
[published] New website translation + technical stuff

J Josse Public Seen by 23

How do we proceed? On several occasions we agreed upon certainly the major structure. So we can do translations of the big part already. (and maybe the solutions which we are most sure about) If someone could review/give better ideas for the French translation? You can take quite some freedom in the translation and it is also an opportunity to improve on the text. I started with 2 pads: https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/sitenl and https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/sitefr

For the practical switch: we could do language by language and then minify the English site as a third step. I don't know if a Maintenance mode is needed for the 3 hours it might take by language. (although we had a lot of kind of maintenance mode lately)


HgO Mon 27 Aug 2018 8:22PM

Hey ! Sorry I didn't have time to work on this yet. I quickly read the machine translation, but this would need some work... Especially the titles.

I'll have some free time on Friday, but not before. If someone else wants to work on this, he would be welcome of course.


Ilja Fri 31 Aug 2018 7:16PM

We had a talk about the new site on the Matrix chat ( https://matrix.to/#/!lrYUTVbAgkVcicgCiA:matrix.org ). The whole thing was a bit to inconsistent for me to write a decent report, but here are my current thoughts inspired by what we've talked about there:

For the 'tools' changing to 'wiki' (was brought up as an idea). We also have Loomio and pad (which I would really like in plural btw: 'pads') under there. Maybe in the future we'll have other tools as well. I think 'Tools' is the correct label here.
Get in contact: There already is a 'get in contact' section, although it's implicit. It's the bottom of the site where the social media buttons are. If we can have a Mastodon/Fediverse button, we should really do that! It should point to the ppbe account ( https://mastodon.pirateparty.be/@ppbe ), not the whole instance since this is the behaviour of the other buttons. We can also add a link to the subscribe page for the newsletter. An example of a site where they put the newsletter subscribe at the social media stuff is https://puri.sm/ . We should also add a link to the chatrooms.
There also seemd to be consensus to remove the crew section from the site. But then the question is if we should link it from somewhere. For inspiration I've checked the site from the Dutch pirates ( https://piratenpartij.nl/ ). They have an 'about us' tab in the menu. One of the submenus there is 'regional'. This could be an option to add, but it takes work since we should also have a decent 'about us' page (I'd prefer on the wiki). So I guess this one is still an open question for me :p


Ilja Fri 31 Aug 2018 7:24PM

It seems Loomio broke the mastodon link (Loomio can't handle the @ in the name). Copy-pasting the text works.
And thx to Mastodon we also have RSS and ATOM btw :p

(I'm assuming thses links will be broken as well, so just copy-paste the txt ;) )


Josse Fri 31 Aug 2018 7:24PM

I would add (wiki) to the menu item if it goes to the wiki, so people don't get disoriented e.g. crew list (wiki) under Tools. The whole home page is an About us page. And we can remove the Crews section, but I am waiting a bit for the French translation, so we can update the English part as well, which we could limit to only show Nederlands and français buttons.


Josse Fri 31 Aug 2018 7:25PM

The contact thing below is difficult to find in comparison to the menus above.


Josse Sat 22 Sep 2018 10:04PM

I changed the website to have the same in French as we had in Dutch and to "disable" the English site. Things we might still check:
- Change menuitems to have a link to wiki crews as the crews section disappeared (maybe as described above)
- I wonder if something can be changed to Google that even if you type piratenpartij leads to www.pirateparty.be instead.

Thanks @vanecx and @hgo


HgO Wed 3 Oct 2018 11:00AM

I think @vanecx said it elsewhere, but there was still some comments pending on the pad : https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/sitefr

I'll check what you published, but for me the translation was not finished :/


HgO Wed 3 Oct 2018 10:58AM

I'm putting this here, although it's a bit off-topic :

I propose to add a link on the menu to this page : https://fr.pirateparty.be/category/articles/ It contains all the published articles.

Je propose de rajouter un lien vers cette page dans le menu du site web : https://fr.pirateparty.be/category/articles/ Cela regroupe tous les articles publiés.


HgO Thu 4 Oct 2018 4:22PM

It's done :)


Ilja Mon 15 Oct 2018 4:36PM

I noticed on https://nl.pirateparty.be/contribute that we give a very boring example email. What's even worse is that the example email is a gmail account :astonished:
Now https://fr.pirateparty.be/contribute/ has a very cool edouard.snowden at nsa.gov :sunglasses:
Since we need an example mail there anyhow, I was thinking that we could use the opportunity to give people an alternative to GAFAM and do something like sam.sepiol at protonmail.com, or if we don't want that for whatever reason, use the same as the FR site.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Mon 15 Oct 2018 4:43PM

Go for it ^

Actually, the french version was changed quite a while ago (on a "contribute to this open-source project" model) because it was a bit too much "come join the pirates"/"come pay us!". Apparently nobody translated it into Flemish.


Josse Wed 17 Oct 2018 8:58PM

Do you have access @iljabaert ?


Ilja Wed 17 Oct 2018 11:39PM

No. I was always scared to break something so I didn't want it :laughing: But I was planning to ask access at the next lab, 'cause I really should start to learn to work with it a bit so I could help out a bit more (for example in cases like this). Seems like a good 'first issue' as well :slight_smile: