
Introductions and Ice Breakers

T Tricia Public Seen by 76

How about we introduce ourselves and when a new user joins the group, the person accepting the member request will welcome them here. Let's try to see if we can get to know each other.


Jackie Wed 7 May 2014 4:02PM

Jackie, IO, Occupy Buffalo; - helped with NatGat2, Occupy Sandy.
Occupy was the clarion call for me to get active; since OB has been in suspension, my participation is mainly as online support.

@sea the "at mention" function also sends you a notification that you are mentioned. use to bring the comment to someone's attention.


Justin Thu 8 May 2014 5:16AM

I'm justin I occupy wall street, info & comhub, think tank, queering ows, disability caucus, sandy.

i founded a bunch of things- some tool libraries, food pantries & couple co ops around silk screening, design and artsty type occupy things.

oh yeah im a technical writer, editor, event coordinator, ghost social media community manager (the largest has a reach of 8.82 M on Twitter alone) & while not serving on several long term recovery groups in sandy affected areas i write short fiction, poetry & wikipedia articles.

pen names, celebs & exiled world leaders aside feel free to creep on my public social media stuff.


oh owned a bookstore for a while & have a couple degrees here somewhere with the various disaster case manger training books I use to train new DCMs.

my semi-anon projects are op safe winter & wave of action. founded those too in community... but i don't #humblebrag.



i build networks & get accused of being a troll often by folks who don't know me.

ask jackie. im a bit of an ass if you don't know where im coming from but always put the values of Occupy & it's scrappy rag tag community first.

capt ray loves me. ben AND jerry do too.

u will too when you see what i can do with given a little breathing room.

oh yeah im known in occupy for getting sh*t done with no funding.. like the si tool library


im just a poor part white boy who knows some tricks & like to occupy.



Justin Thu 8 May 2014 5:22AM

I'm the OTHER Justin. Ask @rustyrockets about my tent. http://www.russellbrand.com/2011/10/occupy/


Julia Clark Thu 8 May 2014 2:40PM

Thanks for the intell Justin. I always wanted to know that information. I a sure that photo you have there that read "I founded occupy wall street" really made great press.


Sea Thu 8 May 2014 7:48PM

Come on folks. Introduce yourselves.


Ulrike Beudgen Thu 8 May 2014 9:22PM

Not sure, if I should write here, as I am not in the USA ... I am just looking for informations to forward to my German (and perhaps european) friends in occupy, Blockupy and refugee-Movement ... :)


Sally G Fri 9 May 2014 2:37AM

Ulrike, you are welcome here! Glad to share any information we have.


Sally G Fri 9 May 2014 2:44AM

Julila, I suspect that the photo about founding OWS dates to the time when Justine made that claim in print; there was quite some pushback!


Jackie Fri 9 May 2014 2:58AM

Ulrike's been on many Occupy lists for quite a while now. Glad you are keeping tabs on NatGat for our euro-Kameraden.


Jackie Fri 9 May 2014 3:01AM

right. there was a whole #Ifoundedwallstreet thing for a few weeks. facebook groups, twitter the whole nine.

#IfoundedNatGat. ;)


Sea Sat 10 May 2014 3:37AM

Folk, introduce yourselves.


Justin Sun 11 May 2014 1:36AM

Sea can you share some details about yourself?

Folks might also want to provide links & update profile pics..

Always good to match a name with a face.


Tricia Sun 11 May 2014 8:52PM

Welcome aboard @aiman and @donnapiranha . Please introduce yourselves and thanks for stepping up!


Cal Sun 11 May 2014 9:49PM

I was with Occ Oaklnd from around the first Thanksgiving (shortly after the encampment ended), started facilitating GAs and wanted to get the decision-making process to be modified consensus (more like what OWS used) than what was really a supermajority wherein the majority rolled over the minority and the minority had no voice. After about 6 months, tired of those who most decrying the ways of the dominant paradigm themselves being the most dominant, I drifted away (in a slow silent divorce).
I am not an activist, and I'm less interested with what we do and more drawn to how go about doing it and how we are with each other. A former Mac software developer (before that, a record producer for my own small label in D.C.), I was trained to facilitate collaborative methods/processes and teach workshops. I'm a Jungian (coach, writer, teacher), very active with personal growth work and the "new paradigm for the masculine" and teach workshops on relationship and other topics of the psyche. To me, some aspects of Occupy (along with some other non-Occupy) represent some pieces of what could (with some modification IMO) be a new model for society.
I've been with InterOccupy (IO) since the end of 2011. I love IO and would probably trust my life with those folks. There's no one in IO whose intention I would ever question, even when I disagree with them.
I've been involved with all three NatGats, though as heavily with the first two, probably more so this time because I live 100 miles from Sacto.


