Thu 21 Mar 2019 4:58PM
Account problem! Group: Worker Co-operatives. Subgroup: Solidfund
Hi guys, sorry to bring this here but no response via email. Our group/subgroup is a gold subscriber but we are not able to make invitations, being asked to upgrade our subscription, even though our account looks up to date. Can you advise?
Sion Whellens (Principle Six) Thu 21 Mar 2019 10:18PM
Thanks Michael, I guess you have responded to John re the required upgrade. We just need to get back up and running.
Michael Thu 21 Mar 2019 10:25PM
I have extended the invitation limits - so you should be back running ok. Let me know if you're still having problems.
Michael · Thu 21 Mar 2019 9:19PM
@sionwhellens happy to respond here too. I sent a message to John in your group yesterday, and sorry to hear it did not reach you. The total number of people under the group subscription for 'Worker Co-operatives' (where Solidfund is a subgroup) is greater than 100 people, so I have increased membership for your group to allow you to continue to invite people.
Please confirm that you are now able to invite the people you need.
Here's the reason you run into this limit:
The Gold subscription plan was limited at 100 people. However we have only recently implemented limits on the number of people in a group within the app - which is why it is showing up now.
We have also introduced new pricing plans and new groups now start on a limited use free trial.
Here at Loomio we have been slowly developing a sustainable business model. There are real costs to hosting, supporting and developing Loomio software. Many people have suggested improvements to Loomio software, and in particular we hear the call for a mobile app. Our development roadmap includes a significant overhaul as we prepare a mobile-first Loomio experience.
We run an ethical business model and respect your privacy. We will never sell your data to third parties, nor put advertising into Loomio. Loomio is a social enterprise – paid subscriptions are our life blood and help us sponsor unfunded community groups.
We really appreciate your support and are working to avoid any disruption to existing customers. We are preparing an announcement and update about this and other exciting developments, and getting in touch with groups that have more than 100 people with an offer.