
Network of facilities in Vogelmorn

JH( Julia Hamilton (WCC) Public Seen by 284

The development of a precinct around Vogelmorn Hall is envisaged from within existing facilities. The precinct would be complementary to a hub in Brooklyn Village, again with shared bookings and coordination. A suggested focus would be on creative and performing arts, including: shared office space for small businesses, rehearsal and performing space, art/music/tech/screen working spaces, children’s play group and community kitchen (with coffee sales) delivering a rental for the facility.
What views do you hold about the development of a precinct in the Vogelmorn area? What other activities could be added to the list?


Deleted User Wed 1 Jul 2015 9:27AM

To walk to all the schools in the area using Mornington Road, children need to cross the road. All the schools are on the opposite side of where people live. That street needs a pedestrian crossing or three, at each street intersection. There is one outside Ridgeway school, but we need crossings at Vennell St, Taft St and Garfield St. At the bottom of the Harland St pathway to Mornington Road, there is no footpath to enter Mornington Road, so that needs a crossing as well.


Joanna Ruth Randerson Wed 1 Jul 2015 10:32AM

Hello, I have just seen correspondence from Kay Miller of the BCA drawing up an agreement with the Vogelmorn Tennis Club to mark out the Vogelmorn Green as a lawn tennis court. This is absolutely bizarre. As per Jaime's email yesterday, the Vogelmorn Precinct concept just been funded for feasibility and the steering group which will undertake this study has not been informed of any of this discussion. Why are these kinds of agreements taking place without transparency and consultation?


Sue Devereux Wed 1 Jul 2015 12:13PM

Have to agree this is totally bizarre. As specially as Kay has been involved ( all be it at a long arms length) with the Kaka project has been apparently supportive of the concepts we are all working with and is aware of the funding and feasibility investigations etc. I'm absolutely gobb-smacked that she would do that. As you say not transparent and given the amount of sentiment and wide range of ideas around that space from across the community not very considerate or community minded..

Explains why Ben was not welcome at the last BCA meeting when they were going to discuss the Voglemorn space.


Sent from somewhere away from the office.


Sophie Jerram Fri 10 Jul 2015 7:01AM

Hi all, just an update on the area planning.

The Vogelmorn precinct planning is about to start - with Council having allocated $25K for a feasibility plan following the Kaka submission.

The next steps: in July, a steering group is being formed (with invitations sent for representation from WCC, Ridgway School, Vogelmorn Community Group, the Tennis Club, and Brooklyn Community Association) to guide the plan.
A professional (architect or landscape architect ) will be appointed and by the end of the year the options will be presented for the precinct. This process will take into consideration all the submissions that were made for this area.

There should be clarity by December/ January, hallelujah!

In regard to the green above (@joannaruthranderson @suedevereux) , there can be no long term promises made to any user until after this process. It would in my opinion be unwise for the tennis club to look beyond the very short term for their use of the green. Given that the fence and green requirements will be extensive I would be surprised if the club still wanted to pursue this option.


Phillip Bolton Thu 16 Jul 2015 10:22AM

The proposed group seems to be missing the most important representative which is the local Residents Association, They are recognised by the WCC as the official representative group for Mornington/Kingston.
As for use by the Tennis Club of the green I thought that everyone wanted it used more and what could be better than making it available to them pending a decision by the Kaka project


Sophie Jerram Mon 20 Jul 2015 10:46PM

Hello @phillipbolton nice to 'meet' you here.
Sorry it's taken a few days for you to see a reply; I expect the school holidays might have taken most of those who are normally online, out of the picture for a bit.

In response to your second point regarding the use of the green, yes, everyone wants the green used more. In analysing the 108 responses from the Kaka project that mentioned the area, there were many ideas for its ongoing use (community gardens, football, playground for youngsters, cycle fixing, etc). So we just have to be super clear that anything we do now does not set up exclusive usage.

As for the Precinct steering group, over the last year, several members of the BRAI executive were very active in the Kaka project steering group. At the final Kaka steering group meeting after the long term plan submission was made, the membership of the precinct groups was decided and I believe it was felt that those who were closely affected by the precinct would be included.

The BRAI was mentioned in relation to community connectedness and other broad suburb planning initiatives .

The Precinct steering group needs to be a small team comprising people from organisations with a direct operational interest in the precinct. It is not a decision-making body but a working group that ultimately will put a proposal to the WCC for decision. The wider participatory design group will ensure broad perspectives are included.
I understand you've contacted @jaimedyhrbergwcc on this and I am sure he or @davidbagnall will be able to elaborate further.

And while I'm here, I'd like to invite you to join the wider Kaka group. Given the good energy and new organisational skills we have woven together through the Kaka process I believe the group will be a strong force for connection through to Council for a while and it would be great if you and others wanted to come along. I know that @samdonald and others were keen to trial the residents association and Kaka meetings at some stage and will post these meeting dates shortly. (He may have done already)... I'll leave that up to Sam...


Sam Donald Mon 20 Jul 2015 10:51PM

Hi @sophiejerram @phillipbolton and others. The first of the 'trial' combined BRAI and KAKA Group meeting nights is next Wednesday the 29th July, 7:30pm at the Brooklyn Resource Centre on Jefferson St. Hope to see you all there.


Sam Donald Mon 20 Jul 2015 10:53PM

@sophiejerram I think that @phillipbolton was referring to the Mornington Kingston Residents Association, not BRAI.


David Bagnall Mon 20 Jul 2015 11:55PM

Further to Sophie's post, above, one idea is for the steering group to establish a participatory design process, where local people with design skills, imagination and energy, or with particular perspectives, can contribute. The intention would be for this participatory design group to have open membership, as per the Kaka Project, and for it to prepare a draft of the brief for the architect/contractor to use when doing the design and feasibility work. Hopefully this would mean much of the initial analysis, design and concept thinking could be done in the community, using the many skills that are available, to ensure we get as much value as possible from the $25K available funding. The precinct project steering group would oversee this process and use the brief when liaising with the WCC about the procurement of the design and feasibility services.

This is just an idea at this stage; the precinct project steering group can consider it when it gets up and running. Any thoughts in the meantime would be welcome.


Sophie Jerram Sun 16 Aug 2015 12:18PM

Greetings all, Just to say that the steering group that will guide the feasibility of the Vogelmorn Precinct consists of @jaimedyhrbergwcc from WCC, @davidbagnall from Ridgway School, Philip Clatworthy from the Tennis Club and @jeremymacey representing the Vogelmorn Community Group. The Brooklyn Community Association did not offer anyone to be part of the steering group. The group has met and discussion on the Vogelmorn Precinct is now at https://www.loomio.org/d/X7vC8Lk9/vogelmorn-precinct-planning-open-discussion where minutes will be posted and ideas discussed.


Joanna Ruth Randerson Sun 16 Aug 2015 7:50PM

Thanks @sophiejerram for the update, and best wishes to the Steering group for the mahi ahead.