Thu 10 Feb 2022 9:52AM

Worker Co-op Weekend 2022 / Friday 29th April - Sunday 1st May

JA John Atherton Public Seen by 170

The worker co-op weekend is will be Friday 29th April - Sunday 1st May at  https://www.selgarsmill.co.uk/thespaceSo


Just finishing off the booking form/webpage but posting the programme here for people to start inputting ideas.

It's going to be a biggy this year... We have the usual connecting, learning and making merry round a campfire together. But the WCC will be running a conversation about the future of the worker co-op movement with: big decisions, planning and for the do'ers, there is a lot to do.. We need your ideas, energy and most of all action to make it happen. As usual the co-creation of the programme will take place in the link below, so don't be afraid to add suggestions in this thread or directly on the google doc, examples from previous years to give you ideas of what might be, could be covered.



John Atherton Tue 8 Mar 2022 9:11AM

Yes I was assuming a full programme on the Friday whether as a fringe or Solidfund or something. So yes people can stay Thursday night and a big bursay is a great idea to get the numbers up from people who wouldn't typically come.


Alex Bird Tue 15 Mar 2022 5:26PM

I'd be happy to put on a workshop about union-coops:uk. I understand Cilla Ross may be doing so as well - happy to it if she's not available, or do a two hander with her.


Ross Hodgson Sat 26 Mar 2022 6:33AM

Hi @John Atherton do you know numbers booked so far? I hadn't sorted Suma booking soon enough and now too late for dorms it seems. What space is there left?


Ross Hodgson Wed 30 Mar 2022 3:00PM

Seems all the dorms are gone. There are some people from Suma (no tents) who cant/wont come otherwise, has anyone booked dorm rooms that isn't now going to use them, as they cant come, or are actually camping? Be happy to pay the extra on your ticket to cover the swap.


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Wed 30 Mar 2022 3:26PM

That's a real shame, are are any B&B's near by or could some caravans be hired for the weekend?

If there are people who would camp if there were tents put up for them then I could potentially bring a 5m bell tent and carpet in addition to the small tent I'll be bringing for myself...


Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) Wed 30 Mar 2022 3:29PM

There are definitely nearby bnbs


@John Atherton are you ok to update the CUK page so that the bursary info is included?


@John Atherton i really think that making public on the actual page the fact that there are bursaries available, is the single most useful way to enable skint people who are interested to access the gathering/movement. Would it help if someone just wrote the blurb and sent it to you?


John Atherton Tue 12 Apr 2022 8:41AM

Yes send me somethign and I'll ask for it to be added


York Collective Wed 30 Mar 2022 2:48PM

Hi all, is there a thread matching bums to spare seats for travel to the venue? Can't see anything on Loomio, is that happening elsewhere yet?


John Atherton Wed 30 Mar 2022 3:53PM

I'm currently looking into glamping options but they are expensive... but if anyone is interested in the option of a pre-made up tent and airbed do let me know and I can see what stocks they have.



Sean Farmelo Mon 25 Apr 2022 12:15PM

Are there bursaries available for worker co-ops this year round?


Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) Mon 25 Apr 2022 2:19PM

Hi Sean yes, up to £150 towards event tickets/accommodation and travel, on receipts (£175 if coming from outside England/Wales).... email [email protected] if you want to line up...