Jonne Haß Sun 30 Sep 2012 12:02PM
The http://openbuildservice.org/ could be a consideration to centralize packaging efforts.

Florian Staudacher Sun 30 Sep 2012 8:13PM
also, for the gem issue, see: http://gembundler.com/v1.2/bundle_package.html

Jason Robinson Mon 1 Oct 2012 5:50PM
Openbuildservice looks interesting :P
Florian Staudacher · Mon 3 Sep 2012 2:46PM
@Jason, true...
I guess we could vendor all the gems and just require a minimal ruby version.
I'd say this depends on the 'git branching' discussion, since we'd have to have a stable branch for packages to be spawned from, otherwise we'd practically have a new package, like, daily