Tricia Mon 12 May 2014 12:22PM

Welcome Aboard Bradley Mastin -- here's his introduction "Hi from Bradley Mastin (I), Alhambra, Ca 1957. first of eastern family ®. Alta Loma High 1975, CSUS B.S. Outdoor Recreation 1975 -1983. Willing to help with water because I worked as white water tour guide in Sierras in 70s & 80s. Was involved in Stanislaus & protest to stop filling reservoir. Worked as student intern at Sacramento Capitol for Sharon Negri, Mark’s wife, at PCL in 80s. Now with BLM in Barstow Ca. My daughter just graduated from csus in december. I know and understand the water issues very well and would like to help here, also an accouting & budget expert (practical and cause & effect). For example, we are asked to save water, yet the vast majority of our water goes to grow food. We waste about 50% of our food. Maybe we should change our shopping and dining habits instead? I have lived, worked and studied all over the state and viscerally understand the different viewpoints.
Work projects i spearheaded include first management plan of south fork american river (as intern), El Mirage Cooperative Mangement Area plan; Amargosa Wild and Scenic River designation. I love life and people, i interact with people, i do not fear people, i engage people, i do not judge people. My heart & the right side of my brain guide me as an independent, risk taking, life loving, being.


Sea Wed 14 May 2014 4:21AM

Hi Brad, Hope you make it to NatGat. There's an inactive working group called "Workers Health and the Environment". Are you interested in that?

Also we received this message, from Ojai CA. Are you far from there?

Lucas Thayer
I have free veggies to be brought to Occupy National Gathering in Sacramento. The veggies are in Ojai CA. Can anyone help get these veggies to NatGat? Bring empty boxes. Bring the veggies to Sacramento for a kitchen prep team to turn the ingredients into prepared meals for people at the event.
Occupy National Gathering Occupy National Gathering Excellent! DM us with details. We'll call it #OperationNomNom

Here's a food distributor near Sacramento.
Fowler Bros Distributors
110 Gary Pl, San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 459-3406
They might be able to help with trucks and stuff. I know Fowler used to bring organic food to northern Calif from Ojai CA. They might know someone who can haul water too.
See the discussioin: "Food and Water for the Event".


Sally G Wed 14 May 2014 5:36PM

I put Ojai on the caravan map, hoping that someone could swing by.


Sea Wed 14 May 2014 5:48PM



Sally G Wed 14 May 2014 6:00PM

Once we get closer, and I am more comfortable with how I am putting it together, I believe we can embed it in our Web site. Not sure about editing after that, though, so just passing around as is for now. I never used the site before, it is click2map.com (org?)


Brad in Barstow Thu 15 May 2014 1:12PM

Hi Group! Tricia thanks for invite, and Sea yes about Ojai, it is west of me where everything from la north is on way to Sacto. Will go to discussions.


Tricia Tue 20 May 2014 11:22PM

Welcome aboard Nicholas L - a young anarchist with illustration skills, looking for connections and a way to use his skills to make changes.


Sally G Wed 21 May 2014 1:31AM

@nicholaslarsen take a look at our discussion of a logo—we were asked to have some swag put together to be handed out in early July to encourage attendance; an offer, presumably still open, for items produced with our single-color logo—which needs to be created. . . . interested? Warning: we can be a fairly critical bunch, but we have a real need; I think we can play nice!


Daniel Hong Fri 23 May 2014 1:02AM

I'm Daniel Hong, from Occupy Portland, OR. While I understand the complexity of event planning, as everything is interconnected (and I do help out in providing opinions and facilitating the weekly conference calls to the best of my ability), my first and foremost focus for #NatGat2014 is providing transportation for my comrades in the Pacific NW -- that is, Oregon, Washington and Idaho -- starting with my city.


Sea Sat 24 May 2014 12:39AM

Is my browser fooling me? Or has Justin been listed in the group and not in the group, back and forth, three or so times?


