Sun 25 Nov 2018 11:08PM

Kickstarting the Unicorn DAC

GG Griff Green Public Seen by 272

- The Unicorn DAC is happening baby!

- Read more about the Unicorn DAC here: https://wiki.giveth.io/dac/Unicorn-DAC/
- There are Giveth unicorns and then there are Giveth Unicorns!
- The on-boarding process to become a Unicorn is INTENSE! There is a hazing, secret society type rituals, a Vote of 2/3 majority with 50% quorum of current Unicorns, and lots of other things outlined in great detail here: https://wiki.giveth.io/policy/Unicorn-onboarding/
- Kay, Griff, Kris, Lorelei, Bowen, Dani, and Lanski have made major moves to becoming Unicorns themselves, they have sponsors and are actively checking the boxes needed to be checked to cap their u.


Kay and I (Griff) have gone through all the required hazing to become Unicorns up to this point... but there are no Unicorns to vote us in!

1. We use this thread to vote on each unicorn as they become eligible to vote. Anyone can vote but the only ones that count are Kay, Griff, Kris, Lorelei, Bowen, Dani, and Lanski.
2. This initial vote requires 50% quorum and 3/4 majority and has a week timelimit. This means at least 4 people need to vote and only one can say no.... if less than 4 of the above people vote during the week or 2 of the above people say no then the unicorn is not able to be one of the first Unicorns. (NOTE This is different then the 2/3 majority that will be required after this first vote)
3. The unicorns being voted on can vote for (or against) themselves
4. Kay and I (Griff) can be voted on immediately, but the rest need to continue thru the process.
5. This proposal needs to be legitimized and ratified with it's own vote during the next gov meeting, if this proposal goes thru, and Kay and myself have 6 yes's then we are Unicorns, otherwise if we have less then 6 yes's we have to wait for the week to run out to see if we get 2 no votes.
6. Once a Unicorn is born, they can start allocating funds. I (Griff) am going to Donate a decent amount in each Unicorns name in the DApp to the Unicorn DAC, and will keep topping it up...

7. A Unicorn Campaign will be made for the $150 weekly milestones (I suggest you make it a video milestone when the new release comes out ;-) )

8. The Delegate of the Unicorn DAC Lorelei will dish out their Donations according to this spreadsheet (I modeled what it would look like): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WrpgSpIxNEs7A043_-ML3HkeUAIMkL2GxOD8nl9YnHU/edit?usp=sharing
9. Bowen and Lorelei will need to be on the look out for Unicorns trying to "refund" the donations that were donated in their name, I think they will be able to get that money out if they want to with this set up.
10. The exchange rate that is used is Sunday of the week
11. The milestones must be picked by the time Lorelei checks the sheet on Monday to count for that week. So if this all passes on Thursday week 0 will be Monday Nov 26-Sunday Dec2, on Monday Dec 3 Lorelei will use the exchange rate on the DApp to fill out the ETH column and delegate for the Unicorns that get their milestones in the spreadsheet in time (remember you do not have to donate every week, but there is no roll over.)

12. If the Milestone has already been funded to completion, Lorelei will not donate to that milestone.
13. Only milestones can be donated to, not campaigns and not DACs
14. Kay has made an Aragon DAO for the Unicorn DAC on Rinkeby and all Unicorn DAC decisions will use this DAO.. eventually this DAO will replace Lorelei as the Unicorn DAC Delegate on the DApp.

Other then those points (which are all up for debate) the Unicorn DAC will go exactly how it was outlined in https://wiki.giveth.io/dac/Unicorn-DAC/

Comment about issues in the thread and we will edit this text until it works


Mon 26 Nov 2018 12:17PM

He was a Unicorn all along!


Josh Fairhead
Tue 27 Nov 2018 3:10PM

Half horse, half narwhal - seems like the guy for the job :p


Loie Tue 27 Nov 2018 12:58AM

I don't understand point #9 exactly... how will this vulnerability arise?


Griff Green Tue 27 Nov 2018 3:01AM

When I donate in a Unicorn's name, they have the authority to actually withdraw the funds (I think), it will be really easy for Bowen to see tho, so he should be able to stop it. I will do a test with him ;-)
But the thing is.. who watches BOWEN! Well you, Lorelei, will also be able to see the funds in the Unicorn DAC and can keep watch over the watcher, and everyone else.


