Fundraising Language (Previously Approved)

Please consider a tax-deductible contribution to the 2014 Occupy National Gathering!
For the third year in a row, Occupy communities from across the United States will meet to discuss issues, share organizational strategies and network for future actions at the 2014 Occupy National Gathering—Sacramento. In the true Occupy Spirit, all are welcome to attend and participate. Monetary contributions will assist with food, water, sanitation, transportation, media and other support services for all who occupy.
Checks are accepted through our fiscal sponsor AfGJ. Please make them payable to Occupy National Gathering/AfGJ and mail them to:
Occupy National Gathering/AfGJ
225 E. 26th St.
Tucson, Az 85713
Thank you for your support. Hope to see you there!

Jackie Sun 18 May 2014 1:19AM
Maybe we can come up with some more fundraising language - short, social media, twitter, etc. and an "ask" email, a little more formal.
Folks see the above when they get to the donation page, and when they make a donation, they get this letter:
Thank you for donating to Occupy National Gathering! Your contribution is essential to helping build a successful event.
Your participation beyond cash donations is essential as well, so please make your voice heard and join the organizing!
Join the Planning:
Help plan NatGat 2014 email lists
Volunteer to help online, on the ground, or to offer activities
Participate in discussions and decisions -- ONG Group on Loomio!
Attend NGWG Weekly Planning Calls Wednesdays @ 3:30 PM PT/ 6:30 PM ET
Finally, find lots more info, as it develops, on our Hub, NatGat2014.
Thanks again!
In peace and solidarity,
The National Gathering Working Group
The NGWG2014 comprises Occupy Sacramento on the ground, and Occupiers and allies from far and wide online, hopefully soon to include you!
Jackie · Thu 15 May 2014 6:35PM
added link; corrected deductible.