Ancien Bourg 7), at 5min walk from the station :


Don't forget to indicate on the pad the topics you'd want to discuss : https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/Piratelab2019-May


HgO Wed 26 Jun 2019 6:48PM

Next Pirate Lab will be on this Saturday (29/06) in Mechelen :
However, as far as I know we didn't book the venue… @josse (or someone else) could you do it ? Thanks !

You can add your suggestions for the agenda on this pad :


Renaud Van Eeckhout Tue 22 Oct 2019 3:37PM


Next Pirate Lab is this Saturday 26/10 in Tubize (right next to the train station) : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/26_10_2019

There is a pad for those who want to come, please do tell if you intend to come, it's more practical for those who will be present :)


Renaud Van Eeckhout Tue 5 Nov 2019 11:58AM

Our next Pirate Lab will take place on Saturday 30/11 in Ixelles/Elsene : https://wiki.pirateparty.be/Pirate_Lab/Meeting/30_11_2019

As usual, there is a pad in the link for people who want to participate :)


Renaud Van Eeckhout Mon 2 Dec 2019 2:08PM

The report of this Saturday's Lab is on the wiki. Check/complete if you participated please :)

Next Lab should take place on January, 25th at the same place in Brussels. The venue still has to be confirmed though. The pad for this Lab is already open for your contributions!


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 18 Jan 2020 6:19PM

Reminder : the Lab is in 1 week, Saturday 25/01

Rappel : le Lab est dans 1 semaine, Samedi 25/01


Renaud Van Eeckhout Mon 16 Mar 2020 5:18PM

Next Lab was supposed to be 28/03, but you know, coronavirus, and probably no possibility to circulate at all at that moment.

What about doing this online? Using a video-conference tool like Jitsi Meet or another. I think @Ilja Baert already suggested the idea a few months ago, maybe now is the ideal time to try this out and learn about a tool that could be helpful?


Josse Mon 16 Mar 2020 6:12PM

Is there an open source program that works in the meantime? Our experiences last time were not the best. Could be because of hw factors too, but it would be good to test the right tool at forehand if we want to do this.


Ilja Mon 16 Mar 2020 7:42PM

I don't remember suggesting this, but I don't mind taking credit :p

  • For the IT-squad we've used https://talky.io/bemybigbrother in the past

  • Jitsi meet indeed seems an option as well https://jitsi.org/jitsi-meet/

  • We could even install Jitsi on parley (assuming it doesn't take up too much resources)

  • Maybe other options...? Idk

If we want to be in time for the lab, we still have this week and next weekend to prepare, so I'm all for it.

The way I see it, it'll need to be

  • easy accessible (preferably via webbrowser)

  • easy to split into subgroups

  • (and obviously, as josse also mentioned, floss)

I haven't really got any experience with such apps, so checking it out will be from scratch for me, but we'll see. I'll try to experiment a bit this week. Feel free to all do the same ;)

We also had someone new planning to come (they contacted the IT mailadres), so we'll need to let them know as well.


Josse Mon 16 Mar 2020 9:50PM

@Ilja Baert Before you start installing, talk to me on Jitsi. https://meet.jit.si/pirate


Ilja Tue 17 Mar 2020 6:15AM

@Josse Ah, you have a room already? Awesome! I'll try to be there tonight around 18h!


Patrick Installé Tue 17 Mar 2020 10:51AM

I am ready to test jitsy via it's web interface. I join https://meet.jit.si/pirate


Renaud Van Eeckhout Tue 17 Mar 2020 6:16PM

@Patrick Installé @Ilja Baert and myself just tested the videoconferencing tool mentioned above (Jitsi Meet).

Globally, it went fine. Some remarks we made are on the pad of the Lab: https://pad.parley.be/p/Piratelab2020-March

This means the Lab can happen at the expected date (28/03), just online, for people who want to join. The link of the videoconference room is this one : https://meet.jit.si/Piratelab2020-March

This info has been added already to the wiki page of the event.

So, see you during this month's lab!