Childcare at Chi Hack Night
Discussion of how to make Chi Hack Night more accessible to folks with children by providing childcare.
Poll Created Wed 15 Jun 2016 2:23PM
Provide pop-up childcare at next speaker that is most appropriate Closed Mon 20 Jun 2016 2:03PM
This is a good idea with support from enough of us to carry it forward.
Let's shoot for providing childcare for our event with Tom Dart on August 16th
Kevin and anyone else who volunteers (potentially other volunteers from the Chicago childcare collective or from Chihacknight) will provide childcare at the next event with a prominent speaker, or a speaker focused on K12 education.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 4 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 41 |
4 of 45 people have participated (8%)
Christopher Whitaker
Wed 15 Jun 2016 2:31PM
As long as we're good with Braintree - would love to see this
Steve Ediger (ChiCommons)
Sat 18 Jun 2016 8:05PM
I'd like to see us start this as a pilot and depending on how it goes, expand it to become a normal feature
Derek Eder
Sat 18 Jun 2016 8:16PM
As the proud parent of a 2 year old, I'm totally into this. Checked with Braintree staff and they don't see any problems with it. Let's proceed!
Derek Eder Mon 20 Jun 2016 2:32PM
I know the proposal just closed (with a favorable outcome), but @stevenvance has some really good questions. Let's get them ironed out before doing the first trial run.
@kevinpujanauski could you give us some more details on the childcare group you're part of and what their policies are?
Kevin Pujanauski Mon 20 Jun 2016 2:42PM
Great questions @stevenvance
What does it entail? We have one designated childcare area, check-in / check-out list, shake hands with the parent and ask about any specifics of caring for their child. If the designated childcare area can be out of earshot of the event, all the better, as it will allow the kids to be kids.
As far as the age, anywhere post-diapers works for me. If I can wrangle a second volunteer, it will be easier to say we can do all ages (3-14 basically?) because we can have a younger activity group and an older activity group. If the parents are within grabbing distance we can probably handle potty emergencies too.
We'll bring a bag or two of activities (coloring, games, books, etc.) but would also welcome other fun things.
Steven Vance Mon 20 Jun 2016 5:44PM
When will the first childcare-supported hack night occur?
I am willing to volunteer, after July 5.
Kristi Leach Wed 13 Jul 2016 4:01AM
This is pretty great.
Eric Sherman Wed 10 Aug 2016 4:20AM
I can volunteer to help keep any children above toddler age occupied. Maybe this will finally be the perfect chance to write a song about Hack Night @ Hack Night with some wonderful, creative assistants! ;-)
Steven Vance · Sun 19 Jun 2016 11:50PM
What does providing child care entail?
What responsibilities would volunteers have? (Do diapers need to be changed?)
Is there a child age minimum or maximum?