Wed 13 Sep 2017 10:16PM
Berry Picking
Come celebrate the Garden of Eden all around us and make the most of the blooming blackberries. We will be picking berries, potatoes and eachother's noses on Wednesday 20th September 2pm on the Hyde Park allotments. We will most probably move further afield to make sure we juice as much wonders from Mother Nature's womb as we can and really relish in self-sufficiency. These berries and treats will be used for the Interfaith Vegan Alliance and Real Junk Food Project collaboration opening on Friday 22nd September. See you there! :)
Luke Tilley · Tue 10 Oct 2017 12:17PM
Did you take quite a lot of the rhubarb for this? It suddenly was all gone. could have been good for start of term activities to engage new members. Admittedly it was getting quite old and needed using but would have been cool discuss possibilities. Cool if it got used for something really good though!