Lyttelton TimeBank Mon 6 Aug 2012 10:32PM
We had a fantastic hui last Saturday around the ideas of what is working well at the moment. Over 60 people came from all around CHCH. Much of it was about moving forward since the earthquakes regarding future plans for civil defense and being open to better ways to map assets and coordinate people. The format used was the same as the hui for Timebanking that we had here last year by using Open Space Technology. People themselves nominate the topics for discussion and that forms the basis for workshops. Discussion leads to decision making and planning. It is a very moment by moment process that brings out what is most important at the time. I would support using this method again at the hui.
Part of what we hope will happen is the Edgar Cahn will be attending which is why we want to fix the date and make plans for the hui so that we can get him here too.
Outside of the sessions, I wonder if we could do some Timebank trading. I wonder how it would be if we all had a time set aside where we identified what we could offer and what we wanted to receive within a timeframe and then see if we could meet all those needs at that time? It would be a good experiment! How about offering wee sessions such as teaching a simple massage, hosting a story telling session, singing or anything that participants feel they would like to share. Timebanking is all about sharing skills and being in community. My view is that if we created a hui out of that spirit it would be a wonderful experience for all of us.

Hannah Mackintosh Wed 8 Aug 2012 11:20PM
I love all of Lisa's suggestions!
My suggestion is that we set aside a certain amount of time to discuss really practical issues that people have with using CW, setting up timebanks, whether people charge fees etc etc and commit to discussing those issues in that time. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day practical details and it would be nice to discuss some of the bigger ideas at the hui.

Joybells Tue 14 Aug 2012 12:15AM
I would not like to see Open Space Technology used at this Hui. We did that last time, there were some decisions made about what was agreed to be important, there was only a small amount of planning and the follow up from those points was only implemented by a very small number of people. I agree with Hannah and prefer concentrating on practical issues. The discussion about what everyone believes is the most important can happen before the Hui. Then people with skills and talents in that area can come to the Hui prepared to teach and share using mediums other than just talking in groups.
Joybells · Mon 6 Aug 2012 8:33PM
This discussion is not for all the items we would like to see on the agenda or discuss at our next Hui but rather what would you like the layout of a two day Hui to look like eg. go for a walk, go surfing, video of other timebanks, teaching on CW2, social time, quiz night, 15 min presentation from each timebank, powerpoint on? Skype conference with? teaching on? etc.