Pol Lanski Tue 27 Nov 2018 4:45AM

You mean, if you actually send the money to this person's wallet? You have to trust them to delegate it to milestones and not withdraw it?
If it's that, it shouldn't be a problem at this stage where all are trusted participants, but some hard coded mechanism (liquid democracy modification? Aragon DAO?) should make it more robust and perfect.


Griff Green Tue 27 Nov 2018 3:09PM

so I will donate directly to the Unicorn DAC, but every time you donate you can donate in someone else's name. But funds in DAC's are not locked, so if the delegate of a DAC sends the funds somewhere, the original donor has 3 days to veto right, well beyond that, they can even un-donate and get the money back....

And of course the end goal is an Aragon DAO that can do what we want it to do, this is just a ghetto hack we are doing for convenience... so that when L delegates, all the Unicorns will get an email say where their funds are going and it will be easy for people to see which milestones each Unicorn supported (to make sure they aren't supporting their own beyond the 150.)

But i think we need to play with this for 2 months and then see if we want to change things, then another 2 months... then aragon dao!


Pol Lanski Fri 30 Nov 2018 5:50AM

Gotcha, thanks!


Poll Created Tue 27 Nov 2018 3:03AM

Is this all good? Does this sound like a legit path forward? Closed Fri 30 Nov 2018 3:02AM

Please read each point before voting yes on this ;-D


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 77.8% 7 GG BS L DA L JE MR
Abstain 22.2% 2 KI JF
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 35 D JA YM Q AS AB PL K AA A R C EAD V DU G J C J R

9 of 44 people have participated (20%)


Josh Fairhead
Tue 27 Nov 2018 3:07PM

All seem in good order to me. Only question I'd have is on the 2/3 majority pass, how was the number chosen? I'd speculate that it's possibly from re-inventing orgs; if so I've heard other numbers from related fields (like 4/7) - so just checking its reasoned! Same thing with Quorum though the logic of it being 50% feels more straight forward. (Would 51% turnout be more appropriate?)


Don Adams
Tue 27 Nov 2018 4:02PM

The Don is with it


Jeff Emmett
Tue 27 Nov 2018 5:43PM

Sounds like fun!


Kris is
Wed 28 Nov 2018 8:04PM

see comment in thread.


Griff Green Tue 27 Nov 2018 3:13PM

re: 2/3, 50%... had to pick something... sounded nice, and was probably inspired sadly by the US Congress on the 2/3rds required for impeachment.
I hope that the Unicorns will change these numbers once there a decent herd has formed


Pol Lanski Wed 28 Nov 2018 6:50AM

To me it does sound a legit path forward, but I think you need to clarify... a legit path forward for the Unicorn DAC? A legit path forward to Giveth as a whole? In that second case, it's early to decide as we don't know how it's going to work.


Loie Wed 28 Nov 2018 7:25PM

In my eyes the question is of a legit path fwd for the Unicorn DAC. for Giveth as a whole would be way too early to determine! That's why we are experimenting. Some may have ✨Big Dreams™️🚀🏆✨for the Unicorn DAC but thus far it can only be a pilot program 😉🧐☝️


Kris is Wed 28 Nov 2018 8:02PM

I think it's safe enough to try as an experiment.

I think however the risk arises that
1) some people (without bad intentions) will create extra milestones for work others deem covered by their reg rewards and others will not create/fund extra milestones for work (done by them OR others) that should actually be paid extra (bcs they fear the above or bcs they're simply too busy to outline all of this). And there is no one who can judge well if people are rewarded appropriately. Money is tough, sensitive; complicated, bcs unfortunately there's no abundance just yet.
2) This will add a whole other layer of complexity for a) the outside world to understand what we do (already tough) and b) administration for us.

My ideal scenario stays: a correct salary based on the roles you fulfill and this system only for people who are non-reg rewarders. I know this has been voted on already, so just putting this here as a thought for possible future improvement of the experiment.


Griff Green Thu 29 Nov 2018 2:15PM

Both/and, this is an open system, putting money into this experiment is not changing the role that Campaigns fill. Each Campaign has to get donations and manage them appropriately, this will be a boost on top of that.

