Network of facilities in Vogelmorn
The development of a precinct around Vogelmorn Hall is envisaged from within existing facilities. The precinct would be complementary to a hub in Brooklyn Village, again with shared bookings and coordination. A suggested focus would be on creative and performing arts, including: shared office space for small businesses, rehearsal and performing space, art/music/tech/screen working spaces, children’s play group and community kitchen (with coffee sales) delivering a rental for the facility.
What views do you hold about the development of a precinct in the Vogelmorn area? What other activities could be added to the list?
Sophie Jerram Tue 17 Mar 2015 10:04AM
@davidbagnall and @turipark can we share the Vogelmorn Community Group Vision here with pictures ?
Lorraine Paterson Wed 18 Mar 2015 6:34AM
Hi, I'm Lorraine Paterson, married to Ian, with 3 children. We would like to see a cycle lane between Ridgeway school and Brooklyn school along McKinley Cres - Mornington Rd.
This could facilitate - learning to cycle, opening up more relationships between children, parents...all cyclists around these areas.
We think it would be great if the two schools could be sharing facilities and arriving via a cycle way.

Sue Devereux Wed 18 Mar 2015 9:48PM
Great idea Lorraine. Make sure you put it in your submission through the Kaka project survey. Perhaps the idea could be extended to include a cycle lane down Ohiro Rd/Happy Valley Rd? This is a very popular cycle route as specially for cycle clubs on Sat and Sunday mornings and with the level of traffic, as specially large trucks, and the speeds they travel at, travelling to the tip it can often feel a bit marginal for the cyclists down that stretch of road.
Deleted User Fri 20 Mar 2015 8:08PM
Kingston needs a focus or something that catalyses public activity in the area. Recently the reserve came into existence, and is an extensive and broad eco project that involves many activities for many years. Having a facilitiy there that focuses our attention on that project adds something to the people who live there, and attracts others.
Kingston: gateway to the TawaTawa reserve.

Ben Zwartz Sun 31 May 2015 2:50AM
Hi @lorrainepaterson I have been talking to James Burgess of Cycle Aware Wellington about this - he helped out at a DIY bike workshop yesterday. He lives in Cleveland St next to Jo's Pies.
We should get a group including school reps and cycle commuters and off-roaders to plan next steps - within suburb links rather than part of the WCC cycle path master plan maybe? How about starting with School Zone and Cyclist signs along the narrow bit of McKinlay Cres?

Ben Zwartz Sun 31 May 2015 2:52AM
Here is a cool old construction plan of Vogelmorn Hall from 1932 - thanks to Euan Harris and Moira Smith
Lorraine Paterson Mon 1 Jun 2015 10:12AM
Hi Ben, thanks for the action awareness ideas. I think it is a great idea to think of school reps, cycle commuters and off-roaders as strong voices.
Yes, the road is very narrow in parts. I think it is worth thinking about McKinley to Ridgeway school as being a one way street. If this is thought of as a viable option then the council needs to be in the circle.
If the schools partook in weekly exchange of ideas/grounds/resource exchange then we need to supply a consistently safe route.

Ben Zwartz Sun 21 Jun 2015 8:31AM
@davidbagnall and @maryannbutterfield can you please ask Liz and Kathryn to put this suggestion on the table? @simonmclellan can you please represent St Bernards School and see that they are in the room?
I think this is within the WCC business as usual realm - start with David Lee and get a WCC traffic planning officer (and Police) for a visit?
Lorraine Paterson Mon 29 Jun 2015 2:06AM
Happy Matariki, may the New Year bring some roading changes that enable the schools and bicycle riding public a safer space in our locale.
Mary Hubble · Tue 17 Mar 2015 3:00AM
I know the hall is used regularly by some groups with a martial arts focus which seems worth including as a use - indoor physical recreations that are congruent with other suggested uses would work. I am guessing that the office space etc would be in adjacent buildings rather than the hall itself as that would definitely not be the best use of one of our few remaining sprung floored, stage equipped halls!
Do we have a clear picture as a group of what uses are currently made of the hall? if not could we get this info?