Wed 22 Sep 2021 8:28PM

Candidates for the ongoing purpose of the OAE Loomio group

BH Bob Haugen Public Seen by 108

This is one followup thread from the https://www.loomio.org/d/echHNIyP/sponsorship thread. More threads may follow, discussing some of the candidates.


Bob Haugen Thu 23 Sep 2021 1:18PM

Ok, taking advantage of Brent's comments to ask about another couple of possible candidates for "ongoing purpose": career development advice, and job hunting, for people who want to work on OAE-style projects.

Is the ecosystem ready for those topics? I don't think so. Everybody I know is scrambling to make any kind of living and hunting grant money, mostly in Europe. Or retired, like us.

But I could be wrong. Does anybody disagree?


Tibor Katelbach Thu 23 Sep 2021 7:32AM

What I'm reading here is exactly the kind of survey we would like to launch inside the OAE , as a way of taking care of eachother , to reconnect, what's the status of the projetcs , of the people, what are the needs , REX Return on experience and make the most of our individual contributions to the OAE vision and hope to experiment a new kind of collective intelligence.
The objective is to keep on going and grow a certain momentum with every one that was involved in the OAE as part of a vision or as something inside them ?
We at https://www.communecter.org/ still breath, live and build with the same initial energy as when the OAE emerged back then , and definitly feal like a candidate to continue experimenting with a lot more interaction


Danyl Strype Sat 12 Nov 2022 2:26AM

While we're on the subject of Communecter, I notice their PeerTube instance is hosting a video walk-through of the HOME (HOmeostatic Mutual Exchange) project. Like DigiLife, CommonsCloud and others represented in OAE, their goal is to weave together existing free code software to create a unified platform for mainstream users.