Polls / collective decision-making
Kia ora all - a new thread for those interested in shaping the food action alliance’s work.
Background: following our first online call, 8 of us agreed to follow consensus decision-making principles, and to use polls for decisions that concern the alliance. This is a space to put that into practice.
Loose process =
Anyone can start a poll.
Polls last at least one week.
Those interested respond; those silent assumed to be ambivalent. If really opposed u can block (with reasons) then we kōrero and figure it out but the goal is that those participating are all on board 🙏🏼
Michael Reynolds Thu 6 Oct 2022 3:26AM
We are hoping that some people within those communities may naturally sidle in here, but there will definitely be a point where reaching out will happen, especially if there is political action where allyship makes sense.
Aaron McLean Thu 29 Sep 2022 10:04PM
The trickster: Sowing cultural seeds through postering, pamphlets & paraphernalia
Dan K Fri 30 Sep 2022 8:41PM
Love this Aaron. We made a bunch of posters around food sov with Open Homes but never got around to putting them up…
Michael Reynolds Sat 1 Oct 2022 5:37AM
Could we borrow elements from the charter discussion document to inspire this?
Aaron McLean Sat 1 Oct 2022 5:58AM
Reckon all ingredients are welcome in that pot, so for sure
Aaron McLean Sat 1 Oct 2022 6:00AM
I'm up for helping you put them up in AK and would happily do so further North... Beauty is we could disseminate digital files amongst the network so they could be rolled out around the country if people were keen.
We can discuss further in an ideas thread once the Loomio space is better structured.
Michael Reynolds Sat 1 Oct 2022 5:41AM
As far as the politics of food is concerned....I would be keen to know whether the charter has a role to play? Could be a starting point? Would be happy to see it evolve or take a new shape with new energy...
Dan K Tue 4 Oct 2022 1:13AM
Guess I feel my 2c is that a charter is something that happens down the line more, once we've done a lot more relationship-building and outreach etc
Aaron McLean Sun 2 Oct 2022 7:46AM
Sorry, me again... some sort of notice board thread would be great. A place to offer or seek... materials, labor, work, land sharing..... Perhaps a broader version of the 'resource sharing' thread suggested?
Dan K Sun 2 Oct 2022 9:57AM
I'm into this. Could be a tidy way to include all of those sort of sharing/support/opportunity threads
Mark Noyes (work) Mon 3 Oct 2022 8:42PM
@Aaron McLean I think a noticeboard thread is a great idea
Aaron McLean Tue 4 Oct 2022 12:26AM
Hi everybody, not 100% sure where to post these couple of questions / suggestions, which is the point of this poll I guess - to make a more coherent space within which to interact, and hopefully facilitate some real world face to face - so I'll post them here.
Firstly, there is a group here who are obviously keen to participate in this kaupapa. Perhaps for the moment, instead of jumping platform as we have discussed, we could start a subgroup within this existing loomio space, and then set up the threads we agree on there and those who are keen to continue being in dialogue could congregate there? That way we could stop spamming 83 people from the original 'Charter' group, not all of whom will be keen on this new direction. Of course the door would always be open, it would be easy for those who did want to jup across to do so as it would be adjacent, and the smaller group could post into the larger occasionally if there is something relevant to say.
Secondly, I wonder whether the thing to do with this poll is to use it as data to discuss at our next hui? We could start a single new thread for Zui / online meeting, post details of the meeting and then collectively shape a coherent loomio space within which to connect and interact with insights gleaned from the poll. Hopefully that could be an end to this foundational / admin phase, cause we want to get to the getting together / having fun part of the equation I'm sure...
Just a couple of seeds...🌱
Dan K Tue 4 Oct 2022 1:14AM
I'm supportive of both of these steps. Polls definitely a clunky tool in this context
Michael Reynolds Tue 4 Oct 2022 10:26PM
I think this also refers back to the conversation that was started online...how do we manage the community, especially the inactive members? We have had 16 people vote and a few people comment and not vote...so approx 20 people engaged...brilliant. Also means approx 80 people not engaged/active.
