2024 Dates Process
AP concluded:
Decision made: Celtic Burn 2024 dates - April 29th - May 7th
Hello everyone :)
I know this is very early, but I wanted to flag that Easter 2024 is earlier in the month and will be the weekend 29th March (Good Friday) to 1st April (Easter Monday). This will affect those who's annual leave allowance runs April to April, meaning days will need to be saved from this year's allowance. I wanted to raise it now so that the conversation can happen sooner than later if CB is to remain around the Easter weekend to include school holidays.
An earlier event will also mean possible colder weather to consider. There has also been mention as to whether we want to explore another site to fit more attendees, and agreeing the dates sooner than later will help with that process.
There are some further suggestions of dates in this thread to have the event later around the May bank holiday instead.
We can look to review this in the next 4 weeks with the end date being 17th May for a conclusion.
LJ x

Sam Lee Sun 16 Apr 2023 8:05AM
LJ I think you should make this into an advice process (AP). Propose what you think the dates should be, say how long you will gather feedback for and then when that date comes edit the origional post with your decision, Decision made :)
Laura Jayne Mon 17 Apr 2023 1:16PM
@Sam Lee I'm not sure on the process you've mentioned, where to do it etc. I'm new to this platform and also CB discussions. So if someone can advise further, I would be happy to do it.

Sam Lee Mon 17 Apr 2023 1:26PM
@Laura Jayne you're doing great. Click here and it says some info about how we make community decisions. Then just edit the above proposal "2024 dates" with some more info and its an AP. It helps decisions get made. Also, if this system sucks then anyone is free to propose a new system :)

Nanna Stofberg Sun 16 Apr 2023 9:45PM
I would suggest moving it next year to around May 1st, to get the bank holiday freedom.
I also really like the idea of having Celtic Burn over an actual Celtic celebration - Beltane. Seems fitting ☺️
We can always move it back to Easter in 2025 where Easter falls later in April and will be more durable for tent living. This year was c close to too cold in the night, I think.

Nanna Stofberg Sun 16 Apr 2023 9:48PM
So April 29th - May 7th ☺️
Laura Jayne Mon 17 Apr 2023 1:17PM
@Nanna Stofberg Ohhh yeah Beltane would be nice actually. Would also mean I get a Burn Birthday too as mine is the 7th :)

fox of light Fri 21 Apr 2023 6:06PM
I like and support the idea of having CB'24 over Beltane! 🔥
And further support the search for a new (and no less beautiful!) site which will allow for fire-spinning 🔥
Laura Jayne Mon 24 Apr 2023 6:18PM
@Daniel Klein yes, of course, fire would be great too. I think we would again need to task this asap as it is getting into wedding season, so a few people searching for venues would be helpful.
Laura Jayne Sun 21 May 2023 9:38AM
Hello everyone. The time has now lapsed for the dates discussion and from the feedback it would seem that changing the event to May Bank Holiday is the consensus.
Emily H · Sat 15 Apr 2023 3:13PM
I love early planning!!
Pros over easter: 2x public holidays so easy on the leave allowance, school hols, consistency
Cons over easter: variability means super early sometimes (was really getting at the limit of remotely comfortable tent life there), may be more competitive for site bookings? + issues with early Easter and leave schedules for April-april ppl.
When else could it be? The early May bank holiday suggests itself to give at least one public holiday - already creeping close to other big UK events at that time but there will always be some overlap. I really like it being early in the year but start of May is still fairly early. We can also be continuosly flexible over the years i.e. Easter 2025 is April 21st...
no answers just thoughts mulling it over! I suppose for me at this stage either would be fine but others may have strong feelings / needs