Fri 9 Mar 2018 10:22AM
Bank of Brexit Lies Mogg Banknote
Dick wanted some words last night for the JR Mogg banknote. I have enjoyed coming up with a few, as humour is the best form of attack! Here are a couple 'Arrogantus Toffo Posterium' (Seneca) or 'Superium Pompousi Pratus' (Cicero). Any ideas??
Linda Graham Fri 9 Mar 2018 10:45AM
Oleaginus (oleaginous) something something? Maybe not exactly funny, but true.

Huw Spanner Fri 9 Mar 2018 10:53AM
Glutinus Maximus maybe suggests his smarminess with a hint also of bottoms…

Alan Richard Champneys Fri 9 Mar 2018 6:31PM
I love both of these Maggie. Why not use both?
Huw Spanner · Fri 9 Mar 2018 10:37AM
It would have to be Prattus, I think.
I’ll have a further think.