I guess migrating solves that issue, as it just shifts everything away from here....but it still feels like there is an opportunity to send an email out to everyone saying "Hey, this is what is going on...do you want to be part of it or would it be nice for you to not be bothered by us anymore?"
We may get a better understanding of the reasons why people are not engaging....rather than assuming they are not interested ,too busy etc...this may help us adapt the space to engage people.
Aaron McLean Tue 4 Oct 2022 11:07PM
I don't think we should manage anybody/thing, rather create space that enables dialogue between people keen to engage with each other.
I guess the point is that everybody already gets an email every time we post here, so this is already all very transparent - and by shuffling the conversation sideways under the same umbrella, it's very easy for people to pop over and participate if they're keen. So it stops the spamming but leaves the door wide open.
But it's just an idea we should discuss as a group when we next meet.
Clay Joy Smith Thu 6 Oct 2022 1:05AM
It could be worth sending one invitation/update email (bcc folks so it doesn't become a conversation space); especially to include those who have loomio emails hidden or ignore them as not a priority. One email with a clear subject line about what's going on - and link to the active members' subgroup - could mark a clear phase shift.
Aaron McLean Thu 6 Oct 2022 4:53AM
Fair call re those potentially not receiving or engaged with loomio emails, sounds like a solid strategy should everybody decide to move this into an adjacent subgroup.
Ruth Heath Thu 6 Oct 2022 8:25AM
Yes, keen for leaving the door wide open if possible - thank you. I'm 5 hours late to the poll and I'm anxious for missing a week plus of activity that I'm catching up on now, but am very keen to support this whole thing and to be able to contribute whenever possible. Also, for want of a better place to raise this question, would 'how to influence government policy?' fall into brainstorming alliance actions? Keen for this topic and brainstorming... Maybe lobbying local council is better...? etc, etc.
Clay Joy Smith Thu 6 Oct 2022 10:40PM
I like that suggestion @Ruth Heath for instance many complementary strategies sharing outcomes and learnings with each other and taking collaborative action at various levels or through different vehicles. Might fit within politics but folks taking a direct action strategy might not respond to that topic naming.
Also hearing that perhaps a summary email (with clear invitations?) could be easier for folks who haven't been in a position to follow this conversation live.
Ruth Heath Thu 6 Oct 2022 10:58PM
True. ' Collaborative Community and/or Direct Action Strategies' and 'Communities working with local governance Strategies' (or the like) could be topics?
Mark Kroening Tue 4 Oct 2022 7:40AM
Gathering locally to do the mahi locally
Urs Signer Thu 6 Oct 2022 3:08AM
Great poll! i was six minute late to fill it out lol - that's how organised i am when it comes to my emails. oops
Aaron McLean Thu 6 Oct 2022 9:34PM
Nice to see the engagement in this poll. I guess I've landed a fly in the ointment by asking the questions above re the potential of a subgroup, (which definitely has cons as well as pros - it would be a pity to loose the existing introductions if we moved for instance), and whether to use the data as a face to face discussion point or info for action.
This makes it hard for Dan to act on his poll. Sorry! Any feedback from the group as to whether we just open threads that met a certain threshold, with the option of the space continuing to evolve? Or is there an appetite for waiting until we meet and refining the space there and then?
Ruth Heath Thu 6 Oct 2022 11:10PM
Meeting to refine and discuss could be good? Also could be good to keep all current threads open and as they are, add the new topics from polls (with any other suggestions?), allowing it to evolve as it goes, with the monthly hui as forums to any calls to action, change, (from anything discussed in the meantime on here) or anyone interested in anything related to AFAA, etc?
Michael Reynolds Fri 7 Oct 2022 4:42AM
We could have it as a monthly agenda item for the monthly hui...a check in to see which threads are active, which aren't and what is missing.
Rather than creating another poll...I believe the suggestion to discuss this in the next online hui is the way to go.
Michael Reynolds Fri 7 Oct 2022 4:44AM
There is the ability to shift the threads to a group....so we can migrate existing threads to a new sub group.