Sally G Sat 24 May 2014 1:19AM

It is true, not sure why he got bumped the last time, but Tricia readded him before I got to do it. Everyone in, nobody out! (as the single-payer folks [me included!] say)


Nicholas Larsen Sun 25 May 2014 3:02AM

Hello guys. My name is nick. I don't normally like introducing myself like this because I happen to be a shy person.


Nicholas Larsen Sun 25 May 2014 3:03AM

I'll get to work on a logo right away.


Sally G Sun 25 May 2014 1:55PM

Welcome, Nick.


Daniel Hong Wed 28 May 2014 4:58PM

@nicholaslarsen Welcome! Thanks for working on the logo!


Sea Mon 2 Jun 2014 1:50AM

Anyone new?


Tricia Wed 4 Jun 2014 6:32PM

Welcome aboard @jeremyentwistle @matt1


oswgwhe Fri 6 Jun 2014 3:08AM

S is now O. sea is now oswgwhe.
So much for old browsers and beta software.


Sally G Fri 6 Jun 2014 11:36AM

oswgwhe = Occupy Sacramento Working Group ??_?
or am I trying to create meaning where none exists?


Tricia Fri 6 Jun 2014 6:34PM

Ok @oswgwhe ~ May I ask you to edit your writings before posting the comment? It might cut down on revisions and multiple postings. Thank you!


Tricia Sat 7 Jun 2014 1:14AM

Welcome aboard @laurarubalcaba Please introduce yourself and your ideas!


oswgwhe Sat 7 Jun 2014 2:23AM

Quite sharp Sally,
Its Occupy Sacramento Working Group for Workers Health and the Environment.


Laura Rubalcaba Sun 8 Jun 2014 11:49AM

my name is Laura and I live in Sacramento. I am an experienced organizer with move on. I would like to propose that we do a media rally at a local TV station on Saturday. I can be a focal point for organizing this.


Jeremy Entwistle Sun 8 Jun 2014 11:48PM

Tricia and Jackie, it's good to talk again! :) I'm really excited to see the organizing being done on this platform.


Jackie Mon 9 Jun 2014 1:44AM

@jeremyentwistle - hey there Jeremy! Glad to see you on this platform too.

@laurarubalcaba - welcome! +1 media rally.


oswgwhe Thu 12 Jun 2014 7:00AM

Welcome Carolyn. I was so happy to hear your voice on the Conference Call. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you. Any ideas?


Carolyn Dixon Sat 21 Jun 2014 11:41PM

I made a proposal on the Loomio proposal site about some kind of transportation help for people with limited mobility so we can participate in the marches. I hope it can be easily found there.


Poll Created Mon 23 Jun 2014 3:12AM

Creation of Short Videos as way to Break the Ice Closed Thu 3 Jul 2014 6:08AM

I propose that people who have an interest create short 2-3 Minute video as a way of introducing themselves to the ever growing community of the Occupy National Gathering in a creative way.

Who you are, How you came to Occupy, Why Nat Gat Excites you ect ect is the idea..

It could be a #selfie video interview done on your mobile phone or desktop or anything that might help others get to know you. Could be ANYTHING video (montages of clips, art, music, a pretty landscape but with the intention of it expressing something about you.

Naturally you speaking and explaining things would be great.

Then we can share them online with one another as Ice Breakers & they'll also help with outreach.


This is not a Binding Proposal but a Step Up Call to Action: Your vote will signal to the rest of us who is in!


YES: I LOVE this idea & will make a video!
ABSTAIN: I Love the idea but need some help figuring it out!
NO: I like the idea but not making a video
BLOCK: I didn't read the proposal & just like the color red.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 44.4% 4 J DH TF DP
Abstain 33.3% 3 T SG CG
Disagree 11.1% 1 CD
Block 11.1% 1 O

9 of 54 people have participated (16%)


Sally G
Mon 23 Jun 2014 3:27AM

Justin, I’m bemused by your creative leveraging of Loomio voting options; where does “I like it, but don’t know how to make a video of even semidecent quality & don’t have time to learn because I am participating in a national conference Wed.— Sun.”?


Mon 23 Jun 2014 3:29AM

I'll make a video & talk anyone else who wants to through how to if they need help too!


Sally G
Mon 23 Jun 2014 4:15AM

Justin, I’m bemused by your creative leveraging of Loomio voting options; where does “I like it, but don’t know how to make a video of even semidecent quality & don’t have time to learn because I am participating in a national conference Wed.— Sun.”?


