
Welcome Iulian

RJ Ricky Jefferyes Public Seen by 14

Iulian has been a member of our Software circle for a while now.

As far as I can tell, Iulian knows a lot more than any of the rest of us about Google Plus so I have invited him to join Joum, Malcom and I in moderating our Google Plus community :)


Ricky Jefferyes Sun 5 Oct 2014 12:22PM

Welcome @iuliandumitrascu :)


Julian Dumitrascu Sun 5 Oct 2014 1:02PM

Thank you.
I am usually available on Google Hangouts and can help people use Google services.
Google is unaware that I recommend their services.
They already have 2 billion customers; I don't want to push people into using Google services. But, if they tell me what they need, I can recommend the best software that I know of, and Google is one of the best software developers that I know of.