Meetings of the Finance Committee: when? why? who? where? what fun?

This thread is for The Stuff of real time meetings of the Finance Committee. The agenda for the meeting could get linked here. And a link to any meeting minutes. We might discuss timing and location and especially: How do we make our meeting fun and worth having? How do we craft our relationships to each other? How do we make decisions? ... No actual financial content will be discussed in this thread. This thread is just the nuts and bolts of having a meeting, and hopefully some jokes or memes to lift the dull parts. Suggestion: we might create a new thread for this stuff at the beginning of every year.

Nathan Schneider Wed 3 Aug 2022 3:28PM
Thank you for starting this, @Caitlin Waddick, @CaitlinWaddick@Social.Coop ! Some ideas of things to discuss:
How does the money look? Should we doing more or less with it?
Revisit the approvals process—automation, discussion, documentation
Communication and coordination with other working groups

Josh Davis Wed 3 Aug 2022 4:00PM
Thanks Caitlin. I'm looking forward to talking. Where do we suppose a good place to keep notes would be?

Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Thu 11 Aug 2022 2:15PM
S.C. FinCom: 11 August 2022, 11-11:40AM Eastern Time, US]
Meeting location:
[Alt meeting location: ]
[Next meeting: 7 September 2022, 11-11:40AM Eastern Time, US]

Nathan Schneider Thu 11 Aug 2022 3:51PM
Minutes from today's meeting: Finance Working Group meeting minutes (2022.08.11)
Rough agenda:
How does the money look? Should we doing more or less with it?
Revisit the approvals process—automation, discussion, documentation
Communication and coordination with other working groups
Scheduling regular meetings (quarterly?)
Present: Caitlin, Nathan, Leo, Josh
State of the budget
We are looking at a few thousand pounds/year extra
in the past year, we’re raising ~5k, spending about ~3k
We have more money than we need. What could we do with excess?
Leo: How about marketing, attracting new members? Sponsorships
Josh: Should we aim to hold a year’s worth of operating expenses on hand?
Leo: Other services we could buy for members
Nathan: Pay our working groups better?
Action item: Leo will initiate a co-op-wide discussion about what could be done with ~1k of excess annual funds.
Approvals process
Got Josh on the system for Open Collective so he can see the expenses
Generally good with the approvals process
Coordination with other working groups
Leo: Maybe we need to do more to encourage people to join working groups, and more communication and coordination among working groups
Josh: CWG Compensation Log
Next meetings
At our September 7 meeting, we will discuss quarterly meetings going forward.
Select a repo

Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Tue 6 Sep 2022 3:36PM
Our next meeting is September 7th... 11 am Mountain Time or 1 pm Eastern. The location is ... um?

Nathan Schneider Tue 6 Sep 2022 3:42PM
Oh shoot, somehow this didn't stay on my calendar—I'm really sorry and not sure what happened. I am the worst, particularly since @Caitlin Waddick, @CaitlinWaddick@Social.Coop did so much to keep this on my calendar. Would 11:30 MT/1:30ET work? I should be able to do that.
I just created a room for us here:

Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Tue 6 Sep 2022 4:06PM
Yes! Let's plan on it! I will post to social.Coop. and tell Leo via Twitter. Wednesday, Sept 7th 11:30 MT/1:30ET at:

Nathan Schneider Tue 6 Sep 2022 6:13PM
Thanks so much!

Nathan Schneider Wed 7 Sep 2022 6:09PM
Minutes from today's meeting:
Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC · Wed 3 Aug 2022 2:50PM
NOTICE: the first two meetings of this committee will be Thu Aug 11, 2022 11am – 11:45am (EDT)
Wed Sep 7, 2022 11am – 11:45am (EDT). The location will be Nathan's Chat on Zoom (or alternatively Caitlin's Home Room on Meet.Coop). I'll post the exact location just in time, here and on our SC thread.
As posted to SC:
Hey Social.Coop, notice The Finance Committee for operations will meet for the first times on August 11th and September 7th. We invite new members to join the committee. We invite your encouragement, ideas, and friendly provocations. Current FinCom members include @CaitlinWaddick (that's me!), @ntnsndr, @LeoSammallahti, @GuerillaOntologist, and @mattcropp I know we should crosspost to operations and discussions on the Loomio platform: it's how we manage Social.Coop!