Pre planning happenings

If I could choose one idea that sticks this year, it would be this:
I would like to have no pre-event organising of - happenings, workshops, events, supprises, magic, +
To clarify, I mean that I don't want people to have to think what offerings they want to provide weeks in advance, with times and days and descriptions.
I want to really lean into imediacy here.
How to make semblance of the chaos?
1) Use the dreams platform, and encourage people to load in whatever ideas they like. They don't need to be seeking funding, be carried out, be specific, or even based in reality. Workshops, happenings, magic, all welcome. Dreams platform purpose - Colaboration and Inspiration.
2) At burn, how will anyone know whats going on?
Either you've reached out to a space adoptor (theme camp) and have scheduled something in,
or have been very specific in your dream profile.
Otherwise, I'd like to offer (hopefully with others) morning meetings (11am), where we can fill in a whiteboard with things that people feel like doing/ offering that day. If you don't make the meeting then you can fill it in later.
I think this works well with the week long burn concept. Not 150 people in the first meeting but maybe 150 by the weeks end. It means that things like e.g. an opening ceramony could be advertised and planned on the day by people that feel called to do so. Also, less pre event meetings and work and guide making. Big props to Village Burn for the inspiration.
Side quest - Sing a song at the morning meeting - Communities that sing together stay together.
Adele Meower Fri 18 Nov 2022 12:25PM
i aint going anywhere at 11am ... fuck yer burn! LOL some of us party our faces off sam and 11am is sleepy time. i know i've seen you on the dance floor at first light...;)
I think most burns are a combo of planned & spontaneous, emily and I have a few tricks up our sleeve that require mad planning but our things are semi secret anyway and we flyer for them on site.

Sam Lee Fri 18 Nov 2022 7:00PM
Maybe the smell of cooked breakfast will wake you up? You could sit on the party face bench where we'll pamper you with food, shade and kind slow words
Adele Meower Fri 18 Nov 2022 7:04PM
or maybe i'll just be up still from the night before!
Emily H Fri 18 Nov 2022 1:50PM
I really like some elements of on-the-day planning --- flexibility, in the moment, responsive (to vibes and weather etc etc) but agree with the others that a combo of spontaneous/on the day and some pre-planning is optimal.
we're in the middle of nowhere, just being practical, in order to provide certain offerings people need to plan well ahead of the event! also some events/activities/workshops require a LOT of prep and i think if people want to schedule something in advance (esp in central spaces i.e. the roundhouse) they should be able to - otherwise they won't feel happy putting in a lot of creative effort. i think preventing any sort of pre-planning could stifle larger projects and could cause anxiety / make people worry that all their effort is for nothing. it would certainly make me anxious!
don't think that really requires the creation of a WWW but perhaps a sexy spreadsheet. could maybe be a facet of dream proposals: do you need a specific space / time reserved, without which the dream cannot happen - or can this be scheduled flexibly? in this way we could try to cater both to those who are big into planning/need prep but also those who have ideas even on the morning or afternoon can join morning meetings or add to the whiteboard or just feel welcome to do it in an open space when the time is right. encourage more immediacy while also welcoming those who would like to plan.
Adele Meower Fri 18 Nov 2022 2:21PM
for me its all about path of least resistance and welcoming any and all styles... i dont think there need to be many rules just containers that support community welfare & projects to achieve our wildest dreams

Sam Lee Fri 18 Nov 2022 8:03PM
I'm not saying don't do planning, Plan and scheme away all winter long.
Still use the dreams platform to dish out moneys (not sure on dates (for those wanting to purchase now)).
Pretty much the same as last year but this year lean more on spaces to organise there own schedules/ applications and lean more on morning meetings to map out the day. Way more fluid and imediate. No need for someone to spend time doing a guide, just stick a desired time/ place in the dreams platform if you want.
1)Blindfold crafternoon in [Yurt1] 5pm Wednesday? then check with whoever has ownership of yurt1, and bring it up on wednesday morning, or thursday or friday etc.
2) Building a giant hand thats spanking a mushroom? then apply for some money on dreams platform.
3) Spectacular bass heavy event? then put in dreams platform with a desired time/place + announce in the morning
4) You've never been to a burn before and have no idea what the F** is happening, but you do like painting tiny models while being spanked? then come along, feel into the week, then advertise your tiny spanking workshop during a morning meeting
Emily H Sat 19 Nov 2022 9:41AM
thanks Sam that makes more sense I think i misunderstood youfrom the original post! <3 sounds gr8 and curious to see where all this spanking emphasis goes!! a sign of things to come???

Sam Lee Fri 18 Nov 2022 8:05PM
Also, I'm not saying that no one should make a guide, if guide making is your jam. Just that I want to put energy into dreams and morning meetings
Deleted account · Fri 18 Nov 2022 9:50AM
I couldn’t be more down for morning meetings group singing and OTD scheduling!
I ALSO think that some people like to plan their offerings and both ways should be welcome.
How would dreams funding work?
Ok, there’s no WWW guide. But can people still dream something up and acquire the materials and know they’ll be supported with funding to do so in advance of event? Thinking particularly of art, decor, lighting etc but some workshops will want to acquire stuff for them too