Sat 30 Jun 2018 7:24PM

Leadership of OurField

AR Abby Rose Public Seen by 46

We need 4 people from the collective to step forward to be part of the core leadership team, driving the direction for OurFieldWeston for the next year. Basic things like deciding dates of events and assigning someone to organise. Working with Graham to inform people when important discussions/decisions are coming up and working with John to ensure he is happy with the OurField setup. As well as looking at the accounts from Grahame and discussing on behalf of the collective.
Initially it will be selected by those who are keen, and then if we have too many we will pick from a hat. But in future years this could be voted for.



Tony Allan Sun 8 Jul 2018 6:28AM

Dear Grahame and Darren
It would be very good to have a gathering in August. Very many thanks Darren for all that you and others have done to get the spelt milled and packed. As a 2017 member I waive my entitlement to some flour. Best Tony (Allan)


Grahame Hunter Mon 9 Jul 2018 8:27AM

Surely, Tony, you have some eager baker-friends at SOAS or around?


Tony Allan Tue 10 Jul 2018 1:33PM

Dear Graham

I am very sorry that I do not have such a network.

I must start cultivating the bakeries in my part of London.




Darren Mon 9 Jul 2018 6:19PM

Leadership team and problems with Loomio

Happy to see we have had a number of people coming forward to be on the proposed leadership team.

Although there could be something to say for having a small team that feel committed to taking forward the leadership of OurField, I wonder if we could get better results by having an open team, which any member could join, which included the people who have volunteered here to take a lead?

I guess it may be that an open team may leave people feeling somewhat less committed to stepping up, when work really needs doing, than having 4 people who feel its their responsibility, but I feel there is a danger that some in a member limited team might find they dont have the time or energy that they hoped for the leadership team work, which could leave a larger work load on those that were left. Similar to what appeared to happened last year.

Thinking about OurField, along with having an organizing/leadership team I believe improving communication could have great benefits.

I think having as much of the communication around OurField, including that of the organising crew, publicly visible would have great value. Both for -

  • the collective to be able to keep track of whats going on, allowing them to see how decisions were reached and even to step in if they were interested in getting involved or to help if things looked like the leadership team needed help.
  • and for the loftier 'open source' goal of allowing others to learn from and possibly be able to replicate our endeavors.

I sadly agree with others that Loomio is probably hindering our communications. On paper its great - and I work with other groups that are using it effectively - but its sadly doesnt play nicely with less powerful devices, and often very slow to load and possibly not always amazingly user friendly. Given the likely diversity of devices and tech skills of our collective members it no doubt impacts levels of participation.

I was part of the team who looked at alternatives to Loomio and we did agree that possibly we would be best sticking with Loomio, at least for now - but I did say I'd look into what would be involved in getting us set up on a promising alternative called Discourse.
Discourse is a nice modern, open source discussion forum, which works well on mobile, and like Loomio allows email notifications and replies by email.

We've got a test instance set up and are testing it now. If anyone would like a look, and possibly to help us with the test, please send me a message (click on my picture)

I wouldnt like to see us move to using the Facebook group (no email notifications - so people have to remember to check for activity) or Slack (its designed more for chat than discussions and the PC app is very resource hungry - not good for older devices)

Hopefully Discourse proves to be a viable alternative that can streamline our communication - enabling easier and transparent communication between the leadership team, collective members, Grahame and John Cherry.

Finally I'd be happy to be on the Leadership team, or to support them.


wahome Mon 9 Jul 2018 9:24PM

for some reason, your profile doesn't show a contact button. coincidentally, i planned to recommend discourse at the next opportunity for discussion: i've actively used it for a number of communities. choosing facebook would end my participation: i'm motivated to co-invest in better/human models of production; content/process tools are an important piece of the puzzle.

on a slight tangent, i'm concerned about the public-by-default discussions - for both technological and social reasons. naturally, i'd like to share my concerns within a trusty environment, but low-trust spaces stifle high-trust conversations.


Steven Jacobs Tue 10 Jul 2018 7:27AM

Thank you @darren4 I would support discourse though I'm not at all familiar with it but if you have experience and find it works then I'm willing to give a good go.
On the leadership issue I’d like to get involved, but time is a big issue. There are some times in the year that are easier/harder for me regarding workload. And if there are certain tasks rather than a range of tasks I find that easier to get stuck in.


Steven Jacobs Tue 10 Jul 2018 7:30AM

I agree with you @wahome about levels of confidentiality/privacy and though I'm happy to chat openly I would like to explore ways to encourage open debate within the OurField group, for the freedom to help nurture good conversations


Darren Tue 10 Jul 2018 11:30AM

@wahome you said

for some reason, your profile doesn't show a contact button

I see it unfortunately doesn't!