The big thing here will be adding DAI to the dapp and then making the weekly milestone something we do at the beginning of the week instead of the end, so that a campaign can reep the benefit of Unicorn DAC support without making the recipient delay in their payment.
Also, the milestone upgrade will be huge as well, so that the reviewer piece is optional


Pol Lanski Fri 30 Nov 2018 5:58AM

I see what you are writing and I agree. In addittion I would add that I think this is also for Reg Rewards people and money: imagine you want to do something / go somewhere / print that one thing / spend money on that stuff. You wouldn't be paying it outside of your reg rewards, right? So you create a milestone for it and see if the rest agree with you on doing it this way - funding it!


Poll Created Tue 4 Dec 2018 8:52PM

Kris Should be a Unicorn Closed Thu 6 Dec 2018 6:02PM

As of today, Kris has completed all steps of becoming a Unicorn... except this one! Let's vote!
Kay, Griff, Dani, Bowen, Lanski, Kris ~ I'm looking at you!!

See points 1-5 in the thread for any questions about the parameters of this vote.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 90.0% 9 D KI GG PL K BS L JZ MR
Abstain 10.0% 1 JF
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 34 JA YM Q AS AB AA A R C EAD V DU G J C J R GS L JB

10 of 44 people have participated (22%)


Kris is
Wed 5 Dec 2018 12:39AM



Josh Fairhead
Wed 5 Dec 2018 1:56AM

Hardest abstain yet :p


Wed 5 Dec 2018 5:15PM

excellent - two thumbs and one horn Up!


Wed 5 Dec 2018 5:23PM

Yay! Welcome Kris!


Pol Lanski
Thu 6 Dec 2018 1:14AM

Technically Kris was born a Unicorn and will always be...


Poll Created Sun 23 Dec 2018 4:06AM

Dani should be a Unicorn Closed Wed 26 Dec 2018 4:02PM

We had a warm and lovely commitment meeting with Dani and her Uncles Kay and Kris this week... by all sentiments of the community and processes fulfilled, she's ready! Give your final vote here.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 11 D KI GG PL K BS L DA L JF MR
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 32 JA YM Q AS AB AA A R C EAD V G J C J R GS JB DD JF

11 of 43 people have participated (25%)


Griff Green
Sun 23 Dec 2018 4:14AM



Kris is
Sun 23 Dec 2018 9:04AM

yes a thousand times yes <3


Sun 23 Dec 2018 5:45PM

Of course! Dani is the Unicorniest of us all


Mon 24 Dec 2018 1:16PM

Hurray! I welcome Dani our storytelling Unicorn <3


Josh Fairhead
Tue 25 Dec 2018 3:43PM

This seems quite natural to me :)


Wed 26 Dec 2018 3:04PM

I vote for myself right? I'm ready!


Poll Created Wed 26 Dec 2018 2:08PM

Lanski should be a Unicorn! Closed Wed 2 Jan 2019 2:02PM

The year-round human Giveth outpost in Asia, also known as Pol, also known as Lanski, has climbed all but one step to the temple of holy Unicorn DAC-land and is welcomed by all! All that's left is this vote, so give your final word ~ __^ ~


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 9 D KI GG PL K BS L JF MR
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 34 JA YM Q AS AB AA A R C EAD V G J C J R GS L JB DD

9 of 43 people have participated (20%)


Wed 26 Dec 2018 2:11PM

Heck yeah! I hope this gives more opportunities for us all to synergize with this bright human.


Wed 26 Dec 2018 3:03PM

Yay U!


Pol Lanski
Wed 26 Dec 2018 5:42PM

Umm, yes!


Josh Fairhead
Wed 26 Dec 2018 5:55PM

Seems like a narwhal/horses hybrid. Busy with the stable ATM as well from the looks of ting


Griff Green
Wed 26 Dec 2018 7:59PM

I know him as Planski


Wed 26 Dec 2018 9:43PM

NEVER! have I met a more unicorny Unicorn dude than Pol!


Poll Created Fri 28 Dec 2018 6:53PM

Loie should be a Unicorn Closed Fri 4 Jan 2019 6:02PM

I did all the things... Love me!? 🙏


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 10 D KI GG PL K BS DA L JF MR
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 33 JA YM Q AS AB AA A R C EAD V G J C J R GS L JB DD

10 of 43 people have participated (23%)


Fri 28 Dec 2018 7:02PM

Love U!


