
Hosting: what, where, why?

DU Petros At FreeLab Public Seen by 4

We need good hosting. From the technical point of view we need an infrastructure to carry safely a set of applications for as much as say 50 users. It needs to be inexpensive, reliable and politically secure (I expect several activist people/groups to join soon. So please provide suggestions.


Michał Różański Wed 8 Oct 2014 3:52PM

Do you know what software they use for visualization?


Marcin Thu 9 Oct 2014 7:39AM

I don't follow. what visualization?


Michał Różański Thu 9 Oct 2014 12:47PM


I wanted write "virtualization" (spellchecking fail)

2014-10-09 9:39 GMT+02:00 Marcin (Loomio) :

I don’t follow. what visualization?

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