2 proposals: #1 just a name change for the "Like" feature and #2 a rememberance-bump 1 year old posts
#1. I was thinking that maybe to further dissosiate "likes" from LifeZucking (fb) plataform, maybe changing it to "Favorite" or "Bookmark"? so that you "fav" posts or "bookmark" them for later reading, instead of having the "My Likes"?? I think changing the stream of thought of "liking" something to "bookmarking" it or "favoriteing" it is mentally healthier!
#2. I was reading 2 year old posts of my profile a couple of days ago and I kind of wanted to comment on them and bump them... maybe a functionality that after a year passed of your last posts, maybe make a limited amount of them (maybe through checkboxes?) so that you can bump them to the top and comment on them... maybe just 5 bumps permitted or maybe a special "sandbox" feature that bumps your 5/5 (or be it 2/5, or 3/5) selection to top and contains them on some sort of box that has some "Reminicense" title? This I think is a nice touch to keep in touch with your own thoughts and makes diaspora also some sort of diary and insight tool...
I dont speak english natively so maybe I had spelling errors, je!
Also I study psychology so I'm all into mindset improvement and insight tools jaja!
I'll come back to see if someone had some opinion on this one :D!
I will drop this here:
[email protected]
Thu 16 Feb 2017 4:36PM
As above, a technical block because:
1. this combines two separate topics,
2. one of which has already been discussed, voted on and implelemented,
3. and you yourself say it is not a proposal!
Thu 16 Feb 2017 11:49PM
not a proposal. needs more discussion and specification
Fri 17 Feb 2017 1:00AM
see @denschub.
Fri 17 Feb 2017 1:00AM
see @denschub
Fri 17 Feb 2017 1:07AM
See @denschub and then see my comment on diaspora ;)
goob · Thu 16 Feb 2017 4:37PM
@miko please read and understand https://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/Discussion_and_voting so you know how the project uses Loomio.