Aaron McLean Sun 9 Oct 2022 4:40AM
I've also been wondering about this @Michael Reynolds and whether that might enable us to orgainse things better. Hadn't been sure whether Loomio would allow us to do so.. There might be an argument to keep the space we have as an intro space, then have some key of subgroups that associated threads could the sit within. Perhaps that would enable people to start their own discussion threads within those groups. For instance all decision making in one subgroup - propositions, polls, hui / minutes in a 'Collective Decision Making' subgroup. It's hard to articulate here, I've drawn a very quick little plan to try to show what I mean.
Michael Reynolds Sun 9 Oct 2022 8:18AM
Can't open that file type on a PC...sorry
Aaron McLean Sun 9 Oct 2022 6:57PM
Replaced with jpg you should be able to see now :)
Item removed
Poll Created Thu 27 Oct 2022 1:44AM
Opening new threads Closed Thu 3 Nov 2022 9:01AM
Everyone who voted agreed on the proposed threads; Aaron kindly offered to open them under the AFAA head cause I was busy lol which is why this outcome is being posted now and the threads were opened yesterday - see u in there 😊
Kia ora tātau,
Some minor teething problems navigating this new space and way of organising - thanks for hanging in there! It’s been pointed out to me that my first poll attempt didn’t really have an action orientation (oops!), ie, there was no threshold for the number of votes required to make a thread… so while it was great to get all your responses, we still need to figure out which threads to actually make!
I’m personally finding this admin a bit boring and keen to get into more juicy stuff, so in the interests of keeping moving (and opening this space up to more voices) I want to suggest we use the ‘neutral’ / ‘collective’ AFAA profile to create the four threads that got the most votes and take the rest from there. That will give us threads on: the politics of food; sharing; hui; and brainstorming actions. As Aaron described it: “a philosophical space, a sharing space, an action space, and a meeting space.”
Sound good? Vote in the poll below and we’ll see where we get to :)
Note: the existing polls and introduction threads will stay live. Please feel free to use them! Part of this admin phase is trying to move away from a space with instigators and observers to one where more people feel comfortable to propose ideas or start discussions themselves. To recap, the idea behind these threads and our consensus decision making process is that anyone can propose anything within them, and see who else is interested. These don’t have to be actions as an alliance but if that is desired, you propose your idea as an individual, see if there is consensus amongst others and then can action whatever it is in the name of AFAA. For example, here I’m proposing to open these threads in the name of AFAA; if people agree and there’s no blocks then that will happen :)
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 13 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 67 |
13 of 80 people have participated (16%)
Helen Lehndorf
Thu 27 Oct 2022 1:45AM
Makes sense for next steps.
Clay Joy Smith
Thu 27 Oct 2022 1:45AM
Nice way to move us forward! Ngā mihi for all the admin initiative 🌞
Poll Created Tue 22 Nov 2022 7:56PM
Propoganda sub/working group - Posters / Stencils / Stickers Closed Tue 29 Nov 2022 7:01PM
Thanks to those who voted, no blocks and a good showing from our consistent crew, so we'll get on with setting up that space as time allows. Ngā mihi, Aaron
Kia ora tātau, I'm wondering about whether it would be good to create a propaganda subgroup / working group, so as to take that dialogue into a space within which those who are interested can engage, but we don't inundate everybody on loomio with emails as we discuss strategies, words, aesthetics etc etc...
As I mentioned previously, I'm not proposing this speak on behalf of AFAA, rather looking for collaborators in this space.
I'm assuming some admin privileges are required to set this up, so thought it best I ask permission from the group before doing so.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 11 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 70 |
11 of 81 people have participated (13%)
Phil Stevens
Tue 22 Nov 2022 7:57PM
I can't see any reason not to do this and it would allow us to self-select for involvement according to how much we might offer.
Helen Lehndorf
Tue 22 Nov 2022 7:57PM
I think this could be a fun, energising and inspiring project to work together on and suits how all over the land we are, geographically.
Tue 22 Nov 2022 7:57PM
Keen to take part in an arty / creative propaganda space
Clay Joy Smith · Thu 6 Oct 2022 12:57AM
Climate action groups, zero waste, just transition, regenerative communities, whole-systems design, design justice, decolonization & tino rangatiratanga, alternative currencies like timebanks... who else?