Toad Ficca
Mon 23 Jun 2014 1:53PM

I think this would also help us find each other at the NatGat for introduction!


Daniel Hong
Mon 23 Jun 2014 2:22PM

I'll probably do a #selfie vid. I'm to be interviewed by Jerry Ashton for a story on #NatGat anyways!


Donna Piranha
Wed 25 Jun 2014 12:03AM

i'm up for a little comic relief ... BRING IT!


Donna Piranha
Wed 25 Jun 2014 12:04AM

i'm up for a little comic relief ... BRING IT!


Justin Mon 23 Jun 2014 3:28AM

That would be Abstain! People who vote that will get an offer of help from me. ;)


Sally G Mon 23 Jun 2014 4:16AM

Just be aware, I have limited time this week!


Toad Ficca Mon 23 Jun 2014 2:14PM

I admit, that not only did I join the discussion late, but I fall into the barely able to type on a computer category! Even though I will be defending my thesis in May at the U of I, I am a bit of a luddite and feel that this whole computer business is going to crash eventually...we will probably run out of the rare earth minerals, at least! So, I try to do my work on paper and read real books, and hit the ground running! Activism to me is a necessary voice that everyone should experience at least once! I mean EXPERIENCE, not just read about on the news. That being said, my thesis is on....drumroll please...Occupy Everywhere, but focusing on the message that is used to draw people in, the visual art as well as the written text, and media, and what affects the most people in their sleepy homes. This also encompasses Conflict Tourism, in which many go to watch the conflict in order to feel the hairs raise on the back of their necks on occasion, but don't really participate (bystanders, etc.) Next, I address the participant observation of anthropology and how that applies here. I believe in protest and agency. There, that is pretty much my profile. I assume you have my picture from facebook using @toad then?


Cal Wed 25 Jun 2014 6:22AM

Justin, kindly refrain from disabling the consensus process. Any proposal that purports to circumvent someone's ability to block is an invalid proposal. Any proposal that features insults to those who disagree (a form of bullying or manipulation, IMO) should be considered an invalid proposal.


Justin Wed 25 Jun 2014 7:42PM

@cal Loomio is a tool set.

please take the time to read the proposal.

we are not trying to come to consensus but trying to get to know one another.

look forward to you seeing how versatile loomio is..


Cathy Grahnert Fri 27 Jun 2014 4:32AM

I'm Cathy Grahnert and I've been trying to stay out of the heavy lifting because I am so wrapped up with taking care of my mother right now. She will be going on hospice care soon. I'm more of a direct action person than a planning person... For three years I have been active with the Foreclosure Working Group.

Scroll down five photos... I'm the one in the red sweater.


Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 9:16AM

Please visit most any of my various media for Lovely videos of me! Please comment. I love comments! If you would like your own lovely video of me personalized to you, comment only 15.5 times within the next 72 hours and a lovely personalized video for you to share with your loved ones will be yours! Act today!


Justin Fri 27 Jun 2014 3:01PM

Did you notice the proposal @juliaclark?

You seem to have made comments on every thread but ignored all the proposals.


Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 3:22PM

Notice.....Hmmm OK

Dear Proposal,
ohhh proposal what al lovely thing you are. I shall cherish you forever and ever and ever! With your bling bling voting options and your alluring use of capitalization and the letter O's . Did you know O is my favorite letter?
Oh my dear proposal, please do not fear that I have ignored you, but I truly cherish watching your loveliness from afar.
Yours with never ending love,
Julia Clark


Sally G Mon 30 Jun 2014 2:59AM

I think that Julia has indicated her approval, not so much by the lovely letter above, but by having already made videos.


Sally G Fri 18 Jul 2014 1:48PM

Welcome, new volunteers! I see we have some cross-talk here that is not simply introductions; sorry for any confusion; please stay! Earlier posts were truly introductory; here is my info:
Sally G, Occupy Bergen County, N.J.: attended part of NatGat2012/Philadelphia, joined Vision Work Group afterward, with Fred Wood, brought results to S17 celebration in N.Y.C.: worked on planning team for NatGat2013/Kalamazoo, created “pamphbook” guide, part of finance team. This year, I am just trying to do a bit of everything and stay in touch with everybody! Looking forward to Sacramento soon!


Toad Ficca Mon 21 Jul 2014 4:11PM

I got an email to invite Ali...don't know how...anyone?


Sally G Tue 22 Jul 2014 2:43PM

I saw that you found it! +1