Tattler Article Copy for July Issue
At the Kaka meetup tonight we discussed the idea of having a regular column in the Tattler. Here is the quick draft we put together tonight which I will send in as a placeholder while this gets discussed and voted on.
nick mouat
Sun 5 Jul 2015 8:45AM
Thanks Sam and Beth, nice and succinct! My only suggestion is to add a sentence after the 2nd paragraph to note that we do not want to loose the richness & enthusiasm of ideas submitted beyond the Hub & Precinct projects.
Sue Devereux Thu 2 Jul 2015 9:41PM
I also agree with the need to thank the community. Thanks for the words Beth perhaps a bit of a proof read before publishing.
Also agree there might be some danger and possible confusion, though I'm sure it wouldn't be the intention, if BRA meeting hosts. It could be seen as an already existing Group being the driver rather than a collection of people from groups across the area. There are also groups who utilise facilities in the area for the general good of this community, but are actually based in other areas ie Fiona Haines dance. We need to consider if they want to be represented/have input and would the hosting by a Residence group imply that they can't?
I can see some good discussion here already.
Beth Beard Fri 3 Jul 2015 12:08AM
Hi team, Euan just brought it to our attention that there are actually many corners already in the Tattler - Councillors Corner, Co-ordinators Corner etc. Also, for newcomers to the concept, it was suggested that a byline, or the word community might be useful to highlight it's not about birds :-) Would it be worth "Community Update, the Kaka Group", or Kaka Comment, or Kaka Group Community Call..... or...... ???? or keep Kaka Corner?
Sophie Jerram Fri 3 Jul 2015 12:26AM
Hey @bethgood points. I like the Kaka community call (out)!
Sam Donald Sun 5 Jul 2015 9:15PM
Final copy of 'Kaka Group Community Call' in the July Tattler attached.
David Bagnall Mon 6 Jul 2015 10:54AM
Hi - looks good. Thanks for this Sam.
By the way, apologies for not making it to the get-together last Monday.
Beth Beard · Mon 29 Jun 2015 10:35PM
thanks Sam. And huge thanks to the BRA for hosting a delicious spread last night.
Would it be worth adding in a thank you to the community in the letter? As a starter suggestion after:
We have recently heard that the Council have approved $65,000.00 of funding through the Long Term Plan process.
Thank you for adding to your voice through the submission process, Council was impressed at the quality and quantity of submissions. Of the 60K, $40,000.00 of this has been attributed to further exploring options for a Brooklyn Hub or network of linked facilities and $25,000.00 towards e.......
Secondly, Although I'd really welcome and appreciate the BRA meeting on 29th July as a way to welcome people into the process, I personally am still hesitant about combining our meetings with the BRA without first a wider inhouse Kaka discussion. I had a bad experience with two groups that had good synergy, but both lost energy over who set agenda, who was the chair, slightly different culture around minutes etc etc But I'm happy to go with the wisdom of the group on this.