Polls / collective decision-making
Kia ora all - a new thread for those interested in shaping the food action alliance’s work.
Background: following our first online call, 8 of us agreed to follow consensus decision-making principles, and to use polls for decisions that concern the alliance. This is a space to put that into practice.
Loose process =
Anyone can start a poll.
Polls last at least one week.
Those interested respond; those silent assumed to be ambivalent. If really opposed u can block (with reasons) then we kōrero and figure it out but the goal is that those participating are all on board 🙏🏼
Poll Created Thu 29 Sep 2022 3:30AM
Shaping the Loomio space Closed Thu 6 Oct 2022 3:01AM
Hi again all and thanks to those who engaged - great to see your responses :) Apologies to those who missed the poll deadline, you're welcome to throw in your vote as a comment too! Perhaps 1 week isn't long enough...
General consensus seems to be that the politics of food is a priority for discussion, which is exciting, plus a number of strong responses for more practical/action-enabling threads: knowledge sharing, brainstorming alliance actions, a directory of food action groups and a few others like story-telling. It also appears that we have decent support for some of the existing threads continuing, specifically: whakawhanaungatanga/intros, one for hui/online meetings, and collective decision-making. Will be great to see these all get up and running.
However, I'm not quite sure how we progress from here. The questions are many... Do we just throw all the threads with votes open? Or pick a couple? In order to make the space more 'approachable', are they opened by the more "neutral" AFAA account itself (held by Aaron I think, who has shared the log-in and pw for this purpose)? Or do people who want to progress a specific thread open it themselves - this requires admin privileges but is an easy hurdle to overcome – allowing for a more organic start than 12+ threads kicking off and really making it hard to keep up... how organised do we want or need this loomio space to be? Are there ways to avoid an avalanche of email spam? And to avoid doing things twice, should we wait til we've figured out if we're staying in this part of loomio or opening a different space?
It's been pointed out to me that online polls are a poor form of democracy as they miss out on a proper space for deliberation and input; something I've tried to balance by sourcing the previous suggestions in our first call, and having an option to make your own suggestion too. This has perhaps opened more questions than it has closed, and certainly takes me beyond a space I'm comfortable in, so in the interests of me shutting up, I'll leave it to people to voice their own preferences for steps forward.
If there's strong enough interest (and remembering our agreement towards consensus amongst those choosing to engage), perhaps we can reach an agreement online - anyone is welcome to frame up and start a poll or comment thread suggesting a pathway; that is what this particular 'collective decision-making space' is for. Alternatively, we can discuss options verbally during the next online call, which is in two weeks at 7pm on October 20.
That's it from me; hope this cold snap hasn't been too disruptive!
For now, Loomio’s online realm is our point of connection as an alliance. What do we want to have threads on?
Ps - sorry but I can’t figure out how to have ‘enter your own option’ in the poll, so have tried to put in the bits I can remember from the call and have included a ‘something else’ button too… any hints on how better to use Loomio welcome x
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |||
Politics of food | 12.3% | 14 | |||
Knowledge sharing | 11.4% | 13 | |||
Zui / online call - times and minutes | 10.5% | 12 | |||
Brainstorming alliance actions | 10.5% | 12 | |||
Directory of food action groups | 9.6% | 11 | |||
Collective decision-making | 8.8% | 10 | |||
Whakawhanaungatanga / introductions | 7.9% | 9 | |||
Storytelling | 7.0% | 8 | |||
Resource sharing (seeds, cuttings, tools etc) | 6.1% | 7 | |||
Public outreach options | 6.1% | 7 | |||
Inspiring examples | 4.4% | 5 | |||
Emotional support | 1.8% | 2 | |||
Something else - share in comments; 1 heart = 1 vote | 1.8% | 2 | |||
Podcasts/radio show | 1.8% | 2 | |||
Undecided | 0% | 64 |
18 of 82 people have participated (21%)
[email protected] Thu 29 Sep 2022 3:30AM
Our interest is in dismantling systems and transforming food production systems - a food sovereign Aotearoa is political, and requires significant changes, honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi and indigenous food sovereignty includes land back and an understanding of transformational models of land use and caretaking both for kaitiaki and tauiwi. Climate change also means that our food should be produced/grown closest to where it will be consumed. (Waikato Enviro Centre/Go Eco)
Aaron McLean Thu 29 Sep 2022 3:30AM
I've voted for most of these options: those that enable us to meet each other, communicate, brainstorm, share ideas, knowledge and resources and make decisions together. I've added another suggestion, but perhaps that is a discussion that could sit within the brainstorm actions thread ✌️🌱
Clay Joy Smith Thu 29 Sep 2022 3:30AM
'Alternative' economies / breaking down other systemic social barriers
Dan K Fri 30 Sep 2022 8:35PM
I’m supportive of any threads people want to start and engage with - but tautoko the emphasis being given to political dimension of food, Te Tiriti and what food sovereignty might look like (and how we might support it) in a settler-colonial state. Look forward to further chats when that thread drops :)
Jenny Lux Thu 29 Sep 2022 3:30AM
Clay Joy Smith Thu 29 Sep 2022 11:03PM
Yeah that would be sweet! Maybe the 'directory of food action groups' could evolve into a geographic meeting point / map (happy to contribute with data/coding something for this if this energy transpires).
I do feel curious about the boundary around 'food action groups', it might be worthwhile to consider how kin/complementary communities connect.
Michael Reynolds Fri 30 Sep 2022 4:36AM
Nice...always keen to explore kinship....do you think there are some immediate/obvious allies?
Michael Reynolds Fri 30 Sep 2022 4:36AM
Also...great to see you in here Naomi 🙏💚
Michael Reynolds · Thu 29 Sep 2022 9:30AM
Could potentially be an option for geographically based groups to coalesce too?That might be further down the track...