Organising hui
A thread to plan and coordinate meet ups... zoom for now, eventually also in person :)
Michael Reynolds Thu 6 Oct 2022 3:33AM
Michael Reynolds Fri 7 Oct 2022 8:15AM
Just in case anyone is super keen and would like to get the online hui onto their are the dates for the next few....7pm for all dates :)
October 20th
November 17th
December 15th
January 19th
I am happy to host all these on my Zoom account...and facilitate where needed. Also happy for others to facilitate too.
Dan K Wed 19 Oct 2022 3:36AM
Kia ora for this Michael; I think we should take turns / rotate facilitation and note-taking.. I have a professional zoom account through uni so happy to host as necessary :)
Michael Reynolds Tue 18 Oct 2022 7:35AM
Kia ora tatou...
Just thought I would pop up in here to signal that the monthly Zoom is happening on Thursday night at 7pm...and I was keen to get an idea of what was the main topic of discussion for the evening.
If we get a bigger group than last time, I do have the ability to create break out rooms for discussion...
A starter for ten would be to talk about the outcome of the poll and what that means for the structure of this online platform....keen for some feedback :)
Sending warm energy out to everyone....
Dan K Wed 19 Oct 2022 3:47AM
Agree that the focus should definitely be on what to do with the poll outcomes, most specifically which of the threads get opened :)
Unfortunately my attendance is a maybe tending towards unlikely this time... we welcomed a baby boy last friday so am juggling one more life than last month! Joyous spring things. But look forward to hearing what people think about the different options discussed under the poll.
My 2c is that ideally we at least open 'politics of food' so that we can continue the online discussions and keep our momentum and relationship building up while the rest of the structural bits get ironed out. Fwiw, I'm also supportive of Urs' suggestion last time for a collective fundraising of the $99 to expand the Loomio to include more new members (rather than 'editing out' people who aren't engaged) - if the 18 who voted on the poll chip in that's $5.50 each - a small price for inclusion and transparency! Look forward to hearing whatever else comes up, and hopefully voting on a poll to lock it in...
Aaron McLean Thu 20 Oct 2022 4:04AM
Congratulations @Dan K !!
I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to make it either. My son came to stay for a few days to get an essay finished... ran us out data - rural internet... rolls over tomorrow.
Not sure if any of you have seen the little drawing I posted, but that's my 2c. Can we have some sort of structure that is simple for people to arrive to and allows us to dig deeper as we explore. Rather than a long list of threads the moment you walk in the door.
Perhaps that way people can moderate the level of engagement / manage how many email notifications they're receiving, Otherwise I fear people, myself included, might just mute Loomio.
Does anybody have any knowledge of loomio stucture? Is it possible t do this if perhaps we have subgroups within whihc related threads can live?
I'll be interested in hearing about whatever else is discussed.
Michael Reynolds Thu 20 Oct 2022 5:34AM
Just as a wee's the link for the Zoom :)
I am happy to facilitate...but am horrible note taker.
Also happy if someone else wants to lead the discussion...
Topic: AFAA Online Kōrero
Time: Oct 20, 2022 07:00 PM Auckland, Wellington
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 7369 1471
Passcode: 519469
Michael Reynolds Thu 20 Oct 2022 6:05AM
I will hang around in the Zoom until 710pm...otherwise we will re-convene another time :)
Clay Joy Smith · Thu 6 Oct 2022 1:21AM
Reading the discussion about possibly booting up a discord server, thought I would share this in case it wasn't part of the picture forming yet:
Could be a cohesive solution!
Having loomio limited to 100 people may not be a problem if decision-making is covered by e.g. sociocracy-style elected links to a general circle, or those 'inside' of a 'membership membrane'. A complementary discord server could act as the primary space for picture forming and fielding objections from the whole community, before those with decision-making responsibilities ratified the consensus in loomio..?
Besides, different action groups could always create their own loomio groups for domain-specific decision making :)