Sun 5 Dec 2021 4:46PM
Protocol: Weekly "Pulse"
@Ronen Hirsch expressed a desire to be able to sense the crew "pulse" for signs of life. This was framed along the lines of a weekly check-in space constrained to sandbox time only (no check-ins outside the time window). What 'signs of life' means, feels quite open to me but I interpret its essence as a form of self expression.
I figured I'd create a container and rough draft to save him the energy of initiating things. You can now find a channel called "Pulse" in Discord for these purposes. Please feel welcome and encouraged to regularly express your sense of beingness during sandbox hours (if you wish to play/engage).
Toni Blanco · Sun 5 Dec 2021 6:08PM
I think it would be nice to leave voice messages instead of text. What do you think about that? I will look if it is hard to share voice files from the phone and if the format is suitable for the discord app.