Platform 6: Review of our Vision and Mission

This last year or two has been challenging to say the least. Stuff has gone by the wayside, other stuff has come to the fore. Platform 6 is no exception. As we begin slowly to emerge into the light, albeit murky, it's a good time to re-evaluate what we are about, and what we can usefully put our energy and time into.
Platform 6 is holding an online session, time and date to be confirmed shortly, and we'd like to invite co-op members to participate in that session - I'll post more details to members when we have that info.. If you aren't yet a member, please consider joining - there's a form on our website - - that should work.
There are over 130 people in this wider group of interested parties and supporters, and we are of course really keen to get your thoughts and suggestions to help guide the thinking and the conversation. Now that we entering a world where Covid continues to shape a lot of stuff, where the climate emergency is dominant, where uncertainty and division seem to be shaping much of what seems to be happening, what are the priorities for us a cooperators? Where should Platform 6 be focussing?
Please share you thoughts and suggestions this thread.

Graham Sun 5 Sep 2021 2:09PM
That's up to you Nathan. I posted this item in the broader P6 community space (which is much wider than just the members of the co-op) deliberately to open up the conversation more widely. Clearly if Platform 6 is to be effective it needs to listen to all relevant voices.
Nathan Brown (Co-op Culture) · Fri 3 Sep 2021 3:31PM
As my co-op, Co-op Culture, is a P6 member and I am not as an individual, should we be using discussions with our nominated member rep as the conduit for this?