Pol Lanski
Sat 29 Dec 2018 4:16AM



Kris is
Sat 29 Dec 2018 7:14AM



Sat 29 Dec 2018 11:26AM



Josh Fairhead
Sun 30 Dec 2018 5:59PM

Good work on initiatives! Kinda seems like a right she should have but the process is appreciated :p


Griff Green
Tue 1 Jan 2019 7:30AM



Don Adams
Fri 4 Jan 2019 4:41PM

Awwwwwww yeah


Poll Created Mon 11 Feb 2019 5:55PM

Bowen Should Be A Unicorn! Closed Mon 18 Feb 2019 5:02PM

Bowen "Mister Boyfriend" "Batman" Sanders, our majestic Security Guard and Social Coding delegate, dedicated learner, handy man, and friend to all has completed all the levels of Unicorn onboarding and now it is time to vote him in! (or Out! OOH?! scandal?)

His commitment meeting was early last week and Loie is a little slowie on the loomio for this one so please vote as soon as you can so we can get him into this week of delegations, if indeed the community approves him here.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 11 D KI AS GG PL K R DA L JF MR
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 33 JA YM Q AB BS AA A R C EAD V G J C J GS L JB DD JF

11 of 44 people have participated (25%)


Kris is
Mon 11 Feb 2019 8:40PM

yes yes a thousand times yes


Josh Fairhead
Tue 12 Feb 2019 11:26AM

I'm gonna vote with the leading title and say yes ;) Bowens clearly well integrated in this group and a valuable asset. I look forward to further collaboration :)


Griff Green
Tue 12 Feb 2019 3:07PM

The Genesis herd is complete


Thu 14 Feb 2019 4:10AM

Genesis herd activation sequence complete! Bowen is the U.bomb.


Poll Created Mon 18 Mar 2019 10:12PM

Allow Self Delegation Milestones in ETH Closed Fri 22 Mar 2019 4:24PM

by Loie Fri 22 Mar 2019 4:33PM

Loie will make a milestone to send 75% of all total ETH in the Unicorn DAC to Griff. Griff will change that into DAI, and re-delegate it back into the Unicorn DAC in the names of the Unicorns. 25% of the ETH already there will remain there. Unicorns may make self delegation milestones in ETH, but as they know, only if they make it during a special time period (Monday before midnight) when they can get the Sunday exchange rate and before Loie delegates for everyone on Tuesday.

This is about the Unicorn DAC!


There's a bunch of eth available in all of your Unicorny names waiting to be delegated thru the weekly 600, but since we went so DAI hard there's barely ever eth milestones that Unicorns are delegating to. Thus,
Griff has 9 eth sitting
Kay has 10 eth sitting
Kris has 14 eth sitting
Dani has 6 eth sitting
Lanski has 9 eth sitting
Bowen has 6 eth sitting
and I have 9
all donations in the Unicorn DAC waiting to be delegated.

So I Propose:

We allow Unicorns to make their self delegation milestones in Eth. Delegation day (when Loie actually makes the transactions based off Unicorn's choices) is moved to Tuesday.

That last bit, why?
The only reason that ETH self delegation milestones were unofficially disallowed before was because in order to get a sunday exchange rate and still get the milestone proposed in time before I do the delegations on Mondays, people had a slim couple hour window when they could sit down and create their self delegation milestone. So I think we'd need to tweak that to allow folks some more time. Easiest way is to say, we'll continue to use Sunday exchange rates but your delegation choices (including your milestone to self) don't need to be in the sheet until the end of Monday in whatever your timezone. 24 hours later than our previous rule of Sunday end of day.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 71.4% 5 D GG K BS L
Abstain 14.3% 1 JF
Disagree 14.3% 1 KI
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 39 JA YM Q AS AB PL AA A R C EAD V G J C J R GS L JB

7 of 46 people have participated (15%)


Griff Green
Mon 18 Mar 2019 10:43PM

sure unicorn dac is an experiment the fewer rules the better


Bowen Sanders
Mon 18 Mar 2019 10:48PM

I'm OK with this as far as I can tell


Josh Fairhead
Tue 19 Mar 2019 6:08PM

I understand the DAI hard tension but am confused by the why section as to whats actually being proposed. Is it that if unicorns want to fund something getting done they can put out a milestone in Eth? or is this about funding oneself in Eth for a self directed task?