If you click on my picture in the thread members box (scroll up to the top on the right hand side of the screen), you may have to use the magnifying glass icon in that box to find me, then, hopefully, you'll see a contact button on my profile page, that will pop up.


andrea Tue 10 Jul 2018 11:38AM

There doesn't seem to be a free option for Discourse (or am I missing something?). In that case, why not use Slack?


Abby Rose Tue 10 Jul 2018 9:39PM

Discourse is very simple and easy. My understanding is that Discourse is free as long as we host it ourselves (or find someone who is already doing this who would just add our instance), and we will have to have someone do the updates of the software etc. If we could find someone who would host it for us then it would be a nice option. I also use slack regularly and like it...


Rosy Benson Tue 10 Jul 2018 6:20AM

Morning all, I'd be happy to host you all at the bakery one weekend evening (I thought this easiest for non londoners to get to) this August, thinking from 7pm when the mill house is closed to the public. I had a meeting with Ben yesterday to ask if I could use the space and he's kindly offered it free of charge to support the group. Here is a doodle to see which date suits the most amount of people. https://doodle.com/poll/rbb8stfcyhdb4ntk Also sorry to not put myself up for a leadership role, theres the possibility I might be away for large portions of next year on baking/grain travels, so best to have some one who's around. But very keen to help where possible in the meantime.


Steven Jacobs Tue 10 Jul 2018 7:21AM

Hi @rosybenson that's great, good work and big thanks to you and to Ben. Problem for me is I can't do any of the dates you propose. Sorry. I really, really want to meet up with the group and to do so soon but I have all remaining July and August weekends booked. Could we look at early September.....?
If not and a lot of people find it better to do the next meeting before September then maybe we can have a second meeting in the autumn. And if so then perhaps we can start to look at dates fairly soon.


Harry Greenfield Tue 10 Jul 2018 8:07AM

I'd also be keen for a gathering to catch up with the collective - but also can't make the dates in August unfortunately. I like @stevenjacobs idea of trying to arrange an autumn gathering soon, so that we can have a date for that far enough in advance for the most people to come along


Abby Rose Tue 10 Jul 2018 10:16PM

Rosy this is amazing - great work :) Sadly I too can't make either of those weekends :(... let's see what the leadership team come up with in terms of dates!


Rosy Benson Wed 11 Jul 2018 7:43AM

Hey @harrygreenfield1 @abbyrose @stevenjacobs no problem I shall cancel the doodle and await for the leadership group to contact me so we can get some dates in the diary to use e5, hopefully a few spread throughout the year so everyone has chance to book it in well in advance.


Tony Allan Wed 11 Jul 2018 7:46AM

Dear Rosy
Many thanks for standing by with Doodle. We shall get back


Tony Allan Wed 11 Jul 2018 7:50AM

Dear Rosy,
Assuming that we could use E5 as a venue could you list the weekends that could be available.
One is beginning to sense that we shall have to use skype which does not work for many people living in areas with weak signals.
Best TonyA


Rosy Benson Thu 12 Jul 2018 7:42AM

Hi John, before I list loads of dates, which month are we thinking? Then I shall check the calendar. Thanks


Tony Allan Thu 12 Jul 2018 7:56AM

Dear Rosy

I judge we should meet or skype as soon as possible.

Any date from 20 July until the end of August should be in the frame.

We are encountering some revelations. For example my assumption that the weekend liaison would be easier than during the working week is not valid.

Many thanks for trying to find a date.




Tony Allan Fri 20 Jul 2018 11:59AM

Dear Rosy

Just confirming that I am on my way to E5 for 2.00 pm.

I trust it is still convenient.

Best. TonyA


Rosy Benson Fri 20 Jul 2018 12:00PM

Yep all fine


Tony Allan Fri 20 Jul 2018 12:41PM

Dear Rosy

Things have gone wrong.

I am confused in Hackney.

What is the E5 station

What is you r phone

Mine is. I
07904 514690


Rosy Benson Fri 20 Jul 2018 12:45PM

London fields station, in the arches underneath


Abby Rose Tue 10 Jul 2018 9:49PM

Ok thanks to all of those who put themselves for leadership roles. It seems to be @johnanthonyallan @christinelewis1 @oliverrubinstein @wahome @darren4 - as only 5 people put themselves forward we will go ahead with 5 people in the leadership team.
At this point I will set up a 'leadership' subgroup here on Loomio for the 5 leadership team mentioned above. In order to keep transparency within the group, anyone in the collective can be an 'observer' in that leadership group, so you can follow that discussion if you like.

Also thank you @harrygreenfield1 @stevenjacobs and @rosybenson for offering to help organise events and specific projects. I will leave it with the leadership team to liaise with you on this, as this will be one of the first things to sort out as Grahame outlined above! Thank you all as ever!


Grahame Hunter Mon 16 Jul 2018 9:25AM

As we now have the team, this thread closes.

Of course all closed threads remain visible, there is just no opportunity to add further comments in a closed thread.