Telegram Admin guidelines
Following the Celtic Burn Digital Security Policy (link) several folks stood up and volunteered to help moderate (a.k.a. admin) our Telegram group. Because the process at the time was not deemed fit for purpose, and the group had the desire to do things “the right way”, we’ve agreed to come up with a set of Admin Guidelines, as well as jot down what permissions Telegram offers, what Roles do we propose to fill in, and which of those permissions would one need to perform said Roles.
We understand that this document/write-up feels rather “heavy” for a burner group and I (Jakub) must admit that I’ve had some major spectrum moments when writing it, but it pretty much puts into words what we (Telegram Admins) already do and adds a couple more pieces so we all know what can happen and how. That being said, we intend to talk things through as a group first and foremost before throwing the guidebook around.
Details are available in the attached document but here is the summary:
1. Current Admin Permissions:Admins on Telegram have a range of permissions to maintain group functionality:
Change Group Info: Edit group settings like name, description, etc.
Delete Messages: Remove inappropriate or off-topic messages.
Ban Users: Temporarily or permanently remove users.
Invite Users via Link: Generate links to add new members.
Manage Topics: Create and organize discussion topics. (NOTE: users can create and rename topics too)
Pin Messages: Highlight important messages for visibility.
Manage Stories & Video Chats: Administer group stories and video calls (currently unused).
Remain Anonymous: Option to hide Admin identity.
Add New Admins: Promote other users to admin status.
Disable Unused Permissions: Disable Manage Stories, Manage Video Chats, and Remain Anonymous due to non-use.
Assign Admin Promotions: All admins can Add New Admins instead of relying only on the Owner or selected group of Admins. The Owner will act as a backup.
Core Admin Roles Focus: Admins should focus on essential roles like Delete Messages, Ban Users, Invite Users, and Manage Topics.
All Admins will hold all permissions with the exception of Delete Messages and Ban Users which will be allocated after further vetting on as-needed basis.
Admins are tasked with maintaining group integrity:
Content Management: Organize discussions and ensure topic relevance using Manage Topics and Pin Messages.
User Management: Use Invite Users via Link to admit members who align with group goals.
Terminator: Focus on cleaning up inappropriate content using Delete Messages and Ban Users.
Owner: Act to repair the server, permissions, or admin group in the event of error or misbehaviour. I.e. a “safety net”.
4. Admin Guidelines (can be read in full in the attached document)
Maintain a Welcoming Environment
Monitor Content
Set and Communicate Rules
Assist in Community Accepted Processes
Stay Active and Responsive
Approve or Deny Member Requests
Protect Group Security
Maintain Transparency Among Admins
Further there is a set of Strict Guidelines that will have an Admin questioned and potentially removed from Admin role:
Group Deletion
Topic Deletion
Invite Link Alteration
Alteration of other Admin’s permissions
Message Deletion
User Bans
5. Removal of Admins:
Summary of reasons for removal:
Intentional breach of guidelines or going against group decision.
Being demonstrably non-cooperative with the admin group.
Being a dick and or a cunt (generally speaking). 🙂
What do we want from you? Your feedback, opinions, ideas.
What do you think of the guidelines? Did we miss anything? Did we restrict ourselves too much/not enough?
How do you feel about Admin permissions assignments and the roles?
How should we manage Topics? This is creation, deletion of topics, and moderation of messages in a topic. Currently, as per the guidelines, messages can be deleted in specific circumstances. Are we happy to give topic moderators the dispensation to delete messages that are no longer relevant/don’t contribute to the topic?
Guy Mon 3 Mar 2025 11:01PM
Nothing to add from seeing it last time,
would second the thing on timeframes - if we're going to start growing in the next year with a new site and much larger capacity and publicly encouraging the Telegram, then the pruning of potentially harmful or sensitive discussions for individuals/community to be given a definite date.
We dont want to fall into what happened to Boarderlands and leave this to get dusty only to have some malign party sift through it trying to do reputational harm to CB or its members jobs in the press, the content of some sensitive discussions live on in the conclusions and actions taken ay.
Impressive work! Silence can also mean, 'nothing to add'.
fox of light · Mon 3 Mar 2025 10:16PM
I feel like the (low) level of engagement with this AP speaks to this content being more appropriately decided by a realizing team of participants who trust one another and specifically care about administrating the Telegram group.
Due to my personal experience of administering the group (and several others) for the first 18 months of its existence, I naturally have plenty of opinions/advice regarding the technicalities of administration of community Telegram groups - and I specifically have a desire for and ideas about tidying up our many topics, to be realized in a communaly-consensual manner - but I'm not really inspired to get into the details of all that here, as it simply doesn't seem to me like the correct/relevant place for it.
What I do feel rather strongly about is that, at over 3 months now, the stewardship of the group by its current owner has run over its agreed course, and it would be right for ownership of the group to either revert (as was the understanding when ownership was originally transferred, supposedly temporarily, for three weeks), or to pass to a caring member who would be trusted with it (personally I'm of the opinion that Jakub would be the best fit for this).
Also the language in the 3rd bullet point in section 5 is inappropriate and unbecoming of us. We can do better than this ♥