Are Unicorn proposed milestones getting picked up? I don't regularly check the Dapp for movement because the community is in Riot; it might be good to post them into the relevant channels? Or am I just completely wonky?


Kris is
Wed 20 Mar 2019 12:48PM

This is a logic that is the exact opposite of the reg rewards in DAI discussion. Why do we complicate and create extra administration (only a 24h window to make those Milestones, having to convert eth to dai etc etc) for a bunch of people for the simple reason that 'eth is sitting there'? If we now will have a role that converts eth to dai (=griff), why don't we take take the eth sitting in our names and convert it all to DAI? One transaction instead of complicating a system we just simplified.


Thu 21 Mar 2019 4:41PM

1.) Sunday's have proven difficult for Unicorn delegations when doing weekend unworking. 2.) I like ETH. 3.) Options and choice are good when experimenting in decentralized governance.


Thu 21 Mar 2019 4:45PM

this is a "you're allowed" not a "you must" proposal :)


Poll Created Sun 2 Jun 2019 4:29PM

Change Unicorn DAC pay period from 1 wk to 2 Closed Fri 21 Jun 2019 3:01PM

by Loie Mon 1 Jul 2019 5:36PM

This proposal was PASSED with these details added during the Community Meeting of June 20th 2019: Loie delegates on 1st and 3rd Mondays, and people make sure to get their milestones up before the 10th and 25th of the month. (That way no matter how the month falls, there is at least 5 days between someone proposing a milestone and me doing the delegating, plenty of time for Unicorns to see it and choose it.) We keep the weekly structure of the spreadsheet, that way if there is a 5th monday in the month, those 3 weeks are still accounted for and then on the first monday of the next month Loie will be delegating 1800 DAI from each Unicorn.
And an amendment in order to pass it was: we NEED reminders! the week leading up to the 10th and the week leading up to the 25th there should be a riot chatted reminder to get your milestones in for that funding cycle.


Delegating every week is inefficient, and because of that it's unrealistic and gets skipped. I often am delegating 2 weeks worth of allocations on one day - I've found my flow!

I propose

to officially change the policy to delegating every 2 weeks on Monday.

This way, people can plan around pay times and their expectations will match reality more.
If I delegate one week's worth on a day, it takes me ~3 hours and sometimes several days of waiting in between for issues to be fixed.
If I delegate 2 week's worth on a day, it takes me ~3.5 hours, sometimes also waiting for the DApp to be ready, but at least I only have to do that dance twice in a month.
You can see how doing 2 weeks at once saves me ~5 hours in a month.

I am realizing, some things from old world business are worth keeping ;P There must be a reason the business standard is payroll happens every 2 weeks!


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 6 D KI PL BS L MR
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 40 JA YM Q AS AB GG K AA A R C EAD V G J C J R GS L

6 of 46 people have participated (13%)


Kris is
Mon 3 Jun 2019 3:05AM

As far as I know the business standard in Europe and I guess everywhere except the US (where u have that crazy system of weekly paychecks, literal checks, still shocking to me) is actually even monthly payouts. So 100% agree that 2 weeks will be an improvement and a boost for your motivation and productivity. (I wouldn't even mind making monthly Milestones the default to increase efficiency there too, switching to this myself. But that's another proposal)


Mon 3 Jun 2019 9:31AM

I've noticed that weekly is very inconsistent on timing and if this change means more regularity it is a good thing.


Wed 5 Jun 2019 4:20PM

glad to see so much support! i think this will open up for better uses of the energy. i'd especially like it to create a space for hours spent on - actually building this on Aragon - 😱😄anybody want to partner with me on that? i need a technical buddy i think, and also an organized person who will push and hold me accountable to this. (it's easy to backburner it)


Dani Fri 7 Jun 2019 8:52AM

How technical a buddy.. I will love to kick some organizational energy into the UDAC, it's definitely a highlight of our Gov systems and an Aragon integration intrigues me.