Tue 28 Apr 2020 12:35PM

Problems in Threads, Poll and "Members" in portuguese.

FDS Fabio dos Santos Public Seen by 51

Hi @Rob Guthrie .

We have been testing the setup to make sure it meets our needs. And have come across 3 issues. 2 of them are important, and a third minor one.

I have already tried the "lastest" loomio (updating it in .env and running a docker-compose pull, as per Loomio-Deploy). I'll attach each error as separate coments, below.


Fabio dos Santos Tue 28 Apr 2020 12:37PM

1st: Is related to comments. We've been making comments and they are starting to not show up on the page, even after refreshing the page.


Fabio dos Santos Tue 28 Apr 2020 12:49PM

About this error, I also get this quick notification when I reload the page:


Robert Guthrie Wed 29 Apr 2020 4:10AM

If you have changed from "stable" to "latest" then make sure you have run the migrations (instructions are in the readme).

If comments are not showing up I expect there are errors in you docker-compose logs that might help explain what's going on


Fabio dos Santos Wed 29 Apr 2020 11:54AM

I ran de instructions on the loomio-deply. How do I check if I have the latest?

Here is the pastebin with the messages: https://pastebin.pl/view/d5ea7a6e


Robert Guthrie Wed 29 Apr 2020 12:14PM

Gosh. I can't see anything that might be the reason your comments aren't loading from that pastebin.

Are there errors in your javascript console in your browser?


Robert Guthrie Wed 29 Apr 2020 12:28PM

please try disabling any adblockers or script blockers. Just to see if it makes any difference.


Fabio dos Santos Wed 29 Apr 2020 4:46PM

Sorry. How do I check Javascript?


Fabio dos Santos Sat 2 May 2020 1:11PM

I have not been able to reproduce de error again. It might have been a particular circumstance

(I think it might have been something like unpinning a proposal or a poll?) I'm not completely sure.

I'll keep trying, and see what happens.


Fabio dos Santos Tue 28 Apr 2020 12:39PM

2nd one is about the Poll. We only had 3 people on the thread, and yet Loomio was counting 3 people. Would this be an error, or maybe we configured it wrong?


Robert Guthrie Wed 29 Apr 2020 4:11AM

If you run this on "latest", then you should have a link to the poll page from the title of the poll, it will show who the 